Campaign - The Bucket Brigade

The timeline of events for the Bucket Brigade during the campagin.

  • 1486 DR

    19 Alturiak 15:00
    1486 DR

    19 Alturiak 17:00

    Green Dragon Attacks Aarakocra Settlement
    Disaster / Destruction

    An ancient green dragon unexpectedly attacks the Aarokocra settlement in the Stormhorn Mountains. FeatherFace, along with several other Aarokocra were tasked with following the green dragon after it had laid waste to their home. They all ignored their orders and began openly engaging the dragon, causing it to temporarily lose control and drop from the sky landing on one of the two remaining towers in Draegur High.

    Draegur High
  • 1486 DR

    25 Eleasis 11:00
    1486 DR

    25 Eleasis 12:00

    The Founding of the Bucket Brigade

    On this date, FeatherFace and Nimbus first met the adventurer's who responded to the Society of Stalwart Adventurers' posted ad at Draegur High. The following is a list of the orginal members of the party that would later become referred to as the "The Bucket Brigade": Oharn Stonebeard, Rin Vidale aka "Pew Pew", Izzy, Vinos Serrat aka "Sir Sleepsalot", Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae, Nimbus, and FeatherFace. The last remaining tower at Draegur High was repurposed by order of the crowned ruler of Cormyr, Raedra Obarskyr, as their base of operations.

  • 1486 DR

    25 Eleasis 17:00
    1486 DR

    25 Eleasis 18:00

    First skirmish: "Goblins & Owlbears"
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bucket Brigade's first skirmish occurs several hours after meeting one another. A band of goblins riding wargs attack the party, but the goblins are quickly dispatched. During the skirmish, a pair of owlbears catch a glimpse of Featherface and join the battle. Rin is knocked unconscious by one of the owlbears in the fight, but ultimately the remaining party members manage to subdue both owlbears.

  • 1486 DR

    26 Eleasis 9:00
    1486 DR

    26 Eleasis 10:00

    The Cult of the Dragon
    Criminal Activity

    The Bucket Brigade, while searching for coastal caves, encounters a pair of goblins along the side of the road. While trying to avoid being spotted, the party comes face to face with 2 men in dark colored robes. A melee ensues and the party manages to kill both robed men and the 2 goblins nearby. A pair of enchanted trees also attack the party unexpectedly, but eventually those are also killed. Later, the party identifies the robed men to be members of an evil cult known as the Cult of the Dragon.

  • 1486 DR

    27 Eleasis 9:00
    1486 DR

    27 Eleasis 10:00

    RIP: Rin "PewPew" Vidale
    Life, Death

    The party discovers a coastal cave and decides to explore. Inside the cave, they encounter a variety of dangerous animals that they quickly dispatch of. Further into the cave structure, the party is forced into a fight with a baron sahuagin and a giant shark. During this particular encounter, Rin Vidale is eviscerated by the giant shark.

  • 1486 DR

    27 Eleasis 13:00
    1486 DR

    27 Eleasis 14:00

    Caddell Griffith Joins the Bucket Brigade
    Life, Organisation Association

    The War Wizards send Caddell Griffith to join the Bucket Brigade. Caddell convinces the party to search Hermit's Woods instead. He explains to them that the War Wizard academy is one of the leading authorities in the realms on dragons. His studies there have taught him that the forests are where green dragons generally prefer to make their lairs.

  • 1486 DR

    29 Eleasis 03:00
    1486 DR

    29 Eleasis 05:00

    The Green Hag's Den
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The party is lured into a Green Hag's lair, but manage to defeat the Green Hag and her minions. They discover a young human girl, Emma Laith, was being held captive within a large iron cage. They free Emma and eventually decide their next course of action is to reunite her with her family in Marsember.

  • 1486 DR

    29 Eleasis 08:00
    1486 DR

    29 Eleasis 9:00

    Izzy "Comet" the Druid leaves the Bucket Brigade

    The druid known as Izzy leaves unexpectedly. The party finds his handwritten note at the site where they originally set up camp. The note explains Izzy had been called back to his druid grove to deal with an unexpected emergency. He apologizes for his sudden departure, but is also adamant he had little choice in the matter.

  • 1486 DR

    1 Eleint
    1486 DR

    1 Eleint

    Emma reunited with her family in Marsember
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bucket Brigade manages to reunite the human girl, Emma Laith, with the family who own and operate The Old Oar Inn in Marsember.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 05:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 06:00

    Oharn's Arrest
    Criminal Activity

    Oharn Stonebeard is taken into custody by members of the Purple Dragon Army. Oharn Stonebeard's direct superiors had recently been arrested for connections with the Cult of the Dragon and therefore suspected Oharn might also be involved as well.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 08:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 9:00

    The Alarphon of Marsember
    Discovery, Exploration

    Caddell Griffith seeks out the advice of the Alarphon of Marsember, Rizfeld Halfmoon.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 11:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 12:00

    Thieves' Guild of Marsember
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party decides to search for clues regarding the ambush they had learned about from Rizfeld. In one of the poorer sections of the city, Vinos Serrat aka "Sir Sleepsalot" spots signs of a thieves' guild nearby.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 11:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 15:00

    Black Market Spice Trade
    Criminal Activity

    While FeatherFace, Vinos Serrat, and Stella were searching for intel on the westside of Marsember, Nimbus and Caddell Griffith head to the eastside to return to The Old Oar Inn to drop off a gift to Emma.   Their investigations eventually uncovers that port authorities have overheard whispers of a black market spice market somewhere within the southern archipelago's of Marsember.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 12:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 13:00

    Vinos is offered a gig
    Criminal Activity

    Vinos Serrat enters the thieves' guild of Marsember solo, leaving his two companions waiting outside, and tries to make some contacts with guild members. The bartender appears to also be the main guy in charge, but fails to make a strong impression with him. Soon after, a fellow halfling seats himself at the bar right beside Vinos Serrat and opens up a friendly dialogue, eventually inquiring about his origins and skill sets. This eventually leads to an invitation for a job/heist with very little to no details, just a time, place, and date to reconvene.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 13:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 15:00

    The disappearance of Janis Crow
    Criminal Activity

    After Vinos Serrat comes up empty-handed at the thieves guild, Stella suggests they look for a local tavern for some lips to loosen. Their search brings them to the Drowning Flagon Inn which is unusally empty at this time of day. Speaking with the dwarven bartender, they learn that the Inn is struggling to make ends meet which has severely limited what their establishment can afford to prepare for it's guests. After further inquiry, they learn a pirate captain who deals in smuggling black market goods used to frequent his establishment. Normally he paid his tab before leaving, but on his most recent visit he wracked up a huge tab and skipped out. Nobody has seen Janis Crow in Marsember since. FeatherFace, offers to track him down and recover the money owed minus a finder's fee.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 22:00
    1486 DR

    2 Eleint 23:00

    Cultist Assassin Apprehended
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Bucket Brigade encounters a local street gang and captures one alive. The War Wizard, Caddell, barely escapes death during an assassination attempt just after their street gang situation was resolved. Three assassins flee the party, jumping rooftop to rooftop, but one of them is captured alive by the party.

  • 1486 DR

    2 Eleint 24:00
    1486 DR

    3 Eleint 01:00

    The Bard of Marsember
    Life, Organisation Association

    After a long and difficult night on the town, The Bucket Brigade decide it's time to head back to The Old Oar Inn for some comfort food and deep rest. At the Inn, a dwarven bard performs to a drunken crowd. The party invites the bard to sit and share a meal and drink with them. Eventually, they become well acquainted and decide to join forces.

    The Old Oar Inn
  • 1486 DR

    3 Eleint 9:00
    1486 DR

    3 Eleint 12:00

    The Sahuagin Raid
    Discovery, Exploration

    The next morning, Caddell Griffith decides to visit the War Wizards library in Marsember. Ebony Gray and Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae head out into the wilderness to hunt. Vinos Serrat, Nimbus and FeatherFace decide to hang back around The Old Oar Inn. Mid day, just as they are all reunited, they get an unexpected call to arms. Rizfeld Halfmoon requests their help in defending Marsember from sahuagins.

  • 1486 DR

    3 Eleint 12:00
    1486 DR

    3 Eleint 04:00

    Heroes of Marsember
    Military action

    A sahuagin raid had stretched the resources of the Purple Dragon Army and now looked to The Bucket Brigade to thwart the remaining attackers. A bloody battle ensues on the sands of the beach a mile east of Marsember. Using superior battle tactics, the party manages to dispatch several dozen of the sahuagin attackers with a fine blend of arcana and steel.

    The battle concludes when Ebony Gray, who'd been lying bloodied and unconscious at the feet of the very same baron sahuagin the rest of the party had encountered in a coastal cave, suddenly snaps awake. Without any hesitation, the bard splits the baron sahuagin's skull with a single perfectly-placed smite from her mace, spilling the contents of his skull onto the sandy shore. A dragonborn, Korvix Norixius and several soldiers from the Purple Dragon Army had arrived mid battle and had fought alongside them against the sahuagins. Witnessing a tiny dwarf on the brink of death display the bravery to charge headfirst back into the fray against the very foe that mortally wounded her moments earlier, was just the emotional fuel they needed to reignite their collective spirits. These soldier's testimonies lead to local rumors which spreads like wildfire across Marsember. Shortly after, Marsembians would colloquially refer to The Bucket Brigade as: "The Heroes of Marsember."

  • 1486 DR

    3 Eleint 20:00
    1486 DR

    4 Eleint 16:00

    Hidden Secrets in Marsember
    Diplomatic action

    Korvix Norixius reveals he is an agent from a secret organization sent to uproot the Cult of the Dragon's influence in Cormyr. He lays out a crude plan to draw them into the open which leads to The Bucket Brigade capturing a member of said cult to interrogate. After some physical persuasion & intimidation, the cultist eventually reveals his two primary directives: 1.) Find a shadowy figure known as the Dark Merchant and 2.) search for a hidden entrance to a cult hideout owned by their rivals, the Church of Shar. Vinos Serrat decides to revisit the thieves guild after their efforts to question the locals and merchants comes up empty-handed. Vinos learns nothing about the Dark Merchant, but leaves the guild with a cotton napkin upon which was drawn a crudely drawn map to the entrance of the Sharran hideout.

  • 1486 DR

    5 Eleint 08:00
    1486 DR

    5 Eleint 9:00

    Oharn absolved of all charges and retires from adventuring.
    Life, Career

    Oharn Stonebeard shows up to the The Old Oar Inn early this morning much to the parties' surprise. He explains that he was found innocent and was tasked with bringing the party a reward from the Crown of Cormyr to repay them for their service in defending Marsember. Everyone receives a War Wizard's cloak, a powerful magical cloak, as a reward from the crown. Oharn also explains he is going back to work at his family shop in Moonever. Furthermore, he has a new contact that can acquire exceptional quality weapons and would be willing to offer the party a discount on their first weapon purchase. After they create a quick list of the weapons they would like Oharn to acquire for them, he embraces everyone before heading back on the road.

  • 1486 DR

    5 Eleint 12:00
    1486 DR

    5 Eleint 13:00

    Korvix's contact arranges meeting with the Dark Merchant
    Discovery, Exploration

    Korvix Norixius runs into the The Bucket Brigade as they are struggling to locate the entrance to the Sharran hideout. He informs them that he went to meet with a contact when he left them earlier that morning. His contact, who wished to remain anonymous, claims he could set up a meeting between The Bucket Brigade and the Dark Merchant. Korvix asks them if they wish to meet with the Dark Merchant. They agree to meet Korvix at The Old Oar Inn at roughly 6pm who would take them to his contact. They wave goodbye to Korvix and renew their search for the hidden entrance.

  • 1486 DR

    5 Eleint 13:00
    1486 DR

    6 Eleint 9:00

    The Sharran Hideout in Marsember
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Bucket Brigade eventually locates the Sharran hideout deep below the surface. They encounter wild creatures of various shapes and sizes roaming the perimeter. Inside the abandoned hideout, they battle evil undead creatures that can travel through walls. Eventually the lack of proper weapons and lack of ways to deal with fire and necromancy forces the party to make a sudden retreat back to the surface.

  • 1486 DR

    6 Eleint 10:00
    1486 DR

    8 Eleint 12:00

    Artemis of Morningmist Hall
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Bucket Brigade recovers from their injuries and afterwards pay a visit to Oharn Stonebeard's shop in Moonever to purchase higher quality weapons. After revisiting the War Wizards's library in Marsember, Caddell Griffith suggests they hire a cleric to accompany them back into the hideout. They visit Morningmist Hall and eventually convince them to send one of their order to join them. They send Artemis Ithlon to verify their claims of undead.

  • 1486 DR

    8 Eleint 12:00
    1486 DR

    9 Eleint 05:00

    Intel Recovered from Sharran Hideout in Marsember

    The Bucket Brigade descends a second time into the depths below Marsember in hopes of retreiving any intel they can regarding the location of the green dragon's lair. They bring Artemis Ithlon, a cleric of Lathander, to help them deal with the undead they encounter previously.

