2024 Summer Camp Prep

Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cheshire Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cheshire Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
Alice: ...So long as I get somewhere.
The Cheshire Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.
— Lewis Carroll
Alice in Wonderland
  I participated in Summer Camp last year, but I really only discovered it after the summer camp had already started. As a result I didn't pay much attention to what my articles looked like (cue longer side bars than articles) and I didn't engage in the community aspect of it all until the reading challenge (Summer Camp 2023 - Reading Challenge). This year I'm going to do things differently.   To make life (hopefully) easier for myself, I'm going to use two worlds, rather than one, for the prep. I'm hoping this gives me more scope as and when the prompts are dropped, and something that may be difficult to fit into one world is easier to fit into the other. These two worlds are...    

Week 1


In P'Ache

The beauty of P'Ache is that there is a lot of change happening in it all the time. It is a vast and expansive galaxy, and has changed a lot over the last several millennia due to the efforts of the Peacekeeper to bring everyone into their way of thinking and behaving. There is a constant tension (whether fueled by animosity or not) between the Peacekeepers and the peoples of the galaxy, which should keep things interesting.

In The Wilds

The Wilds is still a setting I'm building and hasn't fully formed yet, but there are three main sources of change. Firstly, on a national scale; the Separation, where the Townsfolk left the Nomads and created their own society. Secondly, on a local level; the introduction of Ivy into the camp as a Townsfolk living with Nomads. Thirdly, on a personal level; Ivy learning she is a heks.
Week 1 Homework


I'm committing to 32 prompts. I made it last time with no prep, but the outcome was messy as anything. Here's hoping I can achieve the same number with less mess this time around.  

Categories & Tags

I have recently reviewed the categories and structure for both The Wilds and P'Ache, and am happy with the set up. I have somewhere to put everything, even if it might move slightly afterwards!   In terms of tags, I've been meaning to make a helpful list of all the tags I currently use, to make sure I'm applying them properly. I've created a to do list in the side bar of this article and will be working to complete everything on it before the end of June.   For this competition I'm going to be using:  

Tag Plan

In addition to the summer camp tag I need to remember to use the following tag types
To mark the year-month
The type of article
Related peoples
Related location

The Meta

In P'Ache

Having recently changed P'Ache to be more focused on The Peacekeepers my meta for this world is woefully out of date. Adding to my to do list.  

In The Wilds

I haven't actually created a Meta for The Wilds yet, because I was still figuring things out. So I'm going to add that to my to do list in the side bar.

Week 2


In P'Ache

There are many different people and cultures in P'Ache and they find refuge in different ways. The Suuu for example, visit places like Snuuuz Burrow Stays, while the Clebveth resort to their beliefs. The Peacekeepers are somewhat inescapable, so refuges are hard to find, but important.  

In The Wilds

The Townsfolk of The Wilds take refuge in their "civilised" settlements from the uncontrollable nature outside. The Nomads, meanwhile, find their refuge, for the most part, in that same nature. It is one of the many contradictions between the two groups.
Week 2 Homework


I have met some really cool people in WA, particularly those in the Storyteller's Circle. I am sure we will hold each other accountable during Summer Camp. I also have some friends I see regularly who will be holding me to account.  


In P'Ache

I've done some work on the styling of P'Ache recently, and I'm pretty happy with it, but I'm going to review it once more and try to get some feedback from a few friends.

In The Wilds

I like the styling for The Wilds. I need to check the contrasts and so on, and getting feedback is always a good thing, so I'll add that to my to do list.


I've recently reviewed the CSS for both of my worlds, and I'm happy with it. So I am considering that part of the homework complete.  

Week 3



In P'Ache

Belief is definitely an area I have scope to build out in P'Ache. There's a lot of different cultures and the beliefs of a culture, both religious and otherwise, are something I've been thinking about a lot recently.

In The Wilds

I have created some articles about the culture and religious beliefs about the two main groups within The Wilds, but I think there is scope to build these things out and make them stronger.
Week 3 Homework



In P'Ache

I created a Spotify playlist last year before WE (WorldEmber Prep 2023 Homework) and found it really useful, so I'm going to build that out a little more with some new, relevant songs.

In The Wilds

I've taken some time this week to create this. It was actually a lot of fun and I discovered a load of songs I hadn't heard of before.


In P'Ache

Galaxy Map
  My galaxy map is very sparsely marked, and I have a lot of space to build this out.

In The Wilds

The Wilds
This is a map of The Wilds, the known world as understood by the characters of the book.
  My map of The Wilds also has a lot of spaces which are yet to be documented, so I am excited to see if Summer Camp helps build this out.

Week 4


In P'Ache

Decay is an interesting theme for P'Ache. There's the decay of the various home cultures of the planets infiltrated by the Peacekeepers. There's also the impact of Peacekeepers on the environment of the planets, which certainly causes decay as well.

In The Wilds

The relationship between the Townsfolk and the Nomads has been on a steady decay for a while. There's also some decay occurring within the Nomads themselves, particularly as a result of the prophecy which Grå Tåke is trying to force into being.
Week 4 Homework


I've recently restocked my teas so I'm off to a good start! I'm also pretty comfortable with my current writing set up. I'm going to be kitten-sitting at my step-sister's house for one of the weekends, and I think this change of environment will help.  


In P'Ache

I've recently simplified the P'Ache homepage, so I'm pretty happy with what I have. Of course, that could all change on an impulse, but at the moment it does what I need it to.

In The Wilds

I've reviewed the homepage for The Wilds and I'm happy that it gives out a lot of links to things, but it might need more context information. I'm going to leave it as is for the moment.

Author Page

I haven't looked at my author page in a long time, so now seems like a good time to update it. I'm adding that to my to do list and amd going to work on it this week.  


32/32 Prompts (+10/10)


Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

To Do List

- Create tags list   - Re-jig P'Ache Meta   - Write The Wilds Meta   - Review P'Ache Styling   - Review The Wilds Styling   - Make a Playlist for The Wilds   - Build out Inspiration section for P'Ache   - Build out Inspiration section for The Wilds   - Update author page


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Jun 5, 2024 02:54 by Ephraïm Boateng

Happy Summer Camp and Good luck with your goals!

Jun 6, 2024 21:09 by Elspeth

Happy Summer Camp to you too! Thank you so much. You too! <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jun 6, 2024 15:41 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

God bless and much success with your Summer Camp plans! <3

Jun 6, 2024 21:10 by Elspeth

Thank you! You too! Best of luck with your Summer Camp too. <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jun 9, 2024 16:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Good luck with Summer Camp! :) Looking forward to reading more in your world! :D

Jun 9, 2024 16:38 by Elspeth

Thank you so much! You too! <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Jun 10, 2024 10:08 by Feneras

Love to see more about P'Ache and The Wilds. Hope this Summer Camp will be even better than the last one. Thanks for your comment on my Prep, It helped me connect with the community and it's soooo motivating!

Jun 11, 2024 07:40 by Elspeth

Thank you! I'm glad to hear you're connecting with the community, If you ever need more motivation just let me know! XD

So many worlds to choose from...