First Mountain Jewels

First Mountain Jewels is a jeweler in the city of Porgorag in the Queendom of Keeleon. It is located in the Voltha's Walk section of Eastfield. Though their goods are of good quality, not many full orcs patronize the business.


First Mountain Jewels is a two-story storefront. The first level is red bricks which goes into a timber facade above. The second level has several colored glass windows of small, different colored panes, giving off the illusion of gemstones of various colors.   The metal sign hanging from a stanchion bolted to the wall is triangular metal mountain, with cloth woven into and through it to look like a cascade of jewels.   Inside, there’s several display cases of clear glass held in silver metal frames. The tables and shelves are finely spun metal, which are very dwarfish in design and style. A pine countertop holds more display items. There’s a fine, silver and glass evaluation set on it. Behind it is a workstation with bits and pieces of small metal and a number of tools for delicate crafting work.   There is a staircase in the back which heads up to an overhang balcony, where boxes are piled up holding spare inventory.

Notable People


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 3 Adroth 5A 352, the party visited First Mountain Jewels and spoke with Kororsh about Coinguard Gim Gorod. Demitri purchased a large diamond and Chaka purchased a pearl ring.
Parent Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane