Summer Camp 2024 Roundup

A collection of every article I've written for Erina over Summer Camp 2024. In total, 32 articles, which means I managed my goal of diamond! Some of these will likely be reworked in the future (If I get around to it), but mostly I've enjoyed summer camp as a way to get words into articles over making everything perfect. Sometimes the prompts inspire me more than I ever expected them to, other times things are a little rough.

Hopefully you'll find a few that seem like an interesting read for you!

Note about the warning labels, a red NSFW means disturbing themes, while the pink NSFW means sexual themes.

Describe a tumultuous region prone to natural disasters.
The Oceans
Geographic Location | Jul 31, 2024
An environmental or other large-scale natural disaster
Eternal Storms
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 31, 2024

A sickness that caused societal upheaval
Devastation Syndrome
Condition | Jul 31, 2024

A displaced people in your world
War Cooperators
Ethnicity | Jul 31, 2024
A conflict that involved a changing environment
The Mourning War
Military Conflict | Aug 1, 2024
A vehicle that, when introduced, caused social upheaval.
Ocean Navigating Ships
Vehicle | Jul 31, 2024

A building associated with joy and fun
Sparky's Gaming Cafe
Building / Landmark | Jul 31, 2024

A settlement considered a refuge
Settlement | Jul 31, 2024

A technology used for defence or protection  
Force Fields
Technology / Science | Jul 31, 2024
A building considered a refuge against the world
Carbonne Retreats
Building / Landmark | Jul 31, 2024

A unit dedicated to guarding someone or something
Wall Guards
Military Formation | Jul 31, 2024

A personal item that keeps you safe
Flying Emergency Kit
Item | Jul 31, 2024

A charity or other organization focused around doing good
Conspiracy theory about deaths by Ravagers
Myth | Jul 31, 2024
A myth, urban legend or conspiracy theory believed by many to be true
Soros Snakes
Species | Jul 31, 2024

An evil spirit or divine antagonist
The Corruption
Character | Jul 31, 2024
Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief
Elemental Spiritual Sayings
Language | Jul 31, 2024

A leader or high-ranking person in an organization
Elected Premier
Rank/Title | Jul 31, 2024
A settlement that's known as a party town or pleasure city
Settlement | Jul 31, 2024

A hybrid species intentionally bred
Firinian Wolfdogs
Species | Jul 31, 2024

A material that is resistant to decay
Steel-Gold Alloys
Material | Jul 31, 2024

A profession that is considered dirty
Blood Sellers
Profession | Jul 31, 2024

An organization fighting corruption
Purity Investigators of Isolde
Organization | Aug 3, 2024

An animal or plant that feeds on decay
Red Crowned Vulture
Species | Jul 31, 2024

A degenerative disease
Fire Warts
Condition | Jul 31, 2024
A plant disease

A piece of tech that prevents decay
Remains Preservers
Technology / Science | Jul 31, 2024

A storyteller, author or bard in your world
Angela Golden
Character | Aug 3, 2024


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