History of Dulūn

Era of Gods

... 0 E.G.

The "Golden Era" of Dulūn, ending with a decline into the God War, causing the dark ages of Dulūn and ending at the conclusion of the war.

  • -2666 E.G.

    1 Nevehrun

    Creation of Dulūn
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The earliest events of life on Dulūn, when Sesais gained consciousness and began to shape the world.

  • -2666 E.G.


    Formation of the Void
    Geological / environmental event

    The void around Dulūn is moved away to make rooms for the rest of the planes; they eventually become known as the Nine Hells and the Abyss.

    Nine Hells
  • -2665 E.G.

    Creation of the Material Plane
    Geological / environmental event

    Sesais forms the material plane.

    More reading
    Material Plane
  • -2663 E.G.

    Creation of the Elemental Planes
    Geological / environmental event

    Sesais creates the elemental planes.

    More reading
    Elemental Planes
  • -2648 E.G.

    Creation of the Ethereal Plane
    Geological / environmental event

    Sesais creates the Ethereal Plane, for spirits to go after death.

    More reading
    Ethereal Plane
  • -2594 E.G.

    Separation of the Material Plane
    Geological / environmental event

    The Material Plane is separated into three parts, isolating the bright and dark parts into the Feywild and the Shadowfell.

    More reading
  • -2532 E.G.

    Creation of the Celestial Plane
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sesais creates the Celestial plane in an attempt to create a safe haven, which is ultimately unsuccessful.

    More reading
    Celestial Plane
  • -2531 E.G.

    Splitting of Sesais
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sesais is split into 5 parts who inherit the planet: Ehrendil, Tithys, Conzotl, Khisteus, and Lillon.

  • -2371 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Ashla
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -2370 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Kaurenis
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Kaurenis becomes the god of the ocean

  • -2337 E.G.

    Birth of Yxjun and Nellara
    Life, Birth

    Yxjun and Nellara become the first archfey of the Feywild. They go on the create the fey, with Nellara creating the fey of the Seelie Court and Yxjun creating the fey of the Unseelie Court.

  • -2209 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Aleyara
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -2149 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Sirsu
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -2123 E.G.

    Creation of the Weave
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The mortal Myldala gains enough power to access planar magic, using it to weave the astral plane into the rest of the planes, connecting them together permanently. She cuts off planar magic from being accessible to anyone else, recognising that the power in the wrong hands could do apocalyptic levels of harm. This event gives mortals more ready access to arcane magic, and solidifies Myldala's place as a Greater Deity, in the time before new deities being created was incredibly rare.

  • -2122 E.G.

    The Divine Switch
    Celestial / Cosmic

    There is a switch to divine sources of power for the gods instead of arcane, as arcane magic is becoming exceedingly less rare as mortals learn to access the Weave. This switch also allows for the creation of new deities, through elevation or creation by belief, vastly expanding the pantheon. The longer this change is in place, the more unrest grows among the gods.   Celesials

    More reading
    Celestial Plane
  • -2101 E.G.

    Birth of Vyrgamel and Imeria
    Life, Birth
  • -2098 E.G.

    Birth of Myyara and Landaris
    Life, Birth
  • -2087 E.G.

    Birth of Quiel
    Life, Birth
  • -2074 E.G.

    Birth of Ortus, Mayelemar, and Xalish
    Life, Birth
  • -2054 E.G.

    Migration of the Elves
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the planes become more closely connected and able to be traveled, a group of fey known as the Elven Congregation move to the material plane in exile from feywild. Over time, as they stay in the material plane, they become much more humanoid and eventually become the Elves

  • -2034 E.G.

    Birth of Vylia
    Life, Birth
  • -2011 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Itya
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -2002 E.G.

    Birth of Grandar
    Life, Birth
  • -2000 E.G.

    Reformation of Sesais
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Sesais is reformed through the effort of the six greater celestials, instituting a number of rules to maintain order among the gods.

  • -1992 E.G.

    Khastoro Founding

    The elven nation of Khastoro is founded in northern Vehasi

    More reading
    Elven Congregation
  • -1989 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Lyrveld
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lyrveld is originally a god of prosperity and community.

  • -1987 E.G.

    Birth of Daedara
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1973 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Xiarae
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Xiarae is originally a goddess of strategy.

  • -1973 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Wrinyth
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1972 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Mihtuna
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1887 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Shaeyr
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Shaeyr is originally a goddess of love

  • -1827 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Gidarr
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Gidarr is originally a god of accomplishment.

  • -1801 E.G.

