

Druids serve as protectors of the wilderness and the delicate equilibrium within it, steadfastly guarding their domain against any infringement upon the laws of nature. Whether harnessing the elemental forces of Nature or mirroring the behaviors of creatures in the animal kingdom, druids embody the resilience, cleverness, and wrath inherent in nature. They do not assert dominance over Nature; instead, they view themselves as manifestations of its unyielding determination. Druids hold nature in the highest regard, drawing their spells and mystical abilities from the intrinsic power of nature or the guidance of a nature deity. These ancient druidic practices are often referred to as the Old Faith, distinguishing them from the worship of deities in conventional temples and shrines.  
  • Every creature has a starting amount of Spell Points (SP) equal to 4.
  • Each attribute point spent during character creation towards a caster's Spellcasting Attribute increases their Spell Points (SP) by another 4.
  • Choose from 4 subclasses, each with its own specific bonuses
  • Druids forego living in large civilizations and will avoid entering them if possible.
  • Druids will always prioritize the preservation of an ecosystem and are normally found out in the true wilds of the world.



Core Wildshape Forms

  Small Wildshape
Examples: Cat, Fox, Frog, Rabbit

+3 Dex Saves, +3 stealth, +3 escape artist, +3 perception.
+1 Movement
16 AC (No armor bonus, No shield bonus)
  • Scamper: You can disengage using a bonus action.
  • Annoying Distraction: Once per short rest; As a reaction, impose a -2 Hit and -1 Spell DC on a single enemy for 2 turns.
  Durable Wildshapes
+12 Temp Hitpoints, 17 AC, 2 DT (No armor bonus, No shield bonus)
+3 STR Saves, +2 Con Saves, +2 Athletics, +2 Resilience, +2 Breach.

MELEE ATTACK: 1d10+8 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES: The Durable Wild Shape has the following abilities.
  • Bear Hug: As a bonus action, force the target must make an STR or Dex save vs a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; they take dealt 1d6+mastery bludgeoning/slashing damage and are grappled. This ability costs 3 spell points.
  • Protect Other: Once per short rest; As a reaction, grant an ally +1 AC and +2 DT for two turns.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  Medium Wildshapes
+4 Temp Hitpoints. 15 AC, DT 1
+1 DEX Saves, +1 CON Save, +1 Initiative, +2 Stealth, +2 Tracking, +1 Attack
+1 Movement

MELEE ATTACK: 1d10+8 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES: The Wolf Wildshape has the following abilities.
  • Drag Down: As a bonus action and after landing a melee attack on a target, force them to make STR save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target takes 1d6+mastery piercing damage and is knocked prone.
  • Howl: As a Reaction; you and your allies gain +1 Movement and +2 Damage until the end of their turn. Purges Prone and slow. Usable Once per short rest, per mastery level.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  • Sneak Attack: You may sneak attack an enemy for 3d4 True Damage. For use with standard sneak attack rules.

Circle of the Moon

Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Their fellowship convenes beneath the full moon, exchanging information and issuing warnings. They inhabit the most secluded regions of the wilderness, where weeks may pass without encountering another humanoid being, let alone a fellow druid.   As adaptable as the lunar phases, a druid associated with this circle might stalk through the night as a formidable cat, soar above the treetops as an eagle the following day, and charge through the underbrush in the form of a bear to repel intruding monsters. The essence of the wild flows through the veins of these druids.  

Moon Druid Wildshapes

Durable Wildshapes
+12 Temp Hitpoints, 17 AC, 2 DT (No armor bonus, No shield bonus)
+2 Str Saves, +1 all other saves, +2 Initiative, +2 Tracking

MELEE ATTACK: 1d6+4 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES:The Lion Wildshape has the following abilities.
  • Lion’s Challenge: As a bonus action, force your target to make Wis Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save they are taunted. Twice per short rest.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  • Lion’s Pride: After taking a damage from an attack, you may spend your reaction to heal for 1d6+mastery.
Medium Wildshapes
Giant Spider
+8 Temp Hitpoints 16 AC, DT 2 (No armor bonus, No shield bonus)
+2 Dex Saves, +2 Str Saves, Poison Immunity, +2 Initiative, +3 Stealth

MELEE ATTACK: 1d6+4 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES: The Durable Wild Shape has the following abilities.
  • Venomous Injection: After landing a melee attack on a target; as a bonus action force them to make CON Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save the target takes 1d8+Mastery poison damage, and is poisoned for 3 rounds. This ability costs 3 spell points.
  • Web Spray: As a bonus action, select 1 target within 6 tiles of yourself. These targets must make an STR Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save they become entangled for 1 round. Usable twice per short rest.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  • Wall Crawler: You can move along walls without issue as a passive ability.
Giant Snake
+8 Temp Hitpoints, 16 AC, DT 2 (No armor bonus, No shield bonus)
+2 Con Saves, +1 Str Saves, Poison Immunity, +2 Initiative, +3 Stealth

MELEE ATTACK: 1d6+4 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES: The Durable Wild Shape has the following abilities.
  • Venomous Injection: After landing a melee attack or constrict on a target; as a bonus action force them to make Con Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save the target takes 1d8+Mastery poison damage, and is poisoned for 3 rounds.
  • Enveloping Coil: As a bonus action, select a target you have hit this round. The target must make an STR or Dex save vs a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save they are grappled. This ability costs 3 spell points.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  • Constrict: A target grappled by you takes 1d6+Mastery bludgeoning damage, and suffers a -1 to all saves until the end of their next turn.
Dire Wolf
+4 Temp Hitpoints. 15 AC, DT 1
+2 Dex Saves, +1 Con Save, +2 Initiative, +3 Stealth, +3 Tracking, +1 Attack
+1 Movement
MELEE ATTACK: 1d6+4 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES: The Dire Wolf Wildshape has the following abilities.
  • Drag Down: After landing a melee attack on a target; as a bonus action force them to make Str Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target takes 1d6+mastery piercing damage and is knocked prone. This ability costs 3 spell points.
  • Pack Hunters: When a nearby enemy takes damage from an ally's attack or spell; you may move one tile towards them and make a melee attack against them as a reaction.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  • Sneak Attack: You may sneak attack an enemy for 3d4 True Damage. For use with standard sneak attack rules.
Dire Hyena
+4 Temp Hitpoints. 15 AC, DT 1
+2 Str Saves, +1 Con Save, +2 Initiative, +3 Stealth, +3 Tracking, +1 Attack
+1 Movement  
MELEE ATTACK: 1d6+4 Slashing/Piercing; Reach, Finesse. +4 Hit
ABILITIES: The Dire Hyena Wildshape has the following abilities.
  • Drag Down: After landing a melee attack on a target; as a bonus action force them to make Str Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target takes 1d6+mastery piercing damage and is knocked prone.
  • Cackle: As a reaction, select three targets within six tiles and force them to make Wis Save against a DC 14+Mastery. On a failed save; the target is feared for 2 turns.Once per short rest.
  • Action Attack: Make a second melee attack as a free action.
  • Sneak Attack: You may sneak attack an enemy for 3d4 True Damage. For use with standard sneak attack rules.


Friend of Beasts
+1 Animal Handling, +2 Riding.
Primal Wildshape I
Pick one of the Circle of the Moon Druid Exclusive Wildshapes.
Primal Strike
+1 Attack and +1 True damage in wildshape forms
Primal Wildshape II
Pick one of the Circle of the Moon Druid Exclusive Wildshapes and gain an additional 2 charges of Wildshape per long rest. Your Melee damage while wildshaped also increases to 1d8+5.
Primal Wildshape III
Pick one of the Circle of the Moon Druid Exclusive Wildshapes. Your Melee damage while wildshaped also increases to 1d10+8.
Empowered by the Moon
You are empowered by the circle of the moon. The DC’s of any Wildshape ability increase to by +1 and you gain +2 damage on all natural weapon attacks.


Circle of Spores

Druids of The Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. They see within mold and other fungi the ability to transform lifeless material into abundant, albeit somewhat strange, life. These druids believe that life and death are parts of a grand cycle, with one leading to the other and then back again. Death isn't the end of life, but instead a change of state that sees life shift into a new form. They see nothing inherently wrong with Undeath, as long as the Undeath in question doesn't seek to snuff out or harm life nor cheat a deserved death, but these druids believe that the natural cycle is healthiest when each segment of it is vibrant and changing.   As an example, there are mushrooms and fungi that can take over a host's body, and is viewed as both life and undeath. It is not to be confused with the unnatural ways of Necromancy.  


Spell List
Hit Dice
You gain d8 hit dice a level instead of 1d6.
Symbiotic Entity
You may adopt the Symbiotic Entity Form by spending a wild shaped charge. This grants you +6 Temp HP; +1 DT; +1 to Con/Str Saves; and Resistance to Poison Damage. All melee attacks deal +3 Necrotic damage in this form.
  Halo of Spores: While in Symbiotic Entity mode; you can spend your bonus action to spread your Halo of Spores. All targets within 2 tiles of you must make a DC 14+Mastery level con save, or take 1d6+Mastery necrotic damage. Using this ability also heals you for 1d6+Mastery.   If a target takes damage you gain +2 to hit, until the end of your turn. This ability may be used 1+Master level times per short rest.
You are immune to the frightened condition.
Fungal Infestation
After hitting a target with a melee weapon attack while in Symbiotic Entity Form; as a free action you force them to make a DC 14+Mastery level Con save. On a failed save; the target takes 1d8+Mastery poison Damage and is poisoned for 3 rounds. You may use this ability 1+Mastery number of times. Charges are not spent on a miss.
Fungal Body
When you are reduced to 0 hp you may heal 10 + your WIS modifier hp and may rise to your feet as a free action without expending any movement. When you use this ability; you replenish a use of Halo of Spores. Usable once per Long Rest.
Master of Spores
You become one with your Symbiotic Entity gaining an additional +4 temporary hit points and +1 DT. Your fungal body ability also is empowered to allow you to heal for 15+WIS modifier.


Circle of Stars

The Circle of Stars allows druids to draw on the power of starlight. These druids have tracked heavenly patterns since time immemorial, discovering secrets hidden amid the constellations. By revealing and understanding these Secrets, The Circle of the Stars seeks to harness the powers of the cosmos.  


Spell List
Constellation Watcher
Gain +2 Perception and +1 Initiative
Starry Forms
You may adopt the Starry Form by spending a wild shaped charge. The Starry form gives its user +6 Temp hitpoints; and allows them to use any of the following abilities once per round.   This ability does not function as a polymorph, magical disguise, or other form of wildshape.   Archer
Radiant Arrow: As a bonus action, You pick a target within 12 tiles; and make an attack against their AC using Casting Mod+4. On a successful hit the target takes 2d4+Mastery radiant damage, and has their AC reduced by 1 for 3 rounds. This stacks with Guiding Bolt and costs 1 SP.   Chalice
Overflowing Life: As a bonus action, you pick a target within 12 tiles; you may spend your bonus action to heal the target for 2d4+Mastery additional hitpoints. This works on yourself and costs 1 SP.   Dragon
Dragon’s Tail: As a bonus action, you pick a target within 12 tiles; that target receives +2 DT, +1 movement, and may climb at full speed and does not require appropriate footing/support to do so. This ability has a duration of 1 round and costs 1 SP.
Spell Points
Gain +6 spell points
Cosmic Omen
You can consult your Star Map for omens. As a reaction on your turn you may cast Weal or Woe. These abilities can be used up to three times per rest, sharing charges.   Weal: Select a target within 10 tiles. The target creature has their Attack Bonus and Spell Saves increased by +2 for 1 turn.   Woe: Select a target within 10 tiles. The target creature has their Attack Bonus and Spell Saves reduced by -2 for 1 turn.
Full of Stars
As a free action; Gain resistance to bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage for 2 rounds. Usable once per short rest.
Keeper of the Stars
Gain 1d4 additional healing on Archer and Chalice Starry Forms, and +1 DT from Dragon's Tail. You also gain an additional use of each Cosmic Omen and Full of Stars.


Circle of the Shepherd

Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aid. These druids recognize that all living things play a role in the natural world, yet they focus on protecting animals and fey creatures that have difficulty defending themselves. Shepherds, as they are known, see such creatures as their charges. They ward off monsters that threaten them, rebuke hunters who kill more prey than necessary, and prevent civilization from encroaching on rare animal habitats and on sites sacred to the fey.   Many of these druids are happiest far from cities and towns, content to spend their days in the company of animals and the fey creatures of the wilds. Members of this circle become adventurers to oppose forces that threaten their charges or to seek knowledge and power that will help them safeguard their charges better. Wherever these druids go, the spirits of the wilderness are with them.   Land Summon
A single animal follower will be chosen by the player at whitelist to be their animal companion. This could be changed at another point if they wish to swap their animal, but they may only have one at any time.   Air Summons
Air Summons may be represented via shoulder pets from Ravencrest Couriers.  


Spell List
Animal Charmer
+3 Animal Handling, +2 Performance
Bestial Summon
Your Druidic abilities allow for you to control and direct summons of both land and air to aid you in battle; these may be represented by in-game pets. You may only have one summon available at a time.   Air Summon (Rune)
Guard Bonus: +1 movement, +3 temporary hit points
Call of the Flock: Action: Select 1 target within 8 tiles. Make a ranged spell attack against their AC with +4 to hit. If successful, deal 1d8+Mastery points of Piercing damage, reduce their DT by 2 for 1 turn.   Land Summon (Rune)
Guard Bonus: +5 temporary hit points, +1 STR, DEX and CON saving throws
Strength of the Earth: Action: Select 1 target within 5 tiles. Force them to make a STR saving throw. On a failed save, they take 1d8+Mastery Bludgeoning damage and are knocked Prone. Half damage taken on a successful save.
Mighty Summoner
Damage of Call of the Flock and Strength of the Earth increased from 1d8 to 2d8.
Spirit Bond
You unlock 3 animal spirits to aid you and your allies in battle: Bear, Hawk and Unicorn.   Bear Spirit
Bonus Action: Select up to 4 targets within 5 tiles. They each gain 7+Mastery temporary hit points and +1 to STR saving throws for 3 turns. This ability can be used once per short rest, can only be used in combat, and can be used as a pre-buff.   Hawk Spirit
Bonus Action: Select up to 2 targets within 10 tiles. They each gain +1 to WIS saving throws for 3 turns. You gain the Hawk's Dive ability for 3 turns. This ability can be used once per short rest.   Hawk's Dive: Reaction: When one of your selected allies makes an attack, you may spend your reaction to also make a ranged spell attack against the same target, targeting their AC with +4 to Hit. If successful, deal 1d8+Mastery points of Slashing damage.   Unicorn Spirit
Bonus Action: Select up to 3 targets within 10 tiles. They each gain +1 movement for 3 turns. You gain the Equine Grace ability for 3 turns. This ability can be used once per short rest.
Equine Grace - Reaction: When 1 of your 3 targets for Unicorn Spirit takes damage, and provided they are within 10 tiles, you may spend your reaction to heal them for 1d8+Mastery hitpoints.
Spiritual Stampede
As an Action, select up to 4 targets within 4 tiles. Force them each to make a STR saving throw. On a failed save, they each take 3d6 Bludgeoning damage and are pushed 2 tiles in a direction of the caster’s choosing. Half damage and no forced movement on a successful save. This ability can be used once per long rest.
Ethereal Attunement
You gain resistance to Psychic damage
Spirit Bond (all) - One additional usage for each, per short rest.
Spirit Bond (Hawk + Unicorn) - Damage and healing increased to 2d8+Mastery.

Combative Perks

Druids use Wisdom for their Spellcasting Modifier.   Drawing on the divine essence of Nature itself, you can cast Spells to shape that essence to your will.   Spells
You have access to a list of spells you may cast.   Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your Spellcasting ability for your druid Spells, since your magic draws upon your devotion and Attunement to Nature.   Spell save DC = 10 + your Wisdom modifier
Hit Dice
You gain +6 HP when you first become a Druid. On each new mastery level, you gain an additional +6 to your Hit Points.
Wild Shape
You have access to Small wild shape, and a choice between either Wolf or Bear. Transforming costs 1 Action. You may wild shape a number of times per mastery level, per long rest.
Spell Points I
Gain +4 Spell Points
Natural Resistances
Gain Poison Resistance and +1 on Con Saves.
Spell Points II
Gain +4 Spell Points.
Timeless Body
Gain +2 insight and +2 perception. For every 10 years that pass your body ages 1 year and cannot be magically aged.
Language of the Fey
You can now speak the Sylvan language
Primal Prowess
+1 Spell Save DC
As a free action and for 1 SP, you are able to Upcast Damaging Cantrips, Novice, and Adept level spells for 40% spell potency.
Spell points III
Gain +8 Spell Points.
Arch Druid
You can ignore any verbal and somatic components for spells. This does not allow casting spells while wildshaped. Your Wild Shapes gain 1 additional AC.
Flight Form
Your small Wild Shape shape can now fly.

Non-Combative Perks

Armor Proficiency
You can use any light armor, medium armor, or shields so long as they are not metal.
You know Druidic, the Secret language of druids. You can speak the language and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who know this language automatically spot such a message⁠. Others spot the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check but can’t decipher it without magic.
Magical Healing
Once every 20 hours, you can heal a wounded creature of 20d2 wound levels.
Nature Keeper
Nature speaks to you, just as you speak to it. You recognize each other in ways many others must strive to earn; understanding the complex anatomy of the land is what you call second nature. You gain +4 to Knowledge: Nature.
Speak with Animals
Novice level Druids are able to use their connection with nature to speak with animals. The knowledge and awareness of many beasts is limited by their intelligence and any information gained is simply flavor.
Speak with Plants
As an Adept level druid, you imbue a plant you can see with limited sentience, giving them the ability to communicate with you. Any information gained is simply flavor.

Spell List
