History of Gemini

A timeline of events including the arrival at Gemini and everything leading up to the present day (348 AE)

Age of Discovery

135 BE 79 BE

Colonization and Initial exploration of the planet Gemini commences. Covers the events of Stardate 2907-2966

  • -135 BE


    Stardate 2907.08:
    The Hermes SFOV drops out of Slipspace in the Olympus Star System, and begins initial scans of the planet designated Gemini.   A Lander is sent to the Kronos landing site and a Forward Operating Base is established around it.

  • -134 BE

    Invention of Duskball
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The sport of Duskball is invented. Played with a bioluminescent ball, it turns into a big event and a popular passtime, played for centuries to come. Around this time, a stadium was also constructed for the game.

  • -133 BE

    Settling the Forests
    Population Migration / Travel

    Scientists began to colonize the two forests of Ayr. One is the Dark Forest, the other is a forest of wandering trees on the light half of Ayr

  • -131 BE

    Mysterious Lakes

    Scientists embark on an expedition South of Kronos to explore 2 mysteriously shaped symmetrical lakes. They never return...

  • -128 BE

    The Aether Storms
    Disaster / Destruction

    The first recorded Aether Storms appear, taking the populace by surprise. The first Aetherites and Aether Zombies are created, as Ayr is ravaged by the chaotic waves of energy

  • -127 BE

    Darkness Falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    All of a sudden, the Grand Highway goes dark, and contact with the Dark Compound is lost

  • -124 BE

    Fallen Flames
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great fire ravages a section of the Dark Forest, caused by a satellite from Kronos that fell out of orbit. Relations between the scientists living in the forest and Kronos starts to deteriorate.

  • -123 BE

    The Frog Marches
    Discovery, Exploration

    Scientists discover Frozen Marches in the Southwest region of Ayr. It is designated as a place of little note or interest, and an expedition wont be sent for about 50 years

  • -121 BE

    Fountain of Youth
    Discovery, Exploration

    Larry the Immortal returns from the Pindus Mountains claiming to have discovered a cave full of water with magical properties

  • -118 BE

    Religious event

    Some scientists begin trying to predict when the Aether Storms will occur. Some even willingly turn into Aetherites in an attempt to better attune with them. Other scientists believe this to be fake science

  • -115 BE

    Day of Light
    Cultural event

    The first annual Day of Light is celebrated in Hyperion

  • -111 BE

    The Three Sisters
    Discovery, Exploration

    Three small volcanoes are discovered off the coast of the light side of Ayr

  • -107 BE

    The Underlands

    An expedition embarks out near the Dark Forest and discovers a series of tunnel entrances leading down to an elaborate underground cave network

  • -99 BE

    Splitting Priorities
    Political event

    The scientists interested in Aether Storm studies have an idealogical schism, with the Aetherites and non-Aetherites going separate ways

  • -95 BE

    Project 626
    Life, Birth

    Reports of an "incident" in Hyperion surface. The reports claim a test subject escaped containment and fled North out of the city towards the Dark Forest. The whistleblowers and reports were swiftly swept under the rug and eventually forgotten.

  • -90 BE

    Lakeside Property
    Discovery, Scientific

    Orbital Scans from the Hermes SFOV reveal a large structure in the center of the symmetrical lakes on the South side of Ayr.

  • -87 BE

    Ayrassic Park
    Discovery, Scientific

    Archeological digs have started, and fossile evidence of fauna from the dark side of Ayr are discovered on the light side

  • -86 BE

    Discovery, Scientific

    Strange turtle-like creatures are discovered. They are visible on the dark side of Ayr, but invisible on the light side. Their shells seem to bend or divert light, and they appear resistant or immune to Aether mist

  • -85 BE

    Birds of 8 Feathers
    Discovery, Scientific

    Spottings of odd avian life begin to spring up around the Three Sisters and Pindus Mountains. The most common appear to have bright red feathers. They are quite aggressive and dangerous in large swarms

  • -82 BE

    Rock 'em Sock 'em
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Battlebots are invented, fight against eachother for entertainment purposes. Different teams are sponsored to compete. Early competition occured in the foothills of the Pindus Mountains, prior to it coming back to Kronos as an official sport

  • -79 BE

    Geological / environmental event

    The roaming mists are studied by the scientists. It is discovered that going into the mists, people see shadows of horrible creatures. Anyone who ventures in more than a few steps dies or never returns. Bodies of some are found intact after the mists move on, while others just seem to dissapear. It is confirmed that Shellites can go into the mists safely.

