Alon-Libertad (ah-LON lee-behr-TAHD)

Ekundayo Afolabi and Bayani Kasama's Home

Ekundayo Afolabi
Alon-Libertad is an architectural symphony of Afro-Brazilian and Southeast Asian elements, designed to harmonize with its natural surroundings. The home is structured with stilted foundations common in Southeast Asian coastal homes, allowing it to stand gracefully above the tranquil waters of Tir na nOg. The exteriors are decorated with vibrant, colorful patterns inspired by Brazilian art, symbolizing energy and movement.   The interior of Alon-Libertad is a sanctuary of peace and dynamism. Open, airy spaces dominate the design, facilitating the flow of air and light, essential for Ekundayo’s capoeira practices. The living areas feature flexible spaces that can be easily adjusted for training or tranquil meditation, reflecting the dual nature of the residents' interests. Decor includes elements such as bamboo, woven mats, and large, flowing fabrics, enhancing the sense of a continuous dance between tradition and modernity.   Outside, the home boasts a large deck overlooking the water, equipped with a training area for capoeira and space for meditation or social gatherings. Surrounding the house are gardens that blend tropical plants with native flora, creating a seamless transition between the indoor and outdoor living spaces.

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