    Birth of Zanadir
    Life, Birth
  • -1789 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Agorthat
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1788 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Eilsenne
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1774 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Zaldir
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zaldir is originally a god of bravery and truth. He soon begins to question the authority of Sesais, garnering support from first mortals and later other gods

  • -1773 E.G.

    Knights of Zaldir Founded
  • -1766 E.G.

    Birth of Aethylia
    Life, Birth
  • -1702 E.G.

    Birth of Uarthen
    Life, Birth
  • -1674 E.G.

    Birth of Saemyrith
    Life, Birth
  • -1664 E.G.

    Birth of Hethranil
    Life, Birth
  • -1601 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Lutzot
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Lutzot is originally a god of wealth.

  • -1544 E.G.

    Birth of Ethyria
    Life, Birth
  • -1542 E.G.

    Birth of Balvan
    Life, Birth
  • -1524 E.G.

    Cobalt Sun founded
  • -1511 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Ytrix
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1334 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Ssarahas
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Ssarahas is originally a god of justice in war.

  • -1307 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Fyr'tel
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Fyr'Tel is originally a goddess of sacrificial love.

  • -1303 E.G.

    Birth of Githryme
    Life, Birth
  • -1250 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Xalena
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1113 E.G.

    Birth of Rythere
    Life, Birth
  • -1099 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Voneyar
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1032 E.G.

    Birth of Toruk
    Life, Birth
  • -892 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Rehena
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -892 E.G.

    Foreshadowing of the God War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zaldir begins to gain support from other gods in his plot to overthrow Sesais. Other deities not in support of him start to become worried and try to warn Sesais, who does not take the threat seriously.

  • -889 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Iemis
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -786 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Inir and Enir
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Inir and Enir are originally gods of light and dark.

  • -557 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Zyenar
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zyenar is originally a god of rest and respite.

  • -437 E.G.

    Founding of Paladros
  • -437 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Thudar
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Thudar is originally a god of conquest and triumph.

  • -403 E.G.

    Creation of Kaurenis
    Geological / environmental event

    Kaurenis creates the island of Kaurenis as a safe haven for his people in preparation for the immenent God War

  • -273 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Nudimir
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -172 E.G.

    Start of the God War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The revolution of the devils against the celestials, the event that caused such a distinction to exist. Ravaged Dulūn throughout its duration, severely setting its progress back and sending it into its dark ages. The war reached its conclusion with the killing of Sesais and the banishment of the devils into what became the Nine Hells.   Celesials Devils

  • -167 E.G.

    Knights of Zaldir Disbandment
  • -161 E.G.

    Murder of Kaurenis
    Life, Death

    Kaurenis is killed by the greater celestial Ashla

  • -153 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Avena
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -53 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Caemrys
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • -1 E.G.

    Killing of Sesais
    Life, Death

    Lyrveld, who has previously been working with the celestials, shows his loyalty to Zaldir in allowing him near enough to Sesais to kill her. She has been weakened by efforts to stop the other traitor gods, allowing Zaldir to strike the killing blow.

  • -1 E.G.

    Banishment of the Devils
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The remaining gods that were loyal to Sesais realise the true threat Zaldir and his army bring, and band together to banish him and his followers into what soon became the Nine Hells.   Celesials

  • -1 E.G.

    Apotheosis of Karramarroa
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 0 E.G.

    End of the God War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The God War is over, and Dulūn is able to begin repairing itself, with the help of the remaining celestials.   Celesials

After God War

1 A.G.W. and beyond

The current era of Dulūn.

  • 2 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Morta
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 41 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of the Seasonal Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 67 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Nethyr
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 72 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Ravelle
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 103 A.G.W.

    Shattering of the Pallid Conduit
    Cultural event

    Yxjun has Sha'ren shatter the Pallid Conduit in retaliation for Ravelle having become a goddess, transforming the Pallid Grove into the Forgotten Forest.

  • 182 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Brittune
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 209 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Myllavalla
  • 407 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Seiremar
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 502 A.G.W.

    Paladran Revolution
  • 503 A.G.W.

    Founding of Vechia
  • 671 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Vol
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 987 A.G.W.

    24 Nemylal

    Apotheosis of Ahena
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 993 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Lausvel
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1002 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Tetha
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1242 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Phegaas
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1483 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Ushohr
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1543 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Valdella
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1823 A.G.W.

    Apotheosis of Bylle
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 1901 A.G.W.

    Hadthian Sucession Crisis
    Political event

    Hadthos splits into two nations: Eclania and Mestrania.