Azimuth 2 - Session 0.2 - Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders

General Summary


Memoried Nightmares
In a dream, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin sat in his office in the Dispensary, in the capital city of Kievs. He was processing paperwork for the Tarterian Traders, and thinking of his little brother, Borli.   Suddenly, the papers flew around him and he found himself in his apartment in the Prominade District. It was late at night and there was a knock on the door. Mortimr knew it was his brother, and he remembered the scene that would play out in this memory. He opened the door, and his memories began playing out in rapid succession, as if they were being rapidly shuffled through.   In the memories, Borli told Mortimr he had seen something. He had seen a figure that may have been an orc take an item from a black box provided by the escort caravan Borli worked with. There was an object, a spell cast, a note, and money exchanged. He also heard the figure say something about a "next one". Lastly, Borli saw the figure had a hand tattoo: a triangle with a crashing wave.   The memory faded around Mortimr and he was pulled upwards. As he was, he saw flashes of other memories around him. He saw the next night when he left the Dispensary and saw a figure similar to what Borli described enter the building behind him. He saw the report he made to his supervisor. And he also saw a parcel crate on his doorstep.   Choosing to open the crate like he had done just a few days prior, inside Mortimr saw his brother's severed head and a note written in blood on the back of Borli’s aid caravan parchment, reading, “Toe the line”.   As Mortimr was filled with anger and rage anew, another voice entered his head, saying, "It is okay, my darling... I know it is hard. I’m here for you...” A pink light seemed to cover and shield Mortimr away from the pain as it continued pulling him forward.   Mortimr's memory replayed his visit to the Kievs Morounin Archive the night before. In the locked section in the back, he found a tome covered in spiderwebs and dust. Something yearning called to him and promised him revenge. When he opened the tome, he caught a scent in the air of sweet and spicy flowers.   With a final rush, Mortimr abruptly woke up.  
The Flowercrown
In the early morning hours of 21 Madaet 5A 352, Mortimr awoke in a rain-soaked alleyway in the Flowercrown District of Kievs. It was the day after the Wild Gathering. He was several blocks from the Morounin Archive and had no memory of getting here or the last several hours. He was physically exhausted but there was something numbing that pain. In his hand was Borli's parchment flyer for the Santeem Republic aid caravan arriving in Porgorag in eleven days' time. This upcoming caravan had some type of attachment to the Tarterian Traders and what happened to his brother, and with danger growing in Kievs, Mortimr decided to head northwards to Porgorag and investigate.   Mortimr made his way from the Flowercrown westwards towards the Prominade District. In an open market trading rotunda plaza, illuminated by the magical street lanturns, he saw a strange cart: Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders. It appeared to be a small cottage with bronze wheels with an array of mechanisms on the sides, and many empty barrels and boxes strapped and tied to the sides and leading underneath the carriage. Mortimr also heard a strange buzzing from the interior of the cart. Mortimr saw a older gnomish couple arguing while loading boxes into the cart. They appeared to be arguing about the direction they wanted to travel but Mortimr clearly overheard they were leaving town.  
Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders
Mortimr snuck closer to the cart, and as he did so a gnomish child in a silvery white tabbard popped his head out of one of the cart's side barrels. He held a music box and saw Mortimr, and he beckoned him over. He asked Mortimr if he was a wizard. Mortimr said he was not. The child wound his music box. Strangely, the device did not seem to work but music could still be heard. The child said he was hiding and said Mortimr could hide with him too. Mortimr checked if anyone was watching and then ducked inside the crates.   The crates and barrels that were tied to the sides and under the cart formed a kind of connected playplace. Inside, the child asked Mortimr if he could teach him and "Music Box" to be wizards. He introduced himself as Ronpip, and said they were headed northwards cause his great grandparents didn't want to the stay in the city as it was becoming dangerous. He said there were bad people to the south. Mortimr knew the Hobgoblin Khanate was to the south and unrest had been building on the border. Mortimr confirmed there are bad people everywhere, and Ronpip asked if he was "a bad people". Mortimr said he didn't know.   The gnomish couple finish loading the cart and began to move through the city. Looking out from the undercarriage, Mortimr could see they reached the northern gateway out of the city. Mortimr overheard the driver's conversation with an orcish guard and the discussion of a wagon wheel tax. After paying the toll, the gate opened and the cart was allowed through, leading to the road northwards along the Orc Highway through the Southern Orcish Plains.   As the cart continued on, Ronpip provided food to Mortimr. Eventually, Mortimr learned that Ronpip was very interested in bugs and music. Mortimr made a small illusion of a praying mantis and a spider for him, where they battled until the mantis was killed. The travel was an unrestful set of time for Mortimr, but he was on his way northwards towards Porgorag and the aid caravan his brother and the Tarterian Traders were connected to.

New Keeleon

The Watermill Gallery
Three hundred miles north, in the large city of New Keeleon, Chaka stood on the riverside balcony of the Watermill Gallery in the evening of 27 Madaet 5A 352. This was the last day of the weekend showing, and Chaka's piece, Work #34: Drackhan Tundra Landscape, had been accepted by the Keeleon Artistry Society of Tarteria's showing on the theme of "Temperance and Peace". While outside, Chaka took a quick sketch of the river's fireflies before he headed back inside to the side gallery.   Chaka looked around the other pieces of art on display in the side gallery. The one that caught Chaka's attention was a landscape showing the Radags off the northern coast of Tarteria, titled, "Paint No Mountain High Enough", by an artist named Argilla, son of Kla. While making the rounds, two elven visitors to the gallery entered the area. From their conversation, Chaka learned they were siblings named Vasari and Etienne. They derided the work in the side gallery and were pompous and rude. The two elves also joked that an eccentric collector named Al'phonas Muchaelas would have liked Chaka's work. Chaka moved to the main gallery, and as he did, he cast a Prestidigitation spell to create a strong, foul scent around the two elves, who then quickly departed. Chaka then cast a small array of lights above the doorway to the side gallery to draw more attention to the space.   In the main gallery, dozens of people were milling around the pieces and artists present. Two pieces seemed to be getting the most attention: "Where the Red Cockspur Grows" by Uro Grilmara, a colorful depiction of native trees around Red Lake, and "Suor Shesh" by Gline, daughter of Leir, a dramatic and minimalist representation of Ruin's Temple with a vibrant green streak of paint. These in addition to the other pieces present seemed to be pushing an agenda of some kind: promoting the strength of the Queendom of Keeleon or downplaying war and conflict. Chaka also learned that an important patron had been expected to come to the showing but hadn't been seen publicly for some time from an organization called the Commandment of Sky.   Chaka approached a half-orc attendant and asked how much the side gallery piece, "Paint No Mountain High Enough", would cost. The attendant checked and said others had asked after that one as well. He returned and told Chaka this artist had put several pieces on display before and had started to garner some attention in the community, and the price was currently at 112 gold. Chaka did not have the funds to purchase it, but asked the attendant to pass along his compliments to the artist, Argilla, when they next came to the gallery. Chaka also paid close attention to the vibrant green used in the "Suor Shesh" piece, but could not easily see what gave the paint such a vibrant color.   As the evening progressed, guests began to leave the gallery and Chaka's piece received no bids for purchase. Chaka felt the worries that had followed him here about being a hobgoblin artist in Keeleon. He recovered his submitted piece and, resolving to seek needed funds to support himself and what wandering callings he felt, he set out into the night.  
The Augurs
Chaka headed farther towards the Pipestones district and passed by the Augurs, a large display of artistry and religious iconography in the city's temple district. Here, Chaka saw a strange cart set nearby. The cart was Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders, and it appeared it was parked here to rest. Chaka noticed a small gnomish child peering out at him from the crates and barrels around and under the carriage, and from the area, Chaka heard music.   Ronpip looked out to Chaka and asked, "Are you a wizard?" Chaka said he was not but instead pulled out his instrument, a yarting, and began to play along with the repeating music he heard. As he did, the music itself began to change. Chaka could tell the music box could not be the source of the sound. At this point, Mortimr peered out and noticed Chaka near to Kelwin's cart.   Ronpip asked, "Are you good magic or bad magic?" Chaka said, "Only the very best kind of magic." Ronpip said, "I have a friend who has bad magic and he needs a friend like you."   The commotion outside caused a stirring in the cart, which opened up, unfolding into a stand and awning displaying many small items and object. From inside, two old gnomes peer out. These two were Kelwin and Lilys Auglosilf, and together with their great grandson Ronpip, were headed northwards. They asked Chaka if he'd be willing to come along and be a deterent for any problems on the northern stretch of the Orc Highway. Intrigued, Chaka agreed, thinking the company may be a smart decision; Chaka had heard of unrest in the north, which made the road towards Porgorag dangerous.   Meanwhile, Mortimr asked Ronpip what the "music box" he kept referring to was. Ronpip held up the same music box and said he got it from his parents back home in Santeem who were sailors. He said "music box" was also the name of his imaginary friend. Mortimr investigated the music box and confirmed it was broken and could not produce sound. He wondered what then was making the sounds and music he had been hearing during their travel. While Mortimr looked at it and Chaka listened from outside, the music continued on.   Chaka called out to Ronpip and asked about the music and Ronpip said it was his imaginary friend. He looked further into the music box Ronpip showed him, and Mortimr cast a small illusion as he did. A demonic face burst from it in a flash, startling Chaka. Chaka asked if Ronpip was alone, and he said it was himself, Music Box, and "the bad wizard," and Ronpip asked if Chaka wanted to come inside. Mortimr quickly hid and Chaka illuminated the interior of the crates. Chaka could see nothing, but Mortimr saw a dark mass in another corner that became illuminated by Chaka's magic. When the magic faded he could no longer see it, but he knew something else was here.

