
The Mistreavers are a specialized group of monster hunters who have honed their skills in combating the nightmarish creatures that emerge during Mist Storms. These hunters are also adept at navigating through the treacherous conditions of these storms and possess unique abilities to fend off the magical chaos that accompanies them. The Mistreavers are also the only known organization to train and harbor Mist Walkers, gifted individuals who can navigate through the Immaterium and bypass physical obstacles. These hunters are highly respected and feared, as their expertise in fighting monsters and navigating through the mists make them invaluable in defending the people of Rheiknor against the horrors that lurk within.


The Mistreavers are an organization with a decentralized structure that spans across Rheiknor. Each guild hall is led by an Archreaver, who has control over one or more guild halls in a specific region. For example, Archreaver Eleroth is the leader of the guild hall in Oakdale and has authority over all other Mistreaver guild halls in Osland, but not in Miscrea. This structure allows for autonomy and adaptability in responding to the unique challenges presented by Mist Storms and the monsters that lurk within them. Despite being spread out, the Mistreavers are united in their purpose of protecting the people of Rheiknor from the horrors of The Rim.   The ranks of the Mistreavers are as follows:   Apprentice: The lowest rank in the Mistreavers, an apprentice is a new member who is still learning the basics of monster hunting and Mistwalking. They are usually assigned to a senior member of the guild to train under and assist in their duties.   Hunter: Once an apprentice has gained enough experience and proven themselves in the field, they can be promoted to the rank of Hunter. Hunters are experienced monster hunters and are trusted to go on missions and patrols on their own.   Mistwarden: A Mistwarden is a more experienced hunter who has taken on additional responsibilities within the guild, such as training new members or organizing patrols. They are also responsible for overseeing the safety and security of their guild hall.   Highblade: The Highblade is the highest field rank in the Mistreavers, responsible for leading teams of hunters on more dangerous missions and taking on some of the most dangerous monsters. They also serve as liaisons between the Archreaver and the lower-ranked members of the guild.   Archreaver: The highest rank in the Mistreavers, the Archreaver is the leader of a guild hall or group of guild halls in a particular region. They are responsible for the overall operations of the guild, including recruitment, training, and organizing missions. They are also responsible for maintaining alliances with other guilds and factions within Rheiknor.
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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