Gim Gorod's Residence

Gim Gorod's Residence is the manor household of Coinguard Gim Gorod. It is located in the Grupe's Row neighborhood of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon.



The residence is a large, two story manor in the Grupe's Row neighborhood of Porgorag. It is nestled between two orcish style, single-floor houses.   It is a wooden structure, designed in the style of human lands as opposed to traditional orcish design. The yard is short cut grass and the building has short shrubberies along the sides.   The building appears too large for the lot's acreage, and as a result it is close to the surrounding wrought iron fence. The fence runs the full perimeter of the yard.   There is a thin alleyway behind the manor which runs between two rows of residences. There is a secondary gated entrance to the alley which is locked with a chain and seemingly enchanted padlock.  

Main Level

The interior is a pristine manor fashioned in the style of human kingdoms. Memorabilia and awards are situated around the manor, and fancy woven rugs cover the floors.   The main level has a den with a large hearth. Above this, a large oil painting of Gim Gorod hangs. There is a dining area near to the servants' quarters, which is laid with silverware. A small potted shrub sits on the table.   The servant's quarters contain a number of bunks, and also has the back entrance which leads out to the yard.  

Upper Level

On the upper level is a master bedroom with a a large bed. A large wardrobe conceals a wall safe set into the back wall. There is a simple guest room adjacent.   There is also a large office with numerous shelves of books and documents. There is a heavy oak desk in the center of the room, which has lockable drawers.

Notable People

Coinguard Gim Gorod: Human Coinguard of the city of Porgorag.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr Gwathagoldrin followed Coinguard Gim Gorod to his residence in Grupe’s Row. He heard conversation inside, but he was unable to get close enough to hear the words. After midnight, he saw Gim Gorod’s bodyguards leave. An hour or so later, Mortimr saw another figure, a young half-orc man, leave the residence. Mortimr followed him towards Westfield.   In the morning of 3 Adroth 5A 352, Mortimr and Arwin spoke with the posted guards outside the front gate, who were impersonating Queensguard soldiers. Mortimr left a message for the Coinguard with them. The pair scouted the rear alleyway and saw some activity in the staff sections of the first floor.   In the late evening of Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers broke into the manor and dug around for evidence against Gim Gorod. Using a golden key, they opened the safe behind the wardrobe in the master bedroom, which revealed his hidden journal.
House, Large
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane