Matera Cosmic Timeline Timeline
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Cosmic Timeline

The overall timeline of the world and its Cosmic Beings

Era of Ceation

0 2000

The Author creates the World Tree, and from it the first gods emerge and begin to shape the 9 Realms.

  • 0 AC

    Creation of the World

    The Author begins to write, creating the beginnings of the world

  • 1 AC

    1 Vata 01:00

    Draganna creates the flow of time
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Draganna Kalia Piitag emerges from Yigg and with her, time begins to flow.

  • 2 AC

    Thanaloc and Protos emerge

    The embodiments of Law and Chaos, Thanaloc and Protos, emerge from the World Tree.

  • 9 AC

    9 01:00
    9 AC

    9 24:00

    Death is born
    Life, Death

    The first unnamed mortal creature is shaped from the Cosmic, given time by Draganna, and will by the Author. It lives only for a day, dying and transforming into the concept of Death.

  • 100 AC

    100 AC


    The Horseman are Formed
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Death states that the end will one day come, and from his words the Spirits of the End, the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, are born. Death traps the Horseman in his realm until the time is right for them to ride.

  • 101 AC

    400 AC

    Formation of the Elements

    The four Elemental Realms, Kirru, Ardlam, Ixuil and Vatenrelm are formed to help empower the World Tree. From this event, the four Elemental Lords emerge from the tree, Yai, Yea, Yef, and Yaw.

  • 200 AC

    Era Emerges
    Religious event

    Era, the goddess of the elves, emerges from the World Tree.

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  • 300 AC

    Sartos Emerges
    Religious event

    Sartos, the first god of the Dwarves emerges from the World Tree.

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  • 300 AC

    Albanor is created
    Life, Birth

    Yea and Yaw accidently bump into each other while crafting their realms, and the slough that falls off of them forms Albanor, the first Ooze.

  • 400 AC

    Axuish and Guzmeg Emerge
    Religious event

    Axuish and Guzmeg, the first Gnomish deities, emerge from the World Tree.

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  • 400 AC

    1 Matra

    The First Fall
    Geological / environmental event

    The first leaf falls off the World Tree, granting birth the Pumpkin King and the first fall.

  • 401 AC

    600 AC

    Light and Dark are created.

    The realm of light, Uosram, and the realm of dark, Skovasil are formed to help nurture and grow the World Tree. From these realms, the gods infuse light and dark with the elements to create the first mortals.

    Additional timelines
  • 500 AC

    Mip Emerges
    Religious event

    Mip, the first Halfling deity, emerges from the World Tree

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  • 601 AC

    800 AC

    Love and Hate bloom

    The beginnings of mortal life inspire the gods, who experiment with their creations and split into factions. The Author creates the Armarium and Urro for the gods creations to live.

    Additional timelines
  • 800 AC

    1 Ura

    The First Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    The first snowfall occurs, forming into the Ice Queen, and the first Winter

  • 801 AC

    The Alpha Emerges
    Religious event

    The Alpha Emerges from the World Tree, and begins to spawn primordial beasts.

  • 810 AC

    The Alpha creates the first mortal beasts
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Alpha wanders the realms, creating the first magical beasts and animals.

  • 888 AC

    4 Ura

    Bír-Tarha is formed

    The djinn Langi and the Shaitan Duyna perform the first marriage, fusing into the deity known as Bír-Tarha, the deity of Unions.

  • 900 AC

    The Great Wyrms Emerge
    Religious event

    The Great Wyrms emerge from the soil of Yigg and are tasked with guarding the realms.

  • 991 AC

    1 Skova

    The Dark Spirit Emerges
    Life, Birth

    The first records of the Dark Spirit of the Night date to this time, either emerging from the World Tree like the other deities or otherwise gaining divine power.

  • 1000 AC

    1003 AC

    The Titans are born
    Life, Birth

    The first children of the gods, the Titans, are birthed and spread out between the realms.

  • 1000 AC

    1 Usa

    The Coming of Spring
    Life, Birth

    The Pumpkin King and the Ice Queen meet and have a child, the Prince of Rains, and with his birth the First Winter gives way to the first Spring.

  • 1016 AC

    Nilbi is stolen
    Religious event

    While wandering through Yaw's domain, Mip steals a pearl from Yaw's treasury. The act transforms the pearl in Nilbi, the halfling deity of guile.

  • 1019 AC

    Wouhaus is born
    Life, Birth

    Wouhaus, the gnomish god of Shadows, is born to Axuish and Guzmeg

  • 1038 AC

    Ingitum is forged
    Artistic creation

    Sartos, Yef and Promet work together to craft Ingitum the dwarven deity of the forge, out of the energy of the First Flame.

  • 1039 AC

    Alpha creates An
    Religious event

    Yea carves out a cave while roaming and looking for a place to rest. The Alpha passes by, and by his passing the excavated dirt takes on the form of An, the first Ursan.

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  • 1043 AC

    Neko is born
    Religious event

    The Alpha walks through the Dark Wyrms territory, and the two fight. Each of them lose four times, and in the final fight, Neko is born from the clash. Intrigued by its creation, the Alpha abandons the fight to follow Neko and create the worlds first felines.

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  • 1068 AC

    Ramè is born
    Life, Birth

    Mip and Yea have a child, Ramè, who immediately sets out to wander the world, becoming the halfling god of Exploration.

  • 1080 AC

    Alka is created
    Artistic creation

    Yea seeks out the Alpha, intrigued by its creation of An. It creates many different stone creatures to help find it, and one of the constructs uses its nose to successfully track the divine beast. Impressed by its skills, the Alpha breaths life into the construct, creating Alka, the first of the Alka race.

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  • 1094 AC

    Eve is created
    Artistic creation

    The Pale Wyrm takes a some of Protos' celestial light, and creates the Promethean Edaans.

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  • 1121 AC

    Diamond is created
    Artistic creation

    Yea and Thanaloc work together to shape the primal earth, creating Diamond, the first Gemillion.

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  • 1146 AC

    Kílf is born
    Life, Birth

    Sartos and Yaw experiment with creating new liquids, eventually creating the first alcohol. After a night of inebriation, Yaw gives birth to Kílf, the dwarven goddess of ale.

  • 1152 AC

    Brici is born
    Religious event

    Alpha creates the first primordial boar, who later attacks Yef. Yef slays the beast, and cooks its corpse. From the blaze Brici, the first of the Bura emerges.

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  • 1165 AC

    Kachi is healed
    Religious event

    The Alpha wanders through the early swamps of Ixuil, creating the first lizards. After accidently stepping on one of its creations and mortally wounding it, the lizard is found by Yef, who nurtures it back to life. This act elevates the lizard, who becomes Kachi, the first of the Ishka.

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  • 1200 AC

    1 Arda

    The Onset of Summer
    Life, Birth

    The Pumpkin King and the Ice Queen have another child, the Princess of Flowers, and the First Spring becomes the First Summer.

  • 1204 AC

    Aurë is born

    Era petitions Draganna for a inspiration for a new note in her song. Draganna plucks a piece of the sun and gives it to Era, who crafts it into Aurë, the elven god of the sun.

  • 1207 AC

    Alka ascends; Anubis is born
    Religious event

    Alka climbs the World Tree and ascends to godhood. This act gives birth to Anubis, the Alkan god of the dead.

  • 1255 AC

    Tesso is formed
    Religious event

    The Alpha walks over a sleeping Yea, and later its footprints give birth to Tesso, the first of the Nezumi.

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  • 1293 AC

    Nuri is born
    Life, Birth

    Alka courts Eve, who gives birth to Nuri, the Alkan god of Dreams

  • 1295 AC

    Humanity is born
    Religious event

    The Author, intrigued by the creation of the Edaan, and bids the other gods to help experiment with them. With the help of the gods, the Author infuses Eve with the essence of each of the Materils, who then gives birth to the first humans.

  • 1297 AC

    Ono is created
    Religious event

    Alka attempts to join one of Yef's great fiery dances, but burns of most of his tails. The burnt tails grow into Ono, the Alkan god of Mysticism.

  • 1300 AC

    Hisaluu is crafted
    Sporting Event / Competition

    A primal human attempts to run with The Alpha, but cannot keep up. They petition Yea, who carves a beast of stone for the human to ride. The ride is successful, and the beast and the man fuse to create Hisaluu, the first Centaur.

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  • 1350 AC

    Rhakra is formed
    Artistic creation

    Yea gathers up the scraps of broken earth from the race that gave birth to Hisaluu, and creates a beastly statue. The statue eventually comes to life, becoming Rhakra, the first Rhoceni.

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  • 1382 AC

    Hunginn is elevated
    Religious event

    Yai is impressed with one of the Alphas birds, and infuses it with divine energy to serve as a spy against the other deities. This act creates Hunginn, the first Tengu.

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  • 1400 AC

    Uo is born
    Life, Birth

    Alpha lays an egg within a stream owned by Yaw. The stream becomes blocked by the egg, and Yaw uses a rain cloud to carry the egg out of the stream and into Ixuil. The egg then hatches into Uo, the first Anuri.

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  • 1402 AC

    Giwathil is born

    Inspired by the light of Aûre, Draganna travels to the past and records her shadow, later imprinting it onto the moon, forming Giwathil, the elven god of the Moon.

  • 1415 AC

    Sobek is born
    Life, Relocation

    Yaw, angry at The Alpha for walking through her realm, sends a mighty beast to harass it. The Alpha infuses the beast with power, granting it legs and a will of its own. The beast, unwilling to serve Yaw any longer, flees to Ixuil and becomes Sobek, the first Dylia.

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  • 1420 AC

    Maw is born
    Military action

    Angry from the creation of Sobek, Yaw sends deadly fish to attack The Alpha. The fish engorge themselves on the Alphas blood, then turn on each other. The final survivor is transformed into Maw, the first Selia, and is banished to the depths for its hideousness.

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  • 1430 AC

    Hunginn Ascends
    Religious event

    Hunginn climbs the World Tree, ascending to full godhood.

  • 1433 AC

    Ra is born
    Life, Birth

    Hunginn courts Bir-tarha, who gives birth to to Ra, the tengu god of the the Sky.

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  • 1437 AC

    Harung is born
    Life, Birth

    Sartos courts Dragnaa despite constant rebuffs. Eventually, Dragnna relents, and together birth Harung, the dwarven god of History.

  • 1466 AC

    Hixo is born
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Eve makes a bet with Mip, and the result of the bet gives birth to Hixo, the halfling god of luck. What is bet is not entirely known, but many believe that it has something to do with the higher status of humans over halflings.

  • 1468 AC

    Tarethia is born
    Religious event

    The Alpha, wounded by Yaws attacks, lets out a sad and beautiful song. Yaw hears its singing, and is moved by its beauty. Bringing the Alpha a gift of a rare sea pearl, Yaw heals The Alpha and ends their feud. The sea pearl is transformed by this event into Tarethia, the first Merfolk

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  • 1470 AC

    Ganésha is born
    Artistic creation

    Carving a creature from a toothy tusk of the Alpha leftover from their clash, Yaw creates Ganésha, the first Luxor.

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  • 1471 AC

    Wuko is created
    Religious event

    Interested in the Alpha, Yef follows it from a distance to observe its wanderings, but cannot follow it outside of its territory. Awakened by Yef's curiosity, the burning footprints left by Yef on the ground form into Wuko, the first Tyrhin, who is able to leave Yef's lands and follow in the Alpha's wake.

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  • 1473 AC

    Iu-Sen is born
    Life, Birth

    Alka catches the eye of Yai, the goddess of the air, and together they have a child, Iu-sen, the Alkan god of Monuments.

  • 1474 AC

    Xaddel is born
    Life, Birth

    Era and Yef have a passionate fling, resulting in the birth of Xaddel, the elven god of blood.

  • 1480 AC

    An ascends
    Religious event

    An, the first Ursan, climbs the World Tree and ascends from a demigod to a true god.

  • 1487 AC

    Mel is formed
    Religious event

    The ashes of one of An's fallen companions form into Mel after An's ascension.

  • 1490 AC

    Me is born
    Life, Birth

    An asks speaks at length to Ches, and after the conversation finds that it has created a daughter, Me, the Ursan god of stealth.

  • 1500 AC

    Vidoopnir is born
    Life, Birth

    Hunginn courts Draganna, who gives birth to Vidoopnir, the tengu god of Patience.

  • 1500 AC

    Tre is created
    Religious event

    A minor wind spirt who An befriended during her ascension seeks her out, and with her new divine power An elevates her to godhood, becoming Tre, the ursan goddess of knowledge.

  • 1505 AC

    Hericartha is born
    Life, Birth

    Sartos is saved from an mighty beast by Me, who then courts her. She later gives birth to Hericartha, the dwarven goddess of warriors.

  • 1549 AC

    Namáné is born
    Life, Birth

    An unnamed mortal soul works tirelessly to achieve perfection throughout its life, and when dies, is reincarnated into Namáné, the first Manasaputra.

  • 1550 AC

    Horus is born
    Life, Birth

    Ra studies under Hericartha, and becomes infatuated with her. They have a child, Horus, the tengu god of Protection.

  • 1559 AC

    Cabmov is born
    Life, Birth

    Thanaloc and Protos are able to finally form a union, uniting law and chaos and giving birth to Cabmov. However, Cabmov is born much different, later being corrupted by Chronu and warped into the first Qilppoth. The temporal manipulation causes the union between Thanaloc and Protos to not happen correctly, and they resume their eternal war.

  • 1574 AC

    Leoaton is born
    Life, Birth

    Thanaloc and Protos's conflict mixes Thanaloc's drive for improvement with Protos' passion, giving birth to Leoaton, the first Agathion.

  • 1582 AC

    Neko Ascends; The nekoan pantheon is born.
    Religious event

    Neko climbs the World Tree and ascends from a demigod to a full god. The other nekoan deities soon emerge, born from her ascent.

  • 1640 AC

    Hazerial is born
    Life, Birth

    Thanaloc and Protos give birth to Hazerial, the first Angel.

  • 1655 AC

    Velsrac is born
    Life, Birth

    Using leftover essence from their last battle, Thanaloc attempts to weaponize the pain from the fight with Protos, but instead creates Velsrac, the first Kyton.

  • 1666 AC

    Asmodeus and Thom are born
    Life, Birth

    Angered by the creation of Velsrac, Thanaloc and Protos clash again, and their fury births the twin Fiendish Lords; Thom the first Demon and Asmodeus the first Devil. Thom sides with their "mother" Protos, while Asmodeus sides with their "father" Thanaloc.

  • 1746 AC

    Imperious is born
    Life, Birth

    Thanaloc is pushed to the brink of defeat by Protos, but crafts Imperious, the first Archon as a last ditch attempt to stave of entropy. With his help, Thanaloc pushes Protos back.

  • 1793 AC

    Skuith is born
    Religious event

    Working together with Yai, Era sings constellations into being, creating Skuith, the elven goddess of the sky.

  • 1800 AC

    Thoth is born
    Life, Birth

    Ra and Bast, the nekoan god of protection, have a child, Thoth, the tengu god of Magic.

  • 1839 AC

    Vohmana is born
    Life, Birth

    Empowered by his recent conquests, Thanaloc greatly weakens Protos and attempts to capture and contain her. In a last ditch effort, Protos funnels her power into the earth and creates Vohmana, the first Azata, who helps Protos escape.

  • 1888 AC

    Yai and Ra unite

    Yai takes Ra as her consort and tutalage, stating that he will one day rule of all below the sky.

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  • 1897 AC

    Ranva is born
    Life, Birth

    A mortal creature in Urro dies after amassing a large horde of treasure and material goods. She refuses the call of Ygg and death, and her spirit flees into a newborn baby, becoming reborn as Ranva, the first Rakshasa.

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  • 1940 AC

    Flaõf is born
    Artistic creation

    Era and Yaw sing a whispered duet to each other, which resonates in the water and gives birth to Flaõf, the elven goddess of the waves.

  • 1999 AC

    Asuran is created and discarded
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Thanaloc and Protos attempt to put aside their feud and create a new being, but the first divine mistake is made in the process. This creates Asuran, the first Ausra, who is immediatly discarded by his creators. Thanaloc and Protos reignite their conflict with greater fury, which kicks off the Age of Strife.

Age of Strife

2000 3000

The Titans turn against the gods, and discord spreads throughout the Nine Realms.

  • 2001 AC

    Prometh splits the First Flame
    Criminal Activity

    Without the permission of the gods, Prometh, the titan of fire, splits the First Flame apart and creates the first Fire Giants.

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  • 2001 AC

    2400 AC

    The Titan Rebellion
    Military action

    The Titans grow jealous of mortal life and turn against the gods. They create the demodans and the rune giants to help them conquer creation.

  • 2002 AC

    Chornu betrays the gods

    Chronu, the eldest titan, goes back in time and corrupts Cabmovs birth, causing it to mutate into a hideous beast.

  • 2010 AC

    Grimm descends; Omni is born
    Life, Death

    An unknown soul of a deceased man refuses to accept Death's judgment, and with prodding from Asuren, descends down the World Tree from Death's domain, becoming the first undead creature, known as Grimm. This act also frees part of the essences of the Four Horsemen, who coalesce into Omni, the first Daemon.

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  • 2032 AC

    Atlar creates Ahrima
    Disaster / Destruction

    Atlar, the titan of Earth, corrupts the primal earth he was supposed to protect, creating Ahrima, the first Div.

  • 2040 AC

    Gûnter is created
    Artistic creation

    Yea gifts Sartos earth to craft a son with, but accidently gives Sartos earth tainted by Atlar. Sartos uses this earth to create Gûnter, the dwarven god of cheaters and toil.

  • 2050 AC

    Tos is born
    Artistic creation

    Using the leftover corrupted stone for Gûnters creation, Sartos creates an effigy to An in an attempt to woo her, but instead creates Tos, the ursan god of hunger.

  • 2097 AC

    Hecaton creates Dandar
    Disaster / Destruction

    Hecaton, the titan of hate, carves into Cabmovs corrupted body, creating Dandar, the first Demodand.

  • 2100 AC

    2300 AC

    The Giant Expansion
    Military action

    The giants, led by the Titans, expand their empire over almost the entirety of the realms.

  • 2159 AC

    Teth creates O-bakêmo
    Disaster / Destruction

    Teth, the titan of air, splits the earth and sky, forever separating the creatures of the ground and air, and this process creates O-bakêmo, the first Oni.

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  • 2160 AC

    Urûr is born
    Life, Birth

    Following Teth's splitting of the sky, Sartos and Yai from a alliance to combat him, giving birth to Urûr, the dwarven god of mountains and giving rise to a dwarven empire in Kirru.

  • 2160 AC

    Dennu is born
    Life, Birth

    Menoti attempts to rape Eve, and the blood spilled from the conflict gives birth to Dennu, the first Orc.

  • 2169 AC

    Shi & Ihs are born
    Life, Birth

    After her assault by Menoti, Eve gives birth to a stillborn baby. Despite the trauma, Eve is heartbroken, and petitions death to give the child a second chance. Death intervenes, and is able to revive the soul by spliting it, creating the first pair of Dualox.

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  • 2191 AC

    Chrius creates deadly winter
    Criminal Activity

    Chrius, the titan of Water turns his breath onto mortals, creating the first deadly winters and blizzards.

  • 2205 AC

    Olka is born
    Life, Birth

    Phob, the titan of darkness, attempts to corrupt Mip with fear, but instead the psychic interaction creates Olka, the halfling goddess of Paranoia.

  • 2221 AC

    Hyrion betrays the Titans
    Civil action

    Convinced by Leoaton, Hyrion, the titan of Love, betrays the other titans and helps to imprison them in the realms before going into exile.

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  • 2222 AC

    Fuulia and the first Enthos are created
    Religious event

    During the conflict with the Dark Tapestry, Nyarlathotep and Tsathoggua attempt to corrupt the World Tree with slime, but instead create Fuulia, the first Slimeling, who turns against them and helps drive them away.

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  • 2222 AC

    The Dark Tapestry descends
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Dark Tapestry is drawn from darkness of the void by the fighting of the Titan Rebellion and try to invade Matera. The Nightmare Crusade is formed to combat them, and many primal gods are slain to drive them out.

  • 2230 AC

    2685 AC

    Cabmov Rampages
    Disaster / Destruction

    Mutated by temporal magic and unleashed by the Titans, Cabmov rampages through the Nine Realms, devouring many mortals and gods alike.

  • 2268 AC

    Karkin is created
    Religious event

    Maw steals some of Nibi's treasure and hides it, attempting to use the new Enthosian magic to protect it, but instead creates Karkin, the first Pinchling.

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  • 2276 AC

    Fien is born
    Religious event

    Experimenting with Enthosian magic, Thanaloc takes some of Aura's light and creates Fien, the first Brightling.

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  • 2308 AC

    Matha is born
    Life, Crime

    Axuish attempts to poison Yea using Dark Tapestry magic, who survives the attempt. As he expels the poison from his body, it forms Matha, the first Stinglilng.

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  • 2327 AC

    The First Horsman Rides; Mea, Nit, and Ios are born
    Military action

    Omni suceedes in freeing the first of the Four Horseman, War from its prison. War possesses a mortal, who attempts to slay the Alpha. The Alpha defeats War and slays its host, and the bugs that feast on its corpse become Mit, Nea and Ios, the first Mantlings.

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  • 2362 AC

    Lys is formed
    Diplomatic action

    Ahrima and Yai fight, and a maggot is knocked lose. After the battle, the maggot convinces Yai to spare them and grant them mobility, becoming Lys, the first Buzzling.

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  • 2458 AC

    Gara is created
    Artistic creation

    Gûnter promises Thanaloc he can create a powerful siege engine for him in his quest to fight chaos, but uses corrupted and shoddy materials. As soon as it is created, Gara, the first Crawling, immediately retreats into the earth, creating the Underrealm.

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    Additional timelines
  • 2500 AC

    The Pale Wyrm is slain
    Life, Death

    The Pale Wyrm grows jealous of Fien, and attempts to oust him from Usoram. Fien retaliates and slays the Pale Wyrm, causing war to break out between the gods.

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    The First
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  • 2500 AC

    2700 AC

    The Wyrms disappear
    Life, Death

    Most of the Great Wyrms are slain or otherwise disappear in Cabmov's Rampage and the fighting of the gods, and the first mortal dragons are born from their corpses.

  • 2520 AC

    Mar is created
    Military action

    An and Yaw clash briefly, and from the broken ice of their battle rises Mar, the Ursan god of war.

  • 2539 AC

    Fenris is born
    Military action

    Alka and Mar clash in battle, and their battle gives birth to Fenris, the alkan god of Rage.

  • 2546 AC

    Taazeppluck and Kis Savrah are born
    Life, Birth

    Auxish and Guzmeg have a marital spat, and temporarily split up. Auxish has a fling with Yef and gives birth to Taazeppluck, the gnome god of fire, and Guzmeg has a fling with Yaw, giving birth to Kis Savrah, the gnome goddess of water.

  • 2550 AC

    Gob is born
    Religious event

    Cabmovs' comes in contact with a lingering fragment of the First Flame, whos corrupting touch gives birth to Gob, the first Goblin.

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  • 2567 AC

    Krokk is born
    Life, Birth

    Impressed by Gob's mastery of fire, Dennu has a child with him, giving birth to Krokk, the orken god of Fire.

  • 2576 AC

    Gromir is created
    Artistic creation

    Using the corpse of the Earth Wyrm, Yea creates Gromir, the first Beetling, to defend newly created Enthos from harm.

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  • 2589 AC

    Snock and Neshomu are born
    Life, Birth

    Continuing their feud, Auxish gives birth to Snock with Yea, and Guzmeg gives birth to Neshomu with Yai.

  • 2590 AC

    Mal is born
    Life, Crime

    An steals a ember of the First Flame from Yef to warm her people, and the act creates Mal, the Ursan god of thieves.

  • 2593 AC

    Osark is born
    Life, Birth

    Thom and Dennu have a child, Osark, who becomes the orken god of magic

  • 2615 AC

    Bob and Hob are born
    Religious event

    Cabmov's rampage scrapes off some of Yea's stony skin, creating Bob, the first Bugbear and Hob, the first Hobgoblin.

  • 2644 AC

    Esva is born
    Discovery, Scientific

    Hazerial experiments with Enthosian magic and captured Yai soldiers, and eventually creates Esva, the first Hiveling.

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  • 2655 AC

    Ghrek is born
    Life, Birth

    Dandar forces himself onto Dennu, who later gives birth to Ghrek, the orken god of War

  • 2663 AC

    Rataoskr is born
    Life, Relocation

    For unclear reasons, Yai creates Rataoskr using the Alphas influence, only to abandon it shortly afterwards. Rataoskr then takes up residence on the outside of the World Tree, helping to quell the excess amount of people attempting to access the realms of the Supremes.

  • 2666 AC

    Astor is created
    Life, Crime

    Using stolen embers of the First Flame, Asmodeus creates Astor and the Astyr.

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  • 2669 AC

    Aneo is created
    Artistic creation

    Imperious and Ingitum work together in an attempt to mass-produce more a soldiers, experimenting with Enthos magic. They create Aneo and the first Antlings, but they refuse to follow their orders and retreat with Esva into the area that would become the Hivelands.

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  • 2678 AC

    Lobod is born
    Religious event

    Cabmov wounds Dennu in its rampage, and from the wound, Lobod, the orken god of blood emerges.

  • 2685 AC

    The Eye of Cabmov is imprisoned; The Pit is created
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Cabmov slays the Infernal Wyrm and many other children of Thanaloc and Protos, until being restrained, and having only their single massive eye remaining. The eye is imprisoned deep within the Urro, and Thom is tasked with guarding it. Thom uses Cabmovs warping presence to create The Pit, and with it the means to mass produce demons.

    Additional timelines
  • 2711 AC

    Ogbane becomes a demigod
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    A mortal woman is spurned time and again for her looks, and turns to magic for revenge. Studying and gaining power from Ahrima's corruption magic, she achieves demigod status and becomes Ogbane, the first hag. She goes on to birth the first Changelings.

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  • 2711 AC

    Lopi is born
    Life, Birth

    Hunginn tricks Yaw into spending the night with him, and later Yaw gives birth to Lopi, the tengu god of schemes.

  • 2734 AC

    Jistru is born
    Life, Birth

    Mal and Mip have a fling, giving birth to Jistru, the halfling god of stealth

  • 2753 AC

    Enreic begins his trial
    Military action

    Eneric, a mortal berserker goes on a rampage throughout the realms, slaughtering all living things that stand in his path, before he is challenged by The Alpha to live a lifetime as every creature he has ever slain.

  • 2777 AC

    Rozma is created
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Dennu attempts to breath in toxic fumes from Ahrima, only to vomit up Rozma, the orken god of Despoiling and Conquest.

  • 2790 AC

    Dibua is born
    Religious event

    Alka imprisons Ranva and forces them to do physical labor. Ranva's sweat forms into Dibua, the first gnoll, who frees Ranva in exchange for wealth.