    Once inside, they face off against several members from the Cult of the Dragon and after a bloody battle, manage to defeat them without suffering any casualties. Deeper within, they cross paths with a small elite squad of 5 members of the Church of Shar. They also manage to overwhelm the 5 Sharran Cultists, but Vinos Serrat suffers a fatal wound at the hands of one of the cultists.

    The Bucket Brigade eventually manage to rid the hideout of every last undead force and recover the intel on the green dragon they desired along with: a large amount of coin, some magical gear, and a powerful ancient artifact. They return to the surface and part ways with Artemis Ithlon at Morningmist Hall before heading to the War Wizards's library in Marsember

  • 1486 DR

    9 Eleint 05:00
    1486 DR

    9 Eleint 20:00

    The Bucket Brigade Adventuring Company established
    Era beginning/end

    The Bucket Brigade reports the completion of the quest set forth in the original contract. FeatherFace concludes that Vinos Serrat managed to lift the ring of mind shielding from Ebony Gray and confirms his suspicions after casting scry from his War Wizard's Cloak. Caddell Griffith pays for a regular adventuring company charter which needs renewal in one year.

  • 1486 DR

    10 Eleint 06:00
    1486 DR

    10 Eleint 12:00

    Business in Suzail
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Bucket Brigade stays the night at the Myrmidon Inn. Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae leaves early the next morning by herself and leaves a note to the party informing them that she had headed out to Jester's Green, a tiny town outside of Suzail. Nimbus & FeatherFace head after Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae and eventually catch up with her in Jester's Green and they buy and trade goods with the merchants.


    Caddell Griffith & Ebony Gray head to the College of the War Wizards and meet with the headmaster. Caddell Griffith is granted a ring which signifies his advancement with the War Wizards. Caddell Griffith also expresses his suspicions regarding Rizfeld Halfmoon to the headmaster who isn't entirely convinced and suggests he recover concrete evidence to substantiate his claims.

      Afterwards, they head back to the Myrmidon Inn and regroup with the others who had returned from Jester's Green. Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae decides to search for magic items that potentially might be sold in a shop within Suzail. After inquiring around, they are pointed towards the market stalls near the docks. They scour the market for magical items and discover several vendors who had various magical trinkets for sale and purchase several items.

  • 1486 DR

    10 Eleint 13:00
    1486 DR

    10 Eleint 16:00

    The Toll of the Onis
    Criminal Activity

    The Bucket Brigade heads north in search of any signs of a hideout regarding the Church of Shar. They received intel previously showing a hideout either exists or existed near Jester's Green. Their search for the hideout is unsuccessful, but they encounter a group of Onis posing as Purple Dragon Army soldiers collecting a toll from merchants heading into Suzail.

  • 1486 DR

    10 Eleint 17:00
    1486 DR

    11 Eleint 06:00

    Tempest & Gnolls
    Geological / environmental event

    The Bucket Brigade decides to take a short rest within Suzail and do so without incident. They discuss their options and realize if they hurry, they could theoretically attempt to return to Marsember in time to rendezvous with a certain halfling rogue that Vinos Serrat had initially met in the theives guild in Marsember.


    Just as they are about to depart from Suzail, a sudden sea storm threatens to slow their pace. Along the way, they are beset by a large pack of gnolls, but they manage to give them the slip. In the chaos of the moment, the barbarian accidentally leaves behind their magical rope of climbing where the gnolls had attempted to ambush them. Eventually, they manage to arrive in Marsember just as the storm lifts.

      Caddell Griffith returns to the library in Marsember to scour for more details regarding shadow magic that had previously been denied to him without the ring he had acquired from Suzail. After finding all he can on shadow magic, he discovers that some research seems to believe that Terazul might be one component used by the Cult of the Dragon when creating a dracolich.

  • 1486 DR

    11 Eleint 11:00
    1486 DR

    11 Eleint 16:00

    Sharran Hideout Revisited

    The Bucket Brigade decide to tie up loose ends within the Sharran hideout in Marsember.   After a brief stop at The Old Oar Inn, they head back into the hideout beneath Marsember. They discover some of the Terazul had been removed since they last visited and are unable to retrieve Vinos Serrat's body nor the ring he had lifted from them.   After battling and destroying the reanimated flaming skulls, they attempt to harvest more umber hulk parts, but encounter other unusual creatures sealed behind magical cells. Lastly, they cast dimesional door to return back to the surface after destroying the remaining brandy and Terazul they had previously left behind.

