Yewberry Apothecary

The Yewberry Apothecary is a potions, herbs, and ingredients store in the Westfield section of Porgorag. The shop is run by Minagak, daughter of Molve.   Most of their remedies sold at the shop are harvested from local flora, including the nearby Yew Tree.


The Yewberry Apothecary is located in the Westfield Shops section of Westfield, nestled between a few other nearby shops. On the doorway is a wreath of deadfall from the Yew Tree, and hanging from it are grouping of the leaves dipped in orange wax. Above the door, the shop's sign reads "Yewberry Apothecary". It is written in fine script, which is designed to look like yew leaves.   The interior is a small room. It’s warm, a tiny bit humid, and smells strongly of herbs and citrus. The interior is brightly lit by a chandelier above, which holds a ring of orange wax candles.   Shelves along the walls of the room hold bundles of ingredients and completed salves. Across the wooden counter is a number of caldrons of different colors, which can be seen simmering over large, round candles with thick wicks. The smoke from these brews carries up into the rafters above.   Behind these, a shelf on the back has glass vials with stoppers, some of which are filled.   A wooden staircase leads to a loft area with a blanket strung up over the opening.

Notable People

Minagak, daughter of Molve: The orc proprietor of the Yewberry Apothecary.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
In the late afternoon of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus and Arwin visited the Yewberry Apothecary. Romulus asked Minagak to investigate the vial he collected from the Darksteel Foundry and Arwin purchased some supplies. Minagak asked that if they met Loupaché to inform him the potion she made may not work.   In the early afternoon of 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party visited the apothecary. Gertrude and Mortimr purchased several healing potions, and Chaka purchased some dye material.
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane