Quayside Stables

The Quayside Stables is one of the two primary stables in the city of Porgorag. It is located near to the Yellow Quay. The mounts here tend to be higher quality or military-grade mounts.


THe Quayside Stables are near to the Yellow Quay, located across Two Ports Road.   It is a wide field and several barns, where well-bred animals can be seen roaming about.   Along the roadway is a gate entrance. Near to this is a small building where an attendant can be found. Located here is a book manifest which details the comings and goings of carriage orders. Inside, a chart along the back wall shows pricing and distances between nearby cities.


In the late afternoon of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Ilmendwyth inquired about the missing carriages for the aid caravan. He learned that the carriages intended for the Hands of Ore had been anonymously signed out and that all the other carriages were currently occupied, mostly by order from the Oknar Offices.   Later that same day, Gertrude, Demitri, Mortimr, Demitri, and Chaka stopped by and were directed ot where Ilmendwyth had gone.
Parent Location
Northern Orcish Plains   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane