Naomi Yuki

Yukikage Naomi Yuki

Age: 13 Clan: Yuki XP: ???. Rank: ???. Village: ???.   Chakra nature: ???. Combat style: ???. Background: ???. Saving throws: ???. Proficiencies: ???. Ryo: ???.   Hit die: ???. Chakra capacity: ???. Chakra die: ??? AC: ???. Max HP: ??? Factions: ???. Speed: ???. Proficiency bonus: +3. Equipment: ???.   Strength: ???. Constitution: ???. Dexterity: ???. Wisdom: ??? Intelligence: ???. Charisma: ???   Combat abilities: 18 at d-5, +2 every level.   Animal combat: 0. Fuinjutsu: 0. Genjutsu: 0. Insect use: 0. Kenjutsu: 0. Medical: 0. Ninjutsu: 0. Puppet: 0. Senjutsu: 0. Taijutsu: 0.   Feats: 2.   Techniques known: ???   E:     D:     C:     B:     A:     S:   Techniques available: 30.


Asami Yuki

Niece (Vital)

Towards Naomi Yuki



Naomi Yuki

Aunt (Vital)

Towards Asami Yuki




From a very young age, Asami has adored her aunt, Naomi Yuki; the current Yukikage. While her mother was more leniant on physical training, never taking much interest in politics, her aunt was able to perfectly balance both while maintaining a busy schedule. Because of these things, Asami felt inspired to grow into a capable shinobi and a great leader. While she is typically cold towards most others, a certain softness comes about Asami while around her aunt that very few people get to witness. Naomi will often times take Asami for personal training whenever she finds herself free to do so from business.

Nicknames & Petnames

Asa   Mimi

Commonalities & Shared Interests

politics   both are leaders in their own ways   both inspire others

Shared Acquaintances

Kazuto Inuzuka, Miko Takeru, Lakshi Hatake, Hakura Bokkai, Tosuke Yushiro, Ijiri, Yoro Hatake, Takashi Hatake, Benjiro Akimara, Yoko Maru, Vera Tobei, Sabishi Uchiha, Kiyoko Akemi, Saiyuri Shima, Aki Hiro, Vemi Murata, Riasu Asano

Ruled Locations


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