Dark Progression Era

78 BE 56 BE

An age of dark discoveries. Plagues, evil AI, and dark mercenaries ravage the lands of Ayr. Covers the events of Stardate 2967-2989

  • -78 BE

    Judgement Day
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Dark Tower in the southern lakes suddenly lights up. The scientists send an armed expedition to discover why, but the expedition members are never seen nor heard from again.
    Tremors soon began to shake the land, and some sort of large entity begins to roam the continent, wreaking destruction wherever it goes.

  • -76 BE

    Discovery, Scientific

    Scientists exploring the frozen marshes discover a frog-like sentient tribal species. At first communication is difficult, until all of a sudden the frog people began speaking telepathically to the scientists, asking them to leave.

  • -73 BE

    A Grim Procession
    Geological / environmental event

    The Aether Mists spread around in pockets on the light side of Ayr begun to move and coalesce into a single massive roaming fog bank.

  • -70 BE

    Political event

    Elf-like creatures from the continent south of Ayr begin trading with the Ayrans. They inform them of protective charms in the form of fragments of Shellite shells, that, if bolted to doorways, can protect the inhabitants from harm by the mists or storms

  • -67 BE

    The Destruction of Kronos
    Disaster / Destruction

    Kronos City is attacked by the Dark Entity. Huge portions of the city are destoyed by Aether Storms. Many are turned into Aether Zombies and are controlled by the entity. Affected sections of Kronos are quarantined and designated as The Lost Sector

  • -65 BE

    So Long, and Thanks for all the Shells...

    Shellites are hunted to extinction on Ayr for their shell fragments.

  • -63 BE

    Shake that Ass
    Plague / Epidemic

    A plague breaks out in Hermies Hub. This Donkey plague starts turning people into donkeys for random intervals

  • -60 BE

    Criminal Activity

    Dark mercenaries begin to ransack caravans along the dark portion of the Grand Highway

  • -59 BE

    You there, Bro?

    The Dark Compound apparently survived all these years, but was afraid the power outage was an intentional sabotage from Kronos, and the scientists there became extremely isolationist. Reports begin to surface claiming the Dark Brotherhood is seen operating out of the facility

  • -58 BE

    One Punch
    Civil action

    Some battlebot pilots decide to try to take back The Lost Sector in Kronos. They equip the bots with Shellite scales, and cross the quarantine zone lines to fight the Aether Zombie packs. Many do not return, and those that do are forever changed

Age of Innovation

55 BE 1 BE

A time of new inventions, discoveries, innovations, and prophecies. Technology shifts in major ways. Covers the events of Stardate 2990-3045

  • -55 BE

    Discovery, Scientific

    Scientists realize that the mist isn't as deadly as originally believed. The Dark Entity appears to derive power from Aether. The mists of the Grim Procession attack your senses directly, so if you block all but 1 of your senses, you can get further in the mists.

  • -44 BE

    Batteries Not Included
    Discovery, Scientific

    It is discovered that the Dark Entity recharges energy from bioluminescent sources on the dark side of Ayr

  • -32 BE

    Don't Nade me, Bro!
    Technological achievement

    Mistnades are invented

  • -26 BE

    Spirit Animals

    The Dark Brotherhood begin grafting animal parts to their bodies to increase their combat prowess

  • -13 BE

    The Great Prophecy
    Era beginning/end

    A prophecy is heralded among the populace by the Little Foot people. When the Sisters of Lava all sing in harmony , it is a sign of the end of days. And when the Dark Tower falls, the world will end.

Exodus Era

0 BE 125 AE

A time of abandonment. During this age, both Kronos and Hyperion were attacked and largely abandoned, The Hermes SFOV Lander departed the planet, and many abandoned their homes on Ayr

  • 0 AE

    The Great Exodus
    Era beginning/end

    Some of the people still left in Kronos now believe that things have gone far enough. Led by Icarus the Betrayer, a contigent of scientists commandeer the Hermes SFOV Lander and launch to space.
    When the Lander disconnects from the city grid, it causes a chain reaction, overloading the city's Quantum Fusion Reactor, and killing the power grid. With the quarantine zone disabled, and a veritable beacon of Aether energy now radiating out of the city's center, the Aether Zombie hordes wreak havoc on the remaining populace. An alliance of battlebot team Phoenixbots led by Athena, and a miltech corporation Guardtech, forms, and they fight to lead the remaining people to safety.