  • 1486 DR

    12 Eleint 12:00
    1486 DR

    12 Eleint 13:00

    Merrow Raiders
    Criminal Activity

    As The Bucket Brigade was returning from retrieving the rope of climbing they had inadvertently left behind a couple days prior, they happen to hear sounds of distress just off the side of the road near the beach about 3 miles west of Marsember. They encounter 8 huge aquatic monstrosities each dragging a marsembian citizen behind them as they slowly marched across the beach back into the sea.


    The Bucket Brigade manages to overpower the Merrow and rescue all the marsembians. They keep one merrow alive for questioning, but after learning about his motives, Caddell Griffith eventually decide to execute him.

  • 1486 DR

    12 Eleint 14:00
    1486 DR

    12 Eleint 15:00

    Meet the Sheethnaes
    Gathering / Conference

    Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae decides to return home to check on her parents and to retrieve an arcane catalogue. Her parents explain over a cup of chamomile tea why they want to take possession of the giant's hammer that was discovered beneath Marsember. Nimbus and Caddell Griffith decide not to hand over the hammer and assure Stella's parents that they will safeguard the hammer and Stella. Luezyne, Stella's father, concedes so long as Caddell Griffith takes full responsibility for both and he begrudingly accepts the terms.

  • 1486 DR

    12 Eleint 22:00
    1486 DR

    12 Eleint 23:00

    Revenge of the Clam Man
    Life, Crime

    The Bucket Brigade returns to The Old Oar Inn in Marsember after meeting with Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae's parents. They are startled to discover Vinos Serrat aka "Sir Sleepsalot," drinking a glass of wine at the bar waiting patiently for their arrival.   After returning the ring to Ebony Gray and explaining his connection to the House of Serrat as spy to Caddell Griffith, he questions Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae about the value of a moonblade. When that proves futile, he excuses himself and then silently slinks off into the dark streets of Marsember.   They return back inside and are offered some fresh clam soup by the staff. Apparently everyone was excited for clams and everyone agrees to the same meal. They bring out the soup and eat it while discussing the possible motives of Vinos Serrat and making preparations for the following day. After everyone had finished their soup, the help comes back to clear the bowls. That's when suddenly everyone feels their stomach clench in pain. Caddell Griffith immediately shouts expletives directed at the Cult of the Dragon man they captured and interrogated. Luckily, the effects of the poison were very mild and despite suffering explosive diarrhea throught the night, the next morning the toxins had run their course.

  • 1486 DR

    13 Eleint 10:00
    1486 DR

    13 Eleint 16:00

    Intel on Dark Merchant's Island
    Criminal Activity

    The Bucket Brigade reunite with Korvix Norixius who had been following up on the Who is the Dark Merchant?. Korvix explains that the Dark Merchant has a private island where the ultra-rich partake in debauchery and depravites outside the laws of their respective nations. Disgusted by the gory details, The Bucket Brigade decides they would like to try and put an end to the suffering taking place on the Dark Merchant's Island and immediately begin searching for expensive clothing to potentially disguise themselves as royalty in order to infiltrate the island.

  • 1486 DR

    14 Eleint 01:00
    1486 DR

    14 Eleint 03:00

    Awakening the Past
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Nimbus experiences a lucid dream that ends with her awakening in the middle of the night. Nimbus snapping awake suddenly startles a small dark figure that had been crouched outside the window of her room and before she can react, the mysterious figure vanishes from sight. Nimbus's shout sends Caddell Griffith rushing in while the others snap awake from their slumber.

    Caddell Griffith sends his owl familiar, Celeste, to attempt to follow the intruder but eventually loses sight with the small figure as it vanishes into a crack along the city walls just north of The Old Oar Inn. Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae frantically scours the room to see if anything else was amiss and eventually notices she is missing her magical boots.

    The Bucket Brigade rush to try and intercept the mysterious intruder by giving chase and entering the same small crevice in the city wall to try and track him down. Eventually they head up a flight of stairs and end up on the top of the wall where they eventually find a silken rope leading down the eastern side dropping into the bay of Marsember. Nimbus and FeatherFace jump into the brackish waters but come up empty. Caddell Griffith casts fly on Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae and sends her off to investigate a trio of ships sailing into the harbors.

    Stella's investigation of the 3 vessels also comes up empty handed. Ebony Gray notices some glistening liquid on the silken rope they discovered and examines it by tasting it while Caddell Griffith attempts to smell the liquid they had now determined was some form of mucus. They both start to gag violently, but Ebony Gray becomes incapable of breathing and begins gasping desperately trying to inhale to no avail.

