Kazuto Inuzuka

Age: 14. Clan: Inuzuka. XP: 15,000. Rank: D-1. Village: Yukigakure.
  Chakra nature: Wind. Combat style: Support. Background: Main clan. Saving throws: Dex, wis. Proficiencies: *Tracking, *grapple, stealth, persuasion, investigation, animal handling, survival. Ryo: 50.
  Hit die: 10d8. Chakra capacity: 110. Chakra die: 10d10. AC: 19. Max HP: 120. Speed: 125ft. Proficiency bonus: +3.
  Initiative: +13. Inspiration: (1) 1. Factions: ???.
  Equipment: ???. Head: (D) Ninja Headband, +3 AC, +1 Wis. Body: (D) Leather armor, +3 AC. Left arm: (D) Chakra blades, +7, 2d6 +7 piercing. Right arm: (D) Chakra blades. Accessory 1: (C) Earrings, 2 times per day, gain adavantage on saves for stunned effect. Accessory 2: (D) contacts, +2 perception. Accessory 3: (D) Cloth wrappings, +2 to dex.
  Backpack: ???
  3 E rank bolas, +4 grapple, 25ft range. 3 sets of makabishi spikes.
  2 nets, 4 smoke bombs.
  Stats & Skills:
  Power: 8, -1.
  Grapple: +5.
  Endurance: 16, +3.
  Willpower: +3.
  Dexterity: 19, +5, +7
  Sleight of hand: +5.
  Stealth: +8.
  Wisdom: 12, +1, +4.
  Animal handling: +4.
  Chakra Control: +1.
  Insight: +1.
  Perception: +1.
  Sensory: +4.
  Survival: +1.
  Intelligence: 8. -1.
  Crafting: -1.
  History: -1.
  Investigation: +2.
  Medicine: -1.
  Religion: -1.
  Tracking: +5.
  Charisma: 12, +1.
  Deception: +1.
  Diplomacy: +1.
  Intimidation: +1.
  Persuasion: +4.
  Seduction: +1.
  Combat abilities: 26.
  Animal combat: 15. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Jinchurikki: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Kinjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 0. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Space-time: 0. Taijutsu: 11.
  Feats: 2.
  Grappler: You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling. Creatures that are one size larger than you don’t automatically succeed on checks to escape your grapple.
  Mobile: Your speed increases by 25 feet. Difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement. You don’t provoke opportunity attacks when moving past targets.
  You have a bond with an animal of your choice, this animal fights alongside you and is not just a pet but also an extension of yourself, this animal companion will level and grow alongside you, following the usual level up guide. This animal gets its own turn in combat but acts on your initiative.
  Pets: Rocco D-1 wolf. 15 AC. 70 HP, 50 chakra. +6 claw 2d8+6 slashing.
  If your animal companion is within 5ft of you or an enemy you wish to attack gain +2 to your attack roll.
  Through your animal companion you have learned how to speak with animals.
  You can control a number of animals equal to your proficiency modifier.
  Your senses have grown significantly stronger making you an excellent tracker all tracking checks are made with advantage if you have an item from the target, have met the target before or are in any other manner familiar enough with its scent/presence or any other sensing ability.
  Your animal companions can use techniques from their own chakra pool.
  Animal companions you control can impose disadvantage on attacks against allies they are next to, however if the attack hits it deals critical damage against the animal.
  Increase your dexterity score by 2 when within 40ft of one of your pets.
  Pets under your control gain access to 1 Chakra nature they can use.
  You have become attuned to your pets and can feel their life force as well as chakra amount so long as they are within 200ft of you.
  When you make a melee attack within 10ft of your pet they can immediately attack at advantage.
  Gain proficiency in insight while within 100ft of one of your pets.
  Pets and characters make their death saving throws at advantage if they are within 50ft of each other.
  Extra action x2
  If you make an unarmed strike you can make another as a minor action.
  Extra attack
  Gain advantage on hit dice rolls.
  Your unarmed attacks deal 1d4 +str/dex mod + proficiency bonus damage.
  If a target makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to block 1d6+con damage.
  If you use your reaction to block an attack you make your next melee attack against that target with advantage.
  resistance to bludgeoning damage.
  Techniques known: 27.
  E: 9, 3 hit combo, Animal adoration genjutsu, Beast fury strikes, Binding beast jutsu, Claw creation jutsu, Claw enhancement, Dynamic action, Man beast clone, Tunneling fang,
  D: 8, 5 hit combo, Beast combo strike, Beast needle flurry, Chakra Punch, Dance of the Dust Cloud, Double wolf impact fang, Dynamic marking, Pet cooperation execution,
  C: 8, 100ft punch, Claw Blitz, Crushing knee, Fang over fang, Flying claw, Pet food clone, Primary Lotus, Slobber knocker,
  B: 2, Absolute fang over fang, Protective beast aura,
  Techniques available: 0.


Asami Yuki

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Kazuto Inuzuka



Kazuto Inuzuka

Team mate (Trivial)

Towards Asami Yuki




Asami met Kazuto whenever their team was formed together as genin. When Asami was proclaiming herself as the most capable shinobi Kazuto immediately felt irritated towards his new team member. He has since then seen Asami as a royal snob who tries too hard. Asami, on the other hand, sees this person as childish, but minorly amusing at times.

Nicknames & Petnames

Idiot   Moron   Jerk

Relationship Reasoning

Team mates

Shared Acquaintances

Benjiro Akimara, Vemi Murata, Takashi Hatake, Riasu Asano, Yoro Hatake, Kiyoko Akemi, Shironu Oso, Sabishi Uchiha, Saiyuri Shima, Aki Hiro, Naomi Yuki, Hakura Bokkai, Ijiri, Miko Takeru, Vera Tobei, Tosuke Yushiro, Lakshi Hatake, Yoko Maru



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