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Tir Tairngire (Teer TAR-ngir-eh)

Separated from Hy-Brasil by a narrow sea to its east and south, Tir Tairngire stretches out in a tapestry of rolling hills, dense forests, and clear rivers that sing songs of old. Known as the Promised Land, it is a place where the fruits of the earth are bountiful, and the night sky glows with stars unseen anywhere else. Ancient megaliths rise from the earth, marking sites of power where the natural and supernatural forces converge. It is said that the land itself chooses its inhabitants, calling to those who seek a life in harmony with the earth. Wild animals, none fearing man, roam freely, and the forests are thick with secrets and the whispers of the ancestors. The climate is unusually temperate, fostering a paradise where winter seldom lays its cold fingers.

The Island of Tír na nóg
Welcome to the island. Tourism is not allowed. Invitation Only.
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