The Road Northwards

Axe-Breaker Thicket
In the morning of 28 Madaet 5A 352, they headed northwards through the Pipestones district to Argil's Gate. There, an overworked orcish Keel's Band soldier stopped the carriage and asked Kelwin to pay the wagon wheel tax, which was decreed by the crown. Kelwin complained that he had already paid to get in the city and did not want to pay again to leave. Chaka used a quick Suggestion spell to influence the guard and convince him to let Kelwin's carriage go through without paying the tax again.   Kelwin drove the carriage northwards out of the walled section of New Keeleon and to the Orcish Highway and through the Desecrated Hills to the Northern Plains. During the travel, Chaka entertained Ronpip with stories and drawings of wild boars, maned wolves, and Ronpip as well. He looked more at the music box and cast Identify on it and learned it was non-magical, broken, and not the source of the music and sounds. Meanwhile, Mortimr attempted to find if any other figure was in the undercarriage with him and Ronpip but found no answers.   Continuing northwards, they reached the Axe-Breaker Thicket intersection of the road. Across the road, a huge axe-breaker tree had fallen across the roadway, blocking it. They could not go around as the constant rain had softened the soil and the carriage would become stuck. Before they could take much action to clear it, a voice called out from nearby and four bandits led by a well-spoken human approached the cart with weapons drawn. They had dropped the tree onto the road and were demanding their valuables. Chaka attempted to cast a Detect Thoughts spell but the lead bandit saw him reach for components and stopped him. Chaka then successfully cast Calm Emotions, affecting all four bandits. The effect was short-lived, however, and they had no ability to move the tree and leave during the duration. The bandits shared they were dodging conscription and using the unrest in the Western Valley to cover for their banditry. The effect faded, the bandits realized they had been enchanted, and then they drew their weapons.  
Finally Meeting
Quickly, Mortimr emerged from the cart and for the first time he and Chaka clearly saw each other. He immediately cast a sphere of darkness around the bandits and Chaka. Chaka attempted to disable and move away without harming the bandits, and Mortimr cast many offensive spells. During the fighting, louder and distracting sounds burst around the battlefield from under the cart, seemingly trying to distract and disuade the bandits. Lilys also opened the cart and sent out two bronze beetle constructs to help in the fight. These appears to be mechanical aids for Kelwin's shop but also were competent defenders. Though Mortimr and Chaka were wounded, they quickly killed three of the bandits and the fourth ran away into the trees.   As they took stock after the battle, Chaka was familiar with the feeling after a battle, but Mortimr had not been in a conflict like this before. While they looked at each other, Ronpip emerged and said, "You ARE wizards! I knew it!" Kelwin approached and noted Mortimr, and asked for his name so he could thank him. Mortimr introduced himself as "Zildri". They investigated the bandit camp and found a satchel of coins, a small diamond ring, and a disgarded and overdue conscription notice for the Keeleon military, for an orc named Drak, son of Mog. This person was supposed to report for duty to the Kiln Garrison in New Keeleon. Mortimr pocketed the notice and then helped Chaka clear the fallen tree from the road. Chaka pocketed some of the red tannin sap from the tree.   As Mortimr unleashed magic blasts to destroy bits of the tree, he started to yell out and rage. Chaka backed away and let him at it, and Kelwin approached. Kelwin said that it was probably best ot let Mortimr work through whatever it was he needed to. Kelwin said it took a "certain kind of gnome" to make it in Keeleon. When Mortimr finished blasting the tree, he gave two gold pieces to Kelwin for the wagon wheel taxes he had paid, and went back under the carriage. Kelwin said he was always happy to help another gnome, even if it meant looking the other way from time to time.   With the tree cleared, they continued northwards along the Orc Highway. On the morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, on the coast in the distance they could see the coastal town of Porgorag, and they continued onward.
Report Date
24 Jul 2022
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Related Time
21 Madaet 5A 352 to 1 Adroth 5A 352