Tales Around The Campfire 2024

  Another summer camp has passed, and it seems it brought about much reading to be done during that time. I read to see who had piqued my interest during that time. After exploring the many articles that have been submitted during this long and exhausting period, I have found the articles that have found that stand out for a variety of reasons. But man, was it long just to read through all of them with what time I had to do so now here you go and give some love to these writers right here.    

An Evil Spirit or Divine Antagonist

Character | Aug 8, 2024
  Writer: CrazyEddie   World: Koria   Gods can be troublesome should they decide to interact with mortals for their own goals, but the most dangerous ones are unpredictable. This is the case with this newborn one, barely a century old, who does good and evil in the city it rules over. There is one thing about praying to a god that is nowhere in sight, but to have one as a next-door neighbor is just nothing but trouble since mortal ideals and laws do not bind them to stop them.  

A Tumultuous Region Prone To Natural Disasters

Geographic Location | Sep 6, 2024

An island that breaks and crashes itself.

  Writer: Catoblepon   World: Iphars   Now, here is a place that no one wants to go, considering that it's a floating island that's literally falling apart at the moment. What makes it interesting about this place is that it was once a pleasant place to live before dark events left it as a desolate land where no one has been able to live or want to, considering the dangers of being on it. Leaving only a floating rock that is slowly tearing itself apart.  

A Displaced People In Your World

Bar'kashyr , children of the plains
Ethnicity | Aug 3, 2024
  Writer: Tyrdal   World: Aran'sha   Now, here is an interesting take on the Gnoll in this world as a nomadic culture of hunters who are not just blood-drunk brutes. A lot can be shown by applying a deeper understanding of them through their way of life and the traditions that they value, creating a different perspective that goes against a common trope that has been embedded into our minds.  

A Myth About Food

  Writer: Haleo   World: Merania  
Sickeningly sweet
Myth | Jul 28, 2024
  Now, this one is all about everyone with a sweet tooth, more notably those who oppose those who love their sugar. According to the culture known as the Huran, sugar does nothing but damage one’s character, making one weak and stupid. What makes this so intriguing is the fact that it shows a different standpoint on something that is part of our daily lives that we value in a negative way.  

An Organization Fighting Corruption

  Writer: AsterVela   World: Babikiye  
Bes Navy
Organization | Aug 2, 2024
  Here is an article all about protecting the oceans with a powerful navy at your back. The only problem is that it is all about being all-powerful, which tends to lead to being bossy and pushing everyone else around for their own agendas. Yet for these guys, it's all about protecting their homeland and enforcing peace throughout the sea, all while having a mixed review by everyone around them, making it a compelling group that stands for the greater good whether or not people want them around.    

A Myth Or Prophecy About The End Of The World

  Writer: Evie Magpie   World: Sand castles  
Call of the star eater
Myth | Aug 3, 2024
  Many people have their own end-of-the-world story about this and that, yet when you have an otherworldly being that desires to consume all the world itself. Not much can be done when dealing with such a power, but to enjoy life while you can or at least delay the inevitable that will come over time. In this world, no one seems to realize that any moment could be their last should this power return, and not knowing is the most terrifying thing.  

A Settlement Considered A Refuge

  Writer: Dazzlinkat   World: Pangorio  
Settlement | Jul 21, 2024
  Everyone wants to be safe during a storm, especially a coastal storm that can easily consume everything. This is why this town is built to withstand such violent storms, which are common occurrences, and remain standing when they are over. What makes this town attractive is the fact it is that it seems to have everything it needs to stay standing with the dangers that are constantly at its doorstep and go about its day like nothing happened when it is all over as they have nothing to really worry about.  

The Practices and Ceremonies of Worship

  Writer: PrincessESH   World: SanZera  
Honoring the Spires
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 28, 2024

Prayer to monoliths that is believed to be passed on to the suns

  Here is an exciting take on worship: rather than doing it in a temple, it is done with massive spires acting as idols, representing worshiped suns. These spires play a significant role in this faith and can be prayed to just about anywhere, as they can be seen from great distances, and prayers are done daily. They also have different ways of practicing their faith depending on how far someone is from said spires, giving it deeper depth through the practices that are a part of the faith.  

A Material That Is Resistant To Decay

  Writer: World Smithy   World: Vasara  
Material | Aug 2, 2024

The oldest known sample of Umbrasilk is thought to be more than 1,700 years old. And yet, it looks brand new... what an odd material.

  Now, I understand that most people like to have something made of silk at home for comfort, but you may have some trouble with this type of silk, considering that it can cause death or loss of limb if it is not made correctly. But if it is safe, you will end up with a well-made cloth that does not seem to fall apart no matter what time or environment it is in. It's a nice piece of silk that will never go bad for any use you want with it, so long as you don't make it just in black.  

A Hybrid Species Intentionally Bred

  Writer: Shaaman   World: Nascindor  
Species | Jul 17, 2024

The brood of a Tyrant, formed from its human followers

  So what happens when you are in a cult and worship an ungodly monstrosity? A lot of disturbing things can be said, but being able to create Human-like copies of its followers is just messed up. These so-called Unborn are nothing more than a pale imitation of life that only seeks to ensure their dark creator wishes are met, all while being used to increase a cult's numbers and doing other acts for them. Just having the idea of there being an army of disfigured-looking people who can't even act Human properly just makes anyone glad that they don't actually exist.  

Getting My Act Together

  With summer camp over, I have some plans I need to set in motion to get back on track for the time being, such as updating my articles, adding new art, and just making sure that everything comes together. I have plans to add depth to each of my worlds, but I won't go into that for the moment. Along with getting back into the writing zone since, I have not been adding as much as I used to for that matter, and have been off and on procrastinating as I am back in school fo some reason. I am also going back to my roots, where it all began with the Sagas. Since I have shelved it for a while now, I know many people will be happy. Everything else will just be about doing competitions and everything else in between, even a few of my own, so stay tuned for all of those exocomets folk until next time.

Honorable Mentions

Shaman Food
Myth | Aug 3, 2024
Brast, the Soulweaver
Character | Aug 2, 2024
Tsargis Mountains
Geographic Location | Jul 27, 2024
Re-Educated of Brillé
Ethnicity | Aug 2, 2024
The Shades of Darkness
Organization | Aug 3, 2024
Girl in Blue
Myth | Jul 29, 2024

The Girl in Blue has been spotted at every single major destructive event on Norrab in the last eight hundred years.

Settlement | Aug 2, 2024
Hamal Concordia Monastery
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024
Material | Aug 3, 2024

Material left behind by the powerfull lightning storms at the Donnercliffs

Brackish Taro
Species | Sep 1, 2024
Arcane Storms
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 31, 2024

Strange Arcane Storms that line the Slycol Desert and can drastically change people.

Character | Aug 1, 2024
The Shadow Scourge
Condition | Aug 1, 2024
The blank script stone
Document | Aug 14, 2024
Train Dragon
Vehicle | Sep 16, 2024
Decay of a Pocket Realm
Military Conflict | Aug 2, 2024
Faerie Fen
Geographic Location | Jul 31, 2024
Pottery, Mythic Pots & Urns
Technology | Sep 11, 2024

"Early Cultural Artifacts, Pots, Urns, Jars, and more!"

Language | Aug 2, 2024
Testing the Waters
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024
Land of Dreams
Geographic Location | Aug 3, 2024
Species | Sep 7, 2024
An-Galdigir - God-Kings of Akhadi
Rank/Title | Aug 2, 2024
Bojanina Koplja
Item | Sep 12, 2024

The lost spear of a missing goddess

Cover image: by Jester%


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Aug 29, 2024 20:23 by Mochi

Honoured to be an honoured mention, thank you! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 30, 2024 19:54

Thank you so much for picking the children of the plains for your reading challenge, really happy you enjoyed it.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 31, 2024 12:17 by K.S. Bishoff

Thank you for choosing Stormnotch! Glad you enjoyed it.

Come vist my worlds
Aug 31, 2024 15:53 by Adam Tingley

Thank you very much for including my article! :D

Sep 1, 2024 21:05 by Alan Byers

Thanks so much for the shoutout, Jester%!

Sep 2, 2024 10:38 by Grey

Thanks for the honourable mention, I'm glad you enjoyed my Bonemoths!

Sep 3, 2024 18:25

Thank you for the honorable shout out of my Godkings of Akhadi.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.