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Sizzabiz, known by nearly all simply as Biz, is a unique pseudodragon with the ability to verbally speak, a member of the Heroes of Saltmarsh, and a close friend and confidant of Micah Pierce.   Since the end of the Banesmark, Biz manages a fishing crew onboard the Big Nauti.  


Early Life

  Sizzabiz was born sometime in 1428 in the Summer Court of the Feywild. Identified early as a prime familiar creature, Biz studied at Coralspear University in Familiar Studies, minoring in Orcish language and literature.   From Ches of 1433 to Flamerule of 1462, Biz was the familiar of a half-elf wizard named Viserion. Then from Uktar of 1479 to Kythorn of 1491, Biz was summoned to be the familiar of an older human wizard named Lizavetta. During his time with Lizavetta, Biz was also magically enhanced to be able to speak to assist in her study of life-preserving and planar-binding magic. Biz was often a subject of study for Lizavetta, and following her death in 1491 in the Mere of Dead Men, Biz realized that her studies were effective and he was now bound to the Prime Material Plane instead of the Feywild.   Panicked, desperate, and unsure of what to do without serving a master, Biz stumbled upon the Sunny Shore Tribe, instantly ingratiating himself with a lizardfolk shaman named Swamphunter.   Biz stayed with Swamphunter for the next five years, though Swamphunter often spent most of his time in the Mere of Dead Men rather than in the tribe's den. Because of this, when Swamphunter and other members of the tribe stayed onboard the smuggling ship the Sea Ghost in Flamerule of 1496, Biz was unaware of exactly why the tribe was smuggling weapons.  

Adventuring with the Heroes of Saltmarsh

  That same month, Biz was caught sleeping while the future Heroes of Saltmarsh raided the smuggling vessel, causing the lizardfolk, and Swamphunter, to flee. Leaderless again, Biz quickly identified Micah Pierce as a potential leader and gravitated to his side, and the two instantly hit it off, getting high off of weed purchased from Davver Longbeard, Saltmarsh's druid, the next day.   Biz explained to the Heroes that the smuggling ship he was on traveled between Saltmarsh, the Styes and the lizardfolks' lair at the mouth of the Dunwater River. The Heroes of Saltmarsh, alongside Biz, then journied first to the Styes and then to the Dunwater Den, though Biz decided not to venture into the lizardfolk den, since he had bad memories of the place.   Shortly after returning from the Dunwater Dun, during the 13th, Biz and the other Heroes investigated the Emperor of the Waves for the wizard Keledek, resulting in the group's discovery of the Banesmark. Biz's reward for helping the wizard was a magical enhancement to make him stronger and sturdier in a fight. Shortly after, Micah officially proposed to Biz to become his official familiar, and Biz, extremely touched, agreed.   Biz joined the Heroes during their trip to Neverwinter and the subsequent Attack on the Neverwinter Gala. During the attack, Micah came face-to-face again with his long-time nemesis the Mask and prepared to leave the Heroes to pursue them again across the Sword Coast. While everyone universally disagreed with this decision, Biz resolved to stay with Micah no matter the outcome.   Biz and then Heroes then explored the Isle of the Abbey seeking more information on the Banesmark, and Biz, Micah and Lyra explored a nearby island connected to the Underdark, where the three of them impressed a local group of kuo-toa.   Back in Saltmarsh, Biz and fellow Hero Oceanus informed Crab, barkeep of the Empty Net, about Micah's plans to leave, and Micah choose to stay for at least a little longer, though he was unhappy about the decision.   The Heroes of Saltmarsh were then informed that they had one month to prepare for the Battle of the Spire, when the town of Saltmarsh would join the Dunwater Alliance and take back the Sunny Shore Tribe's home from the coastline-threatening sahuagins. During the preparations for the battle, Biz and Oceanus stayed above ground while the other Heroes cleared out the Saltmarsh Mine, Biz scouted for the Heroes while they cleared out the hill giant encampment Grudd Haug near Leilon, and Biz guided the Heroes' ship, the Big Nauti while the others fought a group of sea hags underwater.   During the Battle of the Spire, Biz stayed again with the Big Nauti, fighting alongside the other Marshers, while the Heroes led the first assault. Following this battle, Micah, Oceanus, Lyra, Mogran Oredelver, and Necian Arrzen were formally declared the Heroes of Saltmarsh, and Biz was sort of tacked on, due to his close relationship with the group.   Biz assisted the other Heroes in stopping Gideon Mistmoor during his magical enchantment of Saltmarsh during that years' Monster's Eve.   Biz joined the rest of the Heroes, sans Oceanus, during their heist of the Twilight Monastery, working alongside the Mask to uncover more about the Banesmark and the one using its power, S'gothgah. Following a confrontation with the monastery's Grand Shade that killed Lyra, the Heroes became separated, as Mogran took Lyra's dead body through a portal back to Saltmarsh, while Biz, Micah, and Necian ended up in Micah's family's place in Waterdeep. The three of them then booked passage to Neverwinter to retrieve their ship and then sailed back to Saltmarsh.   Biz joined the Heroes in their investigation of Firewatch Island in the Whalebones and then again during their improtu visit with Tajir Danak Waseef al-Saleem, Necian's father, in the City of Brass.   While Micah, Lyra, Mogran, and Immortal Valentine left to fight the black dragon Voaraghammanthar to retrieve the God Trap, an item the group believed would stop S'gothgah's plans, Biz stayed behind with Necian, Oceanus, and the B-Team, to keep up the facade that the other Heroes hadn't left at all.   Biz stayed behind with Oceanus and Krisella Ferox during the Heroes final investigation in the Styes, and participated in the Attack on the Neveren Trade Fleet, though he was quickly incapacitated by S'gothgah's rampaging kraken.  

Life after the Banesmark Crisis

  Following the Banesmark Crisis, Biz settled down in Saltmarsh with Micah and Oceanus, who had made their relationship official. For the next several years, the three of them created a comfortable existence. Micah bounced from job to job and eventually settled on working for Sindy Tidepusher to help sell her fish knacks across the Sword Coast, Oceanus joined the Mariners, Saltmarsh's local militia, and Biz took over control of the the Big Nauti, turning it into a fishing vessel with a hired-on crew.   In 1498, Micah and Biz, with the help of the Blackstaves of Waterdeep, were able to unbind Biz's connection the Material Plane, allowing him to return home to the Feywild if he wanted to. Despite this, Biz's relationship with Micah had grown so close that he decided not to leave his friend's side.   In Ches of 1500, Biz was kidnapped by the Mask while he, Oceanus, and Micah were visiting Waterdeep as part of a ploy by the Mask to ruin Micah's mental and emotional stability. However, Biz was rescued by the Hereos of Saltmarsh, who had reconvened to find Biz, and the Mask was defeated, his mind and spirit breaking in the process.   In 1507, Biz joined the other Heroes and Krisella in assisting Necian in emancipating a group of slaves from the City of Brass, helping them to escape the Elemental Plane of Fire and bringing them to Waterdeep.   Biz and the others Heroes attended the 97th Annual Tournament of Ki in 1517 to watch the debut performance of Lyra's Coldscar Monastery.   In the Fall of 1519, Micah and Oceanus got married in a small ceremony in Saltmarsh. Biz was, of course, in attendance.   In 1547, Biz and the now much older Heroes of Saltmarsh participated in the Liberation of Nettlemurk Hall. Biz stayed back in the Clan Velgrund warcamp with Oceanus, while Micah and the others infiltrated the orc stronghold and slew its leader.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Biz is stronger and heartier than most pseudodragons, thanks to a magical enchantment put over him by the wizard Keledek. Biz can also use his stinger when he needs to, though he prefers not to fight directly if given the chance.

Mental characteristics


For most of Biz's life, the pseudodragon was a familiar to various wizards and other magic users.   However, since the end of the Banesmark Crisis, Biz has become a surprisingly efficient captain of a fishing crew, earning a respectable living for himself and his two platonic life partners, Micah and Oceanus.

Mental Trauma

Due to the nature of his relationship with the wizard Lizavetta, which left Biz bound to the Material Plane and abadoned when she died, and then his cold and callous relationship with the lizardfolk shaman Swamphunter, Biz suffers from a sometimes crippling desire to never be left alone. This desire to ingratiate himself to someone he sees as more powerful also means Biz rarely stands up for what he believes in, defaulting to whatever his master's desire is, no matter how harmful or self destructive.   However, in the years since the end of the Banesmark Crisis, Biz has been slowly getting better and more independent, due to Micah's desire to be Biz's friend, not his master, and from the confidence Biz has gained while operating his own business.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Though not biologically a dragon, Biz nonetheless retains the draconic desire to amass gold and wealth, and he prefers to sleep on a pile of gold coins when given the chance.   Biz is also a notorious cheat at card and dice games, and his liklihood of cheating increases the more money is on the line.


Contacts & Relations

While initially viewed as an oddity by the people of Saltmarsh, Biz's participation in the Banesmark Crisis have caused him to become accepted by the townsfolk. Though he and Micah are still viewed by many Marshers are a bit of a mess, they are nonetheless appreciated for the work they've done, and Biz's fishing business allows him to become particularly close with many of the town's fisherman who frequent the Snapping Lure.   Biz remains fond of the varrying members of the Heroes of Saltmarsh, though his contact with each of them varies wildly.   Biz and Mogran Oredelver stay in contact often through letters from Mog sent from his home in Neverwinter or from the frequent visits to and from Saltmarsh. Biz's relationship also continues to Mog's three adopted children, where he prefers to be called "Uncle Biz."   Biz remains fond and friendly of Necian, but due to the latter's abrupt departure following the end of the Banesmark Crisis and his infrequent visits, the two are not as close as Biz would like.   Though Biz enjoys Lyra's company, the same can not be said in reverse. Lyra is abbrasive to Biz and often ignores him, and the two have not spoken much since the Attack on the Neveren Trade Fleet.   After the death of the Aliford Tidepusher in 1501, Biz also supplies his widow, Sindy with fresh fish for the creation of her fish knacks.

Family Ties

Though not strictly related or married, Biz nonetheless views Micah Pierce and his love Oceanus as his family. The three of them are incredible close and have a relationship that is hard to parce from the outside.


For an inexplicable reason, Biz speaks with a very heavy American New York accent.
Current Status
Tied to the hip with Micah Pierce
Date of Birth
Celebrates on the 3rd of Hammer
Year of Birth
1428 CR 70 Years old
Current Residence
Black schlera, red irises
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by James' RPG Art
Character Portrait image: by Ashley


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