Pages for Ages

Pages for Ages is a bookstore in the city of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon. It is located in the Voltha's Walk section of Eastfield.   It is a small, but well-stocked bookstore, specializing in fiction and catalogues of cultural stories. It is run by Trawlana, an aspiring author.


The storefront is a single-story building, smaller than the surrounding buildings. It’s based with a segment of white stone bricks and the rest is birch wood painted white. A single window has a small planter box, and painted in fine script on the glass is the name “Pages for Ages”.   The interior opens to slight warmth and hints of pollen. White birch shelves are filled with books of various sizes and finishes. The shelves hold gold placards on the rows listing different genres. Right inside on the wooden floor is a circle rug of pale blue, with an embroidered tree on it in silver stiches. Nearby to the window is a cushioned reading bench.   Floating gently in the air between the shelves and the white arches of the ceiling above are motes of pale blue light that gently follow shoppers.

Notable People

  • Trawlana Snuggleshine: The elven shopkeeper of Pages for Ages. She is also an aspiring author.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Romulus sent an animal messenger to Pages for Ages to request a copy of The Manual of Monsters.   On 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party visited Pages for Ages and purchased several books, including The Fate of Johanna and The History of the Third Age. Trawlana shared her in-progress book, The Time the Eight Dragons Had Tea, with Gertrude Oathenhammer.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane