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The New Age (Chealain Empire)

0 and beyond

  • 0 CE
    Cheala Nation
    Era beginning/end

    The Cheala nation is founded. Over the course a couple centuries, this nation grows to be the largest that the continent has known in collective history. It becomes known as the Chealain Empire and much of the continent's history is marked from its founding.

  • 0 CE - 501 CE
    Cheala Conquest
    Military action

    The Cheala Nation expands, subjugating the Wolntareans and taking lands from the Rider of the Plains Valley, soon to be Bain Nard, and the Reallkians. It becomes the Chealain Empire and controls the land known today as Eveavion, Phamos, Camantha, Tarajat, Innerea, Bakianna, Wolntare, and Chean. The Fulnard Islands raid the Chealain Empire's and Kasinthenel's coastline for a couple hundred years in the beginning.

  • 233 CE
    Fishing Boom
    Financial Event

    The Fulnard Islands turn to fishing which marks an end to the times that they raided the northern coastline of the Elokoi Sea, particularly along the Chealain Empire's ports.

    More reading
    Fulnard Islands
  • 294 CE
    Wolntarean Subjugation
    Political event

    Chealain Empire, after a couple decades, conquers the last of the Wolntareans and solidifies a massive stretch of northern land under its control, from the Cheala Valley through the Tearel Forest to the Ranginye Range and the Elokoi Sea.

  • 400 CE - 700 CE
    March Eastwards
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Cinane Islands take in refugees, primarily Reallkians, fleeing the Chealain Empire. The islands experience a loss of farming and fishing tribes with canoes which changes into settlements and larger ships.

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    Cinane Islands
  • 418 CE
    Reallkian Warriors United
    Diplomatic action

    The Reallkian warriors unite to resist the Chealain Empire.

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  • 501 CE
    Destruction of 501
    Celestial / Cosmic

    An unexplained magical catastrophe that simultaneously destroyed all of the most powerful artifacts across the continent and killed the most powerful spellcasters. Causes the Chealain Empire to crumble.

  • 543 CE
    New Homelands (Strokec)
    Discovery, Exploration

    Over crowding in Strokec, lead to search parties sent out to discover new lands. Soon settlers were moving from Strokec, in the San Mountains, to the Stron Mountains.

    Stron Mountains
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  • 578 CE
    Gloif is Founded

    Settlers from Strokec found the nation of Gloif. In two months, Strokec relinquishes control of the colony.

    San Mountains
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  • 593 CE
    New Homelands (Morenth)
    Discovery, Exploration

    Over crowding in Morenth causes the Berlnoth faction to leave in search of a new home. They return with news of a mountain range, the Wernt Mountains, to the south.

    Wernt Mountains
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  • 612 CE
    Bern is Founded

    Bern is established in the Wernt Mountains by the settlers from Morenth.

    Wernt Mountains
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  • 615 CE - 621 CE
    The Western Border Dispute
    Military action

    Otakai declares war on Bern for taking land they lay claim to: the Wernt Mountains. Bern's attempts to negotiate peace fall through.

    Wernt Mountains
  • 700 CE - 800 CE
    Farming in the Cinane Islands
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Cinane Islands have become farming communities with local lords.

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    Cinane Islands
  • 716 CE
    Bakianna is Founded

    A new nation, Bakianna, rises from the ashes of the Chealain Empire and begin to conquer lands, known today as Bakianna, Chean, Wolntare, Tarajat, and Innerea.

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  • 728 CE
    Farming in the Fulnards
    Discovery, Scientific

    Large scale farming techniques make farming an option on the Fulnard Islands.

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    Fulnard Islands
  • 736 CE - 738 CE
    The Northern Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    Sickness spreads through Bakianna killing a third of the population.

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  • 739 CE
    Chean is Founded

    The eastern lords of Bakianna rebel and win their freedom. The nation of Chean is founded.

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  • 748 CE - 753 CE
    Wolntareans Call for Independence

    The long subjugated Wolntaren demand their freedom, gathering in the southeastern corner of Bakianna to launch their war.

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  • 750 CE
    Bakianna Declares Win Prematurally
    Military action

    Bakianna nearly wins the war against the Wolntareans when the oppressed peoples manage to form an alliance with the Riders of Bain Nard.

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  • 751 CE
    Farshno Colony

    Gylanese builds a colony and names it Farshno.

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  • 754 CE
    Wolntare is Founded

    Wolntare is established after its people win their freedom from Bakianna.

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  • 767 CE - 773 CE
    Gylanese Colonization
    Military action

    Gylanese sends a fleet south to conquer the halfling lands.

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  • 770 CE
    Bern's Intervention
    Military action

    Nearly all the halfling lands are conquered by Gylanese. A delegation from the eastern Halfling settlements arrives in Bern seeking help against the Gylanese invaders. Bern forms an alliance with the halflings.

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  • 773 CE
    Gylanese Invasion (First Slavery War) Ends
    Military action

    The Gylanese Invasion/First Slavery War come to an end. By now, three major colonies have been established and given control of wide regions: Farshno, Hapina, and Mel.

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  • 780 CE
    Hearqiasha is Founded

    Hearqiasha is founded.

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  • 781 CE
    The Chadavar Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Gylanese army invades the peaceful Gnome kingdom: Chadavar. Chadavar offers an agreement to hand over half its lands to remain at peace. The Gylanese colony, Ishedore, is founded. Through this new conoly, Gylanese starts a massive trade enterprise and, strangely, ceases to invade other lands.

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  • 814 CE
    Civil Tensions in Gloif
    Political event

    Dispute over the throne of Gloif creates civil tensions.

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  • 823 CE
    Royal Family Divide in Gloif
    Population Migration / Travel

    The younger son of Gloif and his followers leave and seek a new home in Bern. Bern grants them refuge.

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  • 844 CE
    Eveavion is Founded

    Eveavion is established.

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  • 846 CE
    Eveavion attacks Fulnards
    Military action

    Eveavion lanches an attack on the Fulnard Islands for more land but the Fulnards repulse the attack within the year.

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  • 852 CE
    Civil Unrest in Eveavion
    Civil action

    Eveavion disolves into quarrelling, power hungry nobles.

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  • 889 CE
    Phamos is Founded

    Phamos is established.

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  • 893 CE
    Zendon Danren is Crowned
    Political event

    Zendon Danren ascends to Bakianna's throne and implements cruel laws, harsher punishments, and new religious ways.

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  • 894 CE - 897 CE
    Phamos attacks Eveavion
    Military action

    Phamos declares war on Eveavion.

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  • 894 CE
    Oakley Emerson unites Eveavion
    Political event

    Oakley Emerson unites the Eveavion nobles and repels the attack.

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  • 897 CE
    Eveavion's Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    During Oakley's rule and his son's and grandson's, Eveavion experiences a golden age.

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  • 897 CE
    Oakley Emerson is Crowned
    Political event

    Oakley Emerson accends to Eveavion's throne.

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  • 900 CE
    Cinane Unifies
    Era beginning/end

    A central aristocracy begins to form in the Cinane Islands.

    More reading
    Cinane Islands
  • 905 CE - 918 CE
    Rebellion in Bakianna

    The western region of Bakianna rebels.

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  • 918 CE - 925 CE
    Tajarat's Exploration

    Interest in the new nation leads to exploration westward into the former heart of the Chealain Empire. It eventually fades with rising tension in Eveavion.

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  • 918 CE
    Tajarat is Founded

    Tajarat is founded after a long and bloody uprising against Bakianna.

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  • 934 CE
    Dwarves Official Citizens of Bern
    Political event

    Dwarves are made official citizens in Bern.

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  • 959 CE
    Bakianna Fractures Again

    Southeastern lords of Bakianna declare their intension to leave the nation.

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  • 960 CE - 1014 CE
    Fracture War
    Military action

    The war between Bakianna and its southern lords ends in a treaty, The Founding Agreement, allowing Innarea to be founded but giving a lot of power to the Bakianna throne over future decision concerning both countries.

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  • 982 CE
    Phamos attacks Eveavion
    Military action

    When Oakley's greatgrand son, Landan, accends to the Eveavion throne, Phamos attacks but Landan repels them and proceeds to invade Phamos. Phamos repels this invasion. However, this begins over two centuries of start-stop wars between the two nations.

    Cheala Valley
  • 982
    Lord Beriki is Assassinated
    Political event

    The assassination of a lord of Reallkiy, Lord Beriki, causes a rift between the nobles.

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  • 985 CE - 988 CE
    Reallkian Civil War

    Civil war breaks out among the Reallkian warriors.

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  • 988 CE
    Mienchola is Founded

    Meinchola is founded with the Agreement of 988 which split the Reallkian lands in two providing land for the disenters. Meinchola continues to have internal bickering among its nobles.

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  • 1007 CE
    Reallkiy is Founded

    Lord Merik leads a campaign in which the Reallkian warriors formally unite and establish a monarchy and government.

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  • 1010 CE
    Camantha is Founded

    Groups of struggling people – decendents of the Chealain Empire, Wolntareans, and fleeing citizens of Eveavion or Phamos – found the nation of Camantha.

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  • 1014 CE
    Innarea is Founded

    Innarea is founded through the Founding Agreement with Bakianna.

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  • 1018 CE
    Camantha and Tajarat Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The tensions over land between Camantha and Tarajat are eased when a treaty between the nations is signed.

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  • 1028 CE
    The Chean Famine
    Disaster / Destruction

    Famine strikes Chean.

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  • 1049 CE
    Merinbec Trading Square
    Construction beginning/end

    Camantha becomes the trading center of the north with the completion of the Merinbec Trading Square in it's capitol, Finon City.

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  • 1032 CE
    Strife in Gylanese
    Civil action

    Dayton Xander, a scholar, rises to power in Gylanese, rivaling the current dictator of Gylanese. The nation is plunged into an internal power struggle

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  • 1040 CE
    Dayton Xander gains power
    Political event

    The struggle in Gylanese ends with the old dictator dead and Xander in power.

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  • 1047 CE
    Eveavion attacks Phamos
    Military action

    Phamos prepares to invade the former Gylanese lands, but an attack from Eveavion ends this.

    Cheala Valley
  • 1047 CE
    Gylanese Collapses
    Disaster / Destruction

    Gylanese collapses for unknown reasons. Gloif sends an expedition into Gylanese, only to discover a massive wasteland worst than the Otakai Desert. Only the western reaches, accross the delta, of the former nation remain untouched. Phamos prepares to invade the former Gylanese lands, but an attack from Eveavion ends this.

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  • 1048 CE
    Farshno is Founded

    Farshno declares itself a nation.

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  • 1050 CE
    Hapina is Founded

    Hapina, a former colony of Gylanese, establishes itself as a nation and continues to rely on slavery.

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  • 1052 CE
    Mel is Founded

    Mel establishes itself as a nation.

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  • 1052 CE
    Ishedore is Founded

    Ishedore declares itself a nation and continues the slave trade, though unlike the western peninsula, it does not care what races are enslaved.

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  • 1054 CE
    Ishedorean War
    Military action

    Ishedore attacks Chadavar on accusations of murdered citizens. The war drags on in a stalemate for 29 years.

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  • 1071 CE
    Teluque is Founded

    Telque is founded on the only land untouched by whatever caused the fall of Gylanese, accross the Ocadi River.

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  • 1072 CE
    First Partnership between Camantha and Tajarat Schools
    Diplomatic action

    Camanthian and Tarajat schools begin joint works on ancient historical sites. This relationship flourishes and continues to this day.

  • 1083 CE
    The Gnome's Border Treaty
    Diplomatic action

    A peace treaty is signed between Chadavar and Ishedore. Despite this, border skirmishes continue to this day between the two.

  • 1086 CE - 1088 CE
    Chean Disasters
    Disaster / Destruction

    Heavy storms and mudslides hit Chean.

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  • 1100 CE to Present
    Eveavion and Phamos Citizens

    The near constant battles between Phamos and Eveavion begins to show its toil on the land and citizens with farms struggling under heavy taxes, low crop yeilds, and fewer hands to work the land. Citizens begin fleeing to neighboring nations.

    Cheala Valley
  • 1114 CE - 1117 CE
    Innarea's Rise and Fall
    Military action

    Innarea's neighbors notice the increase in military power. Innarea collapses when its nobles begin feuding between themselves.

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  • 1136 CE
    Mienchola attacks Cinane Islands
    Military action

    A massive huricane cripples Cinane and Mienchola takes the oppotunity to attack. Under the leadership of Waylon Kelerson, Cinane drives Meinchola out.

  • 1136 CE
    Waylon Kelerson gains control of Cinane
    Political event

    Waylon Kelerson establishes a dictatorship in the Cinane Islands.

    More reading
    Cinane Islands
  • 1142 CE - 1147 CE
    Cinane Islands turn to Pirating
    Era beginning/end

    The Cinane Island farmlands fail and its citizens turn to coastal raiding. The Islands soon become a pirate haven which continues to this day.

    More reading
    Cinane Islands
  • 1142 CE - 1146 CE
    Division War in Mel
    Military action

    War in Mel breaks out over leadership and slavery and divides the kingdom. Farshno sides with the anti-slavery faction in the Division War of Mel. Tensions rise between Hapina and Farshno over this siding.

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  • 1161 CE
    The Naval Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    The Fulnards and Kasinthenel form an alliance against the raids from the Cinane Islands. While this alliance holds strong and helps the defense, the raids continue to the present day.

  • 1179 CE
    Unrest increases in Bakianna

    Nation wide discontenment in Bakianna starts underground movements against the nobility.

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  • 1192 CE
    Mienchola Continual Civil War

    War breaks out in Mienchola for unknown reasons, engulfing the entire nation, for many years to come.

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  • 1215 CE
    The Revered gains power in Innarea
    Political event

    A noble in Innarea, known as The Revered, begins to unite the noble families.

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  • 1223 CE to Present
    Second Slavery War
    Military action

    War between Farshno and Hapina break out over the movement of underground organizations disturbing the border.

  • 1223 CE
    Gylanese Returns

    Gylanese, from 1047, reappears; diplomatic talks commence between Gylanese and Telque.

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  • 1224 CE
    King Zendon Danren is Assassinated

    Revolution breaks out in Bakianna and shortly afterwards King Zendon Danren the 13th is assassinated.

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  • 1224 CE
    Mel joins the Second Slavery War
    Military action

    Mel joins the Second Slavery War.

  • 1224 CE
    Bern joins the Second Slavery War
    Military action

    Bern joins the Second Slavery War

  • 1225 CE
    Chadavar closes Borders completely
    Civil action

    Chadavar closes its borders to everyone.

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  • 1225 CE
    Wolntare supports the Rebellion in Bakianna
    Diplomatic action

    Wolntare sends support to the rebellion in Bakianna.

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  • 1227 CE
    Mienchola Border War
    Military action

    A northern warlord of Mienchola attacks Chean, Reallkiy sends aid to the defenders.

  • 1227 CE
    Internal Dispute between the three Elder Nations
    Political event

    Strokec, Kasinthenel, and Morenth fall to arguing over land and air rights with the decline of resources.

  • 1227 CE
    Innarea begins Military Action
    Military action

    The Revered from Innarea begins to march on the Otakai Pass.

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  • 1227 CE
    Otakai Pass War
    Military action

    War over the Otakai Pass breaks out between Bern, Gloif, Innarea, and Otakai.

  • 1227 CE
    TriNation Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    Otakai, Gloif, and Bern respond in force to Innarea's military and forge an alliance.

  • 1228 CE
    Civil Strife in Cinane
    Civil action

    Cleavant Jeronimo, the 13th Pirate King of Cinane, dies and civil war breaks out over the position.

    More reading
    Cinane Islands
  • 1229 CE
    Arelti joins the Second Slavery War
    Military action

    Arelti joins the Slavery Wars, siding with Farshno and Bern.

  • 1229 CE
    Fulnard Navy is Destroyed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Fulnard prepared to attack the Cinane Islands when the navy collapses over night.

    More reading
    Fulnard Islands
  • 1229 CE
    Negotations Collapse in the Western Lands
    Political event

    Negotiations between Gylanese and Telque fall through.

  • 1229 CE
    Ishedore Unrest

    Ishedore begins to experience civil unrest as factions begin to fight for power.

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  • 1230 CE

    25 Nivonna

    Oclanchester Burns
    Civil action

    The Church of Roksane marches on the royal palace in Oclanchester in Ishedore. This brings the King's Supporters and the Merchant League into the conflict and the three fall to blows in the streets.

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    Additional timelines
  • 1230 CE

    25 Kadoll

    The Invasion of Nollon
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Nollon is destroyed over night when numerous ghostly apparitions and some not so incorporeal ones appear instantaneously. Nollon, mostly abandoned as many residents flee for their lives, is now an empty city by day and a deadly one by night.

    Additional timelines