Myrddin Emrys' Home

The architecture is a majestic embodiment of the High Victorian Gothic style, characterized by its complexity, verticality, and rich ornamentation. The pointed arches, steeply pitched roofs, and ornate gables are all classic elements of this style, often associated with the 19th-century Gothic revival.

The building is adorned with intricate tracery, spires, and finials, enhancing the fairytale-like quality of the structure. The use of buttresses, both flying and solid, not only serves a structural purpose but also contributes to the aesthetic of the building, giving it a sense of upward momentum and grace.

The facade is composed of a mixture of stone and what appears to be stained glass, with the glasswork likely contributing to the interior's illumination, creating a play of light and color within. The complex also features a series of balconies and terraces, offering views of the surrounding landscape and reinforcing the building's connection with its natural setting.

Overall, this structure exudes a sense of grandeur and mysticism, as if it were the abode of a character from a storybook, situated in a realm where architecture is not just functional but emblematic of greater narratives and histories.


Architecture: Majestic embodiment of the High Victorian Gothic style, with complexity, verticality, and rich ornamentation.
Aesthetic: Fairytale-like quality with pointed arches, steeply pitched roofs, and ornate gables.
Overall Feel: Grandeur and mysticism, reminiscent of a storybook abode.
Materials: Mixture of stone and stained glass, enhancing interior illumination.
Features: Intricate tracery, spires, finials, balconies, and terraces for views of the natural surroundings.
Interior: Ornate and Victorian-inspired decor, with stained glass creating a play of light and color.
Special Features: Possesses flying and solid buttresses, contributing to structural integrity and aesthetics.
Living Area: A grand living room with towering ceilings, adorned with Victorian-era furnishings and intricate stained glass windows.
Plush sofas and armchairs invite guests to sink into comfort, while the warm glow of the stained glass creates an enchanting atmosphere.
Bedroom: Myrrdin's personal sanctuary is a spacious and opulent chamber.
A four-poster canopy bed dominates the room, draped with rich fabrics.
The walls feature tapestries depicting ancient legends, and a fireplace adds warmth and elegance.
Special Features: Myrrdin's home boasts a majestic library, complete with dark wood bookshelves filled with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts.
A hidden chamber serves as a meditation room, illuminated by a ceiling adorned with constellations, where Myrrdin seeks inspiration and wisdom.


To Myrddin Emrys, the Sage of Ages,

As the morning mist clings to the whispering pines of the highlands, and the mountain streams sing melodies of ancient secrets, we extend to you, Myrddin Emrys, our most profound respects and an invitation to cross the threshold into a realm crafted solely for your spirit.

In the embrace of the mountains, we have erected for you a sanctum that is both a reflection of the grandeur of nature and a monument to the boundless depths of your wisdom. The Sidhe architects, artisans of the ethereal and the earthly, have endeavored with fervent zeal to create a residence befitting your legendary foresight and profound connection to the arcane forces.

With stone quarried from the very bones of the earth and wood hewn from the ancient guardians of the forest, your abode rises as a natural extension of the land. The spires reach skyward like the pointed hats of sages in counsel, while the walls and arches possess the strength of lore set in stone.

Each stained glass window captures the hues of the world—a tapestry of color and light, casting stories upon the floors and walls with each sunrise and sunset. Within these chambers, every hearthfire whispers of alchemy and magic, every tapestry sings of histories known only to the likes of you.

In the crafting of your home, we have left no stone unenchanted, no beam unimbued with the essence of protection and knowledge. Here, amidst the groves that resonate with the wisdom of untold eons, we hope you find solace, inspiration, and the profound peace of a hermitage worthy of your journey.

May the corridors of your new dwelling echo with the wisdom of your words, and may the halls resonate with the power of your legacy. Welcome, Myrddin Emrys, to a home that is a fortress of knowledge, a sanctuary of the spirit, and a bastion of the mystic arts.

With the highest esteem and unwavering dedication to your comfort and enlightenment,

The Sidhe Architects

Mansion / Villa
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