Villa Lucullus (loo-KUHL-loos)

A Greco-Romanesque Community

The villa Lucullus, named after the legendary Roman general and epicurean, stands as a testament to the rich heritage of its inhabitants. This grand estate is more than just a residence; it is a sanctuary for those who share a connection to Rome, Italy, and Sicily. Its architecture reflects the timeless elegance of Roman design, with stately columns, expansive courtyards, and intricate mosaics adorning its walls and floors. The villa is surrounded by lush gardens, meticulously tended to by Priapus, ensuring that every plant thrives and blooms vibrantly.   What makes Lucullus truly unique is its ability to grow and adapt to the needs of its residents. As more individuals with ties to the ancient world find their way to Tir na nOg, the villa expands effortlessly, adding new rooms, living spaces, and baths as needed. This dynamic nature ensures that Lucullus always remains a comfortable and welcoming home for all its inhabitants. The communal living spaces are designed to foster a sense of camaraderie and shared history, with large dining halls, cozy lounges, and serene courtyards where residents can gather, share stories, and enjoy each other's company.   The villa's interiors are a harmonious blend of classical and contemporary elements. Antique Roman artifacts and Sicilian pottery are displayed alongside modern furnishings, creating a space that is both nostalgic and inviting. Each resident has a personal room that reflects their individual tastes and histories, filled with personal mementos and symbols of their past lives. The shared baths, reminiscent of ancient Roman thermae, offer a place for relaxation and socialization, with warm waters and soothing steam providing comfort and rejuvenation.   Lucullus is more than just a place to live; it is a vibrant community where the past and present seamlessly intertwine. The villa's residents, including Daphnis, Priapus, and Romulus Augustus, find solace and joy in their shared heritage and the tranquil beauty of their surroundings. The expansive gardens, tended by Priapus, provide a constant source of inspiration and serenity, while the villa's ever-growing structure ensures that there is always room for more friends and family. In Lucullus, the spirit of ancient Rome, Italy, and Sicily lives on, creating a timeless haven for all who call it home.

Living Spaces


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