    Unable to breathe, Ebony throws herself off the top of the wall and drops into the water below in desperation. She soon realizes her instincts were correct. Whatever she had licked had caused her to no longer be able to breathe outside of water. They call of the search and a few hours later, Ebony Gray is no longer affected by the mucus and can breathe without the assistance of water.

  • 1486 DR

    14 Eleint 10:00
    1486 DR

    14 Eleint 15:00

    Hjurnur Wyrmrever's Desecrated Tomb
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After everyone had returned back to the The Old Oar Inn and resumed their rest, Nimbus explains the details of her lucid dream which involve geometric shapes, the hammer she had recently recovered from the Sharran hideout, and the door they had previously failed to open.

    Armed with the clues from this dream, The Bucket Brigade returns to the Sharran hideout and manages to open the magically sealed door using the hammer as a key. Within, they find a spiral stairway leading up 50 feet which leads to another sealed door. They unlock this door the same way they opened the previous door. Inside, they find a massive tomb with a thick black substance gurgling slowly from the ground. The heavy stench of death somehow still lingering in the air of an ancient tomb. As they approach the tomb, they are immediate set up by four barbed devils waiting patiently for their opportunity to prove their worthiness.

  • 1486 DR

    14 Eleint 15:00
    1486 DR

    14 Eleint 20:00

    Saga of the Dragon Queller
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Bucket Brigade is beset by 4 barbed devils upon entering the desecrated tomb. Caddell Griffith manages to entangle one of them in sticky webbing and FeatherFace manages to stun one of the devils. Nimbus stands her ground recklessly swinging her magical maul. In the end, their combined fighting prowess manages to bring down every last barbed devil.   After defeating the last devil, they examine the tomb in the center of the room they had entered.

  • 1486 DR

    14 Eleint 20:00
    1486 DR

    14 Eleint 22:00

    Wail of the Banshees
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Bucket Brigade decides to investigate deeper into the cursed tomb. Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae walks right into a gelatinous cube. As The Bucket Brigade fights to free their companion, a group of banshees they spotted nearby is drawn to the noise of their fights with the cube.   One banshee lets out a horrific wail which causes Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae to fall unconscious. The Bucket Brigade decide to make a hasty retreat back to the surface, but are unable to cast dimension door from within the tomb.   After retreating to the entrance of the tomb, they are finally able to use their dimension door spell to retreat back to the surface and manage to reappear in the portion of Marsember that was directly above the tomb entrance. They return back to the The Old Oar Inn to rest and recover from their wounds.

  • 1486 DR

    15 Eleint 9:00
    1486 DR

    15 Eleint 15:00

    The Chosen
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Caddell Griffith is summoned to Rizfeld's office and learns of a threat made against his daughter who is studying in Candlekeep. Korvix Norixius reveals that his employeer, Elminster, believes Caddell Griffith's daughter might be a chosen of Mystra.   Caddell Griffith, FeatherFace , and Nimbus head to Suzail to acquire teleportation to Candlekeep and arrive to meet Elminster and Caddell's daughter.   Stella "The Frozen" Sheethnae and Ebony Gray join up with a knight by the name of Alexander Werner who reveals he was hired to transport materials from Marsember to Wheelon and along the way learned they were transporting a mysterious white powder within boxes marked with a purple circle. They also meet a mysterious and beautiful red-headed woman on their trip to the Society of Stalwart Adventurers offices who claims to be hunted by orcs and Sharrists.

  • 1486 DR

    10 /15 08:00
    1486 DR

    10 /15 18:00

    Arietta Seasilver

    Alexander Werner invited the chosen of Sune, Joelle Emmeline and her mysterious companion to meet them and they arrived at The Old Oar Inn early the next morning. Joelle Emmeline explained in further detail that she wished to leave Marsember and head east. She believed she was being followed by a group of orcs. After learning how long the trip would take, The Bucket Brigade members were hesitant to assist her. A bard who was also at the inn overheard the conversation and offered to assist Joelle Emmeline. The bard revealed that she was in fact Arietta Seasilver, a noble of Marsember. She possessed a ship that would take them to their destination to the east. Initially suspicious, The Bucket Brigade insisted on continuing the meeting in private. Arietta invites them all to reconvene on her ship docked in the main harbor and they take her up on the offer. They meet with Arietta hours later on her galleass, The Wave Wyvern, and continue their discussion regarding Joelle Emmeline's safe travels to Vilhon Reach to the east. After examining the worthiness of the crew and ship, The Bucket Brigade return back to the port and after saying their farewells, head back to the Inn.