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  • 2814 AC

    Sarnel is born
    Religious event

    Thom uses his increased power to add a harsh note to Era's song, giving birth to Sarnel, the elven god of earth.

  • 2905 AC

    Vonga is born
    Life, Birth

    Asmodeus attempts to sway Dennu and the orcs to serve under his rule with honeyed words. Dennu instead assaults' him, forces herself upon him, and throws him back into Urro. She later gives birth to Vonga, the orken god of slavery.

  • 2907 AC

    Albanor dies and creates the Alba
    Life, Death

    The primordial ooze Alba dies and its body mixes in the border of realms, and the first Alba are spawned from its remains.

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  • 2934 AC

    Arunti is created
    Religious event

    Hunginn attempts to fly over Yef, but flies too low and singes his tail feathers. These lost feathers grow into Arunti, the tengu goddess of color.

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Era of Separation

3000 4000

The Nine Realms have been separated by the Author, and the gods retreated to their divine realms, allowing mortal life to grow unfettered.

  • 3001 AC

    The Author creates The Rier
    Geological / environmental event

    The Author create The Rier, a new god of barriers, and imbues it into the borders of the realms, sealing them off from each other and separating the gods.

  • 3002 AC

    The Gods retreat into Ygg
    Population Migration / Travel

    The true gods move their divine realms into the World Tree, and are forbidden from direct action on the mortal plane, while the various demigods set up divine pockets in the mortal world. Now separated from the mortal world and each other, the gods must act through their divine heralds and mortal servants.

  • 3003 AC

    The Cosmic Battleground forms

    To keep fighting away from the material world, The Author creates the Cosmic Battleground, where the divine servants of the gods war against each other in the stars.

  • 3008 AC

    9 Kura

    Adinos becomes a Holy Spirit
    Life, Death

    Adinos dies and is eaten by his followers, who absorb his essence and transform him into the patron spirit, the Lord of Eternal Way.

    Additional timelines
  • 3191 AC

    3200 AC

    Valahem ascends to godhood

    Valahem goes on a journey, sailing off the edge of the world and eventually ending up in the Cosmic Battleground, where he fights against all manner of divine servants for 9 years without pause. Eventually, he attracts the attention of Fenris, the Alkan god of rage, who slays him in battle, but his death instead elevates him into godhood.

    Additional timelines
  • 3300 AC

    Luca is created
    Scientific achievement

    The eleyai of the Svanti Nation experiment on humans, and accidentally create the demigod Luca, the first Bekuma.

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    Additional timelines
  • 3400 AC

    Zahid is born
    Life, Birth

    Impressed with Valahems strength, Dennu has a child with him, giving birth to Zahid, the orken god of Half-Orcs.

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  • 3400 AC

    15 Usa

    Enriec completes his trial
    Life, Milestone

    Enreic completes the trial set by the Alpha, and his revelation promotes him to godhood.

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  • 3600 AC

    5 Ixa

    Tathallion Ascends
    Military action

    Tathalion defeats the avatar of Ghrek in battle, ascending to godhood.

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  • 3700 AC

    The Adventurers of Otoro appear
    Artistic creation

    The popular book, The Adventurers of Otoro begin to appear all over the world, and many children begin "worshiping" Otoro as a god.

  • 4000 AC

    40 Matra

    The Sundering
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Rostrom absorbs the power of an imprisoned Dark Tapestry god and shatters the Reir, ending the Age of Separation and ascending to godhood.

Age of Integration

4001 5000

The Reir is shattered and the realms are now reunited.

  • 4010 AC

    The Raid of the Gate
    Criminal Activity

    After the Sundering, The surviving Lancrik Pirates utilize magic to sail up the Root of Souls, causing havoc in the domains of the gods and eventually reaching the Gate of Truth, where they steal immortality from Death, as well as revive their fallen comrades.

  • 4100 AC

    3 Ixa

    The Collective Forms
    Technological achievement

    The technological hive-mind known as the Collective One emerges from the city of Nenu-lan and ascends to demigod status.

    Additional timelines