  • 1 AE

    Volcanic Activity
    Geological / environmental event

    The Three Sisters are becoming more active. Magma is starting to make fisures in Western Ayr

  • 1 AE

    Acid Reflux
    Cultural event

    With the magma cracks, tremors, storms, and acid rain, many inhabitants flee the light side of Ayr

  • 2 AE

    The Phoenix Rises

    Guardcorp and the Phoenixbots decide to combine and found the military city-state Phoenix City, based out of the old corp facility on the Eastern edge of Kronos. The battlebots are upgraded with military components and the first Auyver Suits are born

  • 8 AE

    The Loch Ness Lich
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The frost lich Nedra emerged from Lake Avernus in the Pindus Mountains. She poisons the lake waters and kills any who approach her domain

  • 9 AE

    Rock 'n Roar
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The rock dragon Saxum emerges from the Pindus Mountains

  • 22 AE

    Reality is a Frogging Thing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    It is discovered that the Froakie people can alter reality if enough of the 8 tribes believes something to be true. 16 Demigods emerged from the marshes and began to enact their will based on their creation

  • 49 AE

    Do you Even Lift, Ayr?
    Disaster / Destruction

    Suddenly, Ayr broke in half. the light half of the continent rose 100ft up. This messed with many forms of shadow measurement, and cause devastation on the continental scale. The Pindus Mountains were not affected. The newly formed cliffs exposed a number of Underlands tunnels to the surface, and the Tortan people emerged for the first time

  • 63 AE

    Full Animal Alchemist
    Scientific achievement

    Hyperion Palace began focusing more on potions and alchemy over more conventional science. They also continued to experiment with genetics and mixing animals together. They wished to counteract the poison in Lake Avernus

  • 65 AE

    Sibling Rivalry
    Geological / environmental event

    Two of the Three Sisters begin to erupt, forcing the Tukui inland toward the Pindus Mountains. The Sisters sink beneath the waves

  • 70 AE

    Ice and Fire
    Population Migration / Travel

    The White Dragon Glacia is seen hunting in the Dark Forest at regular intervals

  • 89 AE

    The Saxing of Hyperion
    Disaster / Destruction

    Nedra was displeased that the Hyperion scientists were trying to counteract her poison. She sends Saxum South to destroy the city.
    After somehow gaining access to the city from underground, Saxum destroyed the protective dome of the city just before an Aether Storm was about to hit, causing massive destruction

  • 125 AE

    Teenage Ninja Tortans
    Construction beginning/end

    Legend tells of 4 heroes from the Underlands tunnels that come to save the people. The city of New Hyperion is founded as a result of their heroics

Age of Redemption

126 AE 347 AE

An Age of quiet, the calm before the storm. After many hardships, trials, and tribulations, the continents of Gemini know relative peace for over a century. Both the native and alien sentient Races of the lands rebuild and settle the habitable zones of the planet, and for a while, there is hope.

  • 126 AE

    First Contact
    Era beginning/end

    A different spacefaring specieis lands north of Ayr. They begin appearing in coastal cities, offering "salvation" from their troubles. They turn out to be intergalactive slavers with a vicious temperment

  • 138 AE

    Infinite Power
    Technological achievement

    Phoenix City scientists invent the Aether Tower, bringing power and light back to the continent's major settlements

  • 200 AE

    Asinus Passinus
    Cultural event

    The donkey curse has been accepted as a normal and unavoidable part of life on Ayr, although it now infects people much more rarely and infrequently. A small contingent of the populace, however, has permanently bonded with the virus, and evolves into a new species called Asinus. They can shift between large four-legged beasts of burden, and humanoid two-legged donkey people. With an urge to haul and trade goods, and the right ass-ets for the job, many become traveling merchants

  • 247 AE

    Krang Dynasty
    Era beginning/end

    Another ship lands on Gemini, this time in the Southeast quadrant of Ayr. An ominous being that comes to be known simply as Krang begins to terrorize the populace. Legends claim that the 4 legendary Tortan heroes returned to save the people once again and stop Krang's rampage. Regardless of whether this is true, Krang suddenly dissapeared and hasnt been seen for over 100 years...

  • 339 AE

    Family Reunion
    Geological / environmental event

    The Three Sisters re-emerge from the ocean off the coast of Western Ayr

The Revelation Era

348 AE and beyond

An Age of Revelations and Prophecies

  • 348 AE

    Era beginning/end

    The current year. This year will come to be known as the dawning of a new age, full of revelations, prophecies, and the collective destinies of the denizens of Gemini.
    The question remains, however, whether this era will be named by future historians, or rather passing aliens surveying the vast ruins of Gemini. Only the heroes of this age can write the story of what is to come