Ruby Dragon Order

The Ruby Dragon Order of the Dragonriders of Raishar stands out among the other Dragon Orders with their distinct traits and formidable reputation. Fearless innovators, they constantly push the boundaries of aerial combat tactics, embracing unconventional strategies and seeking an edge over their adversaries. Their firebrand resilience is unmatched, thriving under pressure and fueled by an unwavering determination to protect Raishar. No matter the situation, they refuse to yield, channeling their inner fire to overcome challenges and inspire others.   Camaraderie is a cornerstone of the Ruby Dragon Order. They foster a close-knit community, forging deep bonds with their dragon companions and fellow dragonriders. This tight unity enhances their teamwork and allows for seamless coordination in executing intricate maneuvers. Their fiery charisma captivates those around them, making them influential figures and inspiring leaders within Raishar.   With unyielding determination, the Ruby Dragon Order never backs down, pressing forward even in the face of overwhelming odds. Their audacity strikes fear into the hearts of enemies and inspires comrades, solidifying their reputation as an unstoppable force. They possess quick thinking and adaptability, excelling in making swift decisions and adjusting strategies in dynamic combat scenarios, always staying one step ahead.   The Ruby Dragon Order's combination of fearless innovation, resilience, camaraderie, charisma, determination, quick thinking, and adaptability make them legendary dragonriders. Their indomitable spirit and unwavering loyalty to Raishar and the Dragon Emperor set them apart, ensuring their place at the forefront of the Dragonrider's prestigious ranks.   The history of the Ruby Dragon Order is steeped in tales of legendary heroism and unwavering loyalty to the Dragon Emperor. Originating from ancient times, the order's roots can be traced back to the earliest dragonrider traditions in Raishar. It is said that the very first Ruby Dragon Knight, a valiant warrior named Kaelz Fireheart, forged an unbreakable bond with a majestic red dragon named Emberwing. Together, they blazed a trail of glory, defending Raishar against demonic forces and emerging victorious from countless battles.   Their triumphs and sacrifices have solidified their place as legends within the realm, forever etching their name in the annals of dragonrider lore. To this day, the Ruby Dragon Order stands as a symbol of courage, innovation, and unbreakable spirit, embodying the noble ideals and unwavering devotion that define the Dragonriders of Raishar.


Within the order, a hierarchical structure is followed, providing clear roles and responsibilities for its members. The Ruby Dragon Order is organized into five ranks, each with its distinct duties and place in the overall hierarchy:   Rubyfire: At the pinnacle of the Ruby Dragon Order stands the Rubyfire, the highest rank achievable within the order. These legendary dragonriders are hailed as paragons of courage and tactical brilliance. Rubyfires are entrusted with commanding entire battalions of dragonriders, orchestrating large-scale aerial assaults, and leading the charge in the most perilous of battles. Their presence on the battlefield inspires awe and instills fear in their adversaries.   Scorchblade: Scorchblades are revered for their unparalleled mastery in mounted combat. These elite dragonriders are skilled in wielding weapons, such as swords and spears, while mounted on their powerful Red Dragons. They are often deployed to the frontlines, engaging enemy forces directly and carving a path of destruction with their fearsome dragon steeds. Scorchblades exemplify the valor and might of the Ruby Dragon Order.   Infernoscale: The rank of Infernoscale is granted to dragonriders who have proven themselves in battle and displayed exceptional leadership qualities. They are entrusted with leading small units of dragonriders into combat, coordinating tactics, and executing strategic maneuvers. Infernoscales are known for their fiery determination, inspiring their fellow dragonriders with their unwavering resolve and unwavering commitment to victory.   Emberward: As the Emberward, dragonriders advance in their training and gain greater proficiency in both aerial combat and strategic thinking. They specialize in scouting missions, reconnaissance, and gathering intelligence on potential threats. Emberwards are tasked with analyzing the enemy's movements, identifying vulnerabilities, and relaying critical information to their superiors.   Flameguard: The Flameguard represents the entry-level rank of the Ruby Dragon Order. These dragonriders undergo rigorous training and serve as the backbone of the order. They are responsible for tending to the needs of their dragon companions, forging a deep connection and ensuring their well-being. Flameguards also engage in combat training, honing their skills in aerial maneuvers and mounted combat.

Tenets of Faith

Fiery Valor: The Ruby Dragon Order upholds the tenet of Fiery Valor, embracing the spirit of unwavering courage and audacity in the face of adversity. They believe that true heroism lies in boldly confronting challenges, regardless of the odds. The dragonriders of the Ruby Dragon Order are renowned for their daring maneuvers and fearless charges into battle, harnessing the power of their red dragon mounts to unleash torrents of flame upon their foes. They inspire others through their fearless acts, forging a legacy of bravery and unwavering resolve.   Charismatic Influence: The second tenet of the Ruby Dragon Order revolves around the art of charismatic influence. Within the order, dragonriders embody the essence of captivating leadership, understanding the power of charisma in inspiring and uniting others. They possess a profound ability to weave words with conviction, exuding a magnetic presence that draws allies to their cause. Through their nuanced charm and persuasive demeanor, these dragonriders uplift the spirits of their comrades, fostering a sense of unity and unwavering loyalty. With their ability to captivate hearts and minds, they navigate the complexities of leadership, harnessing their charisma to ignite the flames of passion, courage, and unwavering determination within the order. Their masterful communication and natural magnetism empower them to guide their allies through the trials of battle, steering them towards victory with a subtle touch and an unwavering belief in the cause they serve.   Unbreakable Loyalty: Loyalty forms the bedrock of the Ruby Dragon Order's third tenet. They believe in unwavering dedication and loyalty to the Dragon Emperor, their comrades, and the people of Raishar. The bond between a dragonrider and their red dragon mount is considered sacred, rooted in trust, and unbreakable loyalty. The dragonriders of the Ruby Dragon Order will go to great lengths to protect their fellow riders and the people they serve. They are renowned for their selflessness and willingness to make personal sacrifices to ensure the safety and well-being of their comrades and the kingdom they serve.
Military, Knightly Order
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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