Red Fang Chapter 41

The line of waggons creaked their way up the steep winding road, climbing steadily above the marsh that spread out behind them. About a dozen Dwarves walked beside their horses coaxing the creatures along and chatting among themselves.

When the Dwarf in the lead caught sight of the bedraggled humans walking out from the trees, he called a halt and brought his waggon to a stop. They chatted amongst themselves as one of the humans came forward. He was a thin man with a short crop of hair, but he smiled warmly at the dwarves and clasped a hand to his heart.   “Hello, Master Dwarves,” Boden said bowing deeply.   “Hello, Master Human,” the lead dwarf said and imitated the bow as best he could. “You look like you’ve had a hard time of it. I was just saying to my brother Famor that you lot looked half dead.”   “He did,” a voice said from the other side of the hairy horse and a small, bearded head peeked over the rump to grin at Boden. “You look worse close up.”   “I imagine we do,” Boden said trying his best to smile. After a week spent traipsing through the marsh, hiding from anyone they saw and living on frogs and fish, they all felt and looked terrible.      
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The Thousand Lakes
Nestled in the shadow of the Intraana mountain range is a vast land of marsh and forest. Rivers pour in from both the north and south flooding the region until it's more lake than land and yet it is home to more life than any outsider could imagine. Hidden among the reed beds are villages and farms, not all sited on dry land, some float. The villages of the marsh elves drift with the seasons, following the migrations of birds and fish, ignored by the humans as long as they don't get too close. A human king claims dominion and is ready to shed blood to prove it, not his but those of his men, marching them into the swamp to kill and needlessly die. But there are still places where people can hide from tyrants and create homes and communities of their own.
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