Emain Ablach (EH-vin AH-blakh)

Emain Ablach, a serene island nestled in the heart of a tranquil sea to the south of Hy-Brasil and west of Arcadia, is a paradise where the mundane meets the mystical. This Land of Apples is famed for its orchards, where trees laden with eternal fruit symbolize renewal and immortality. The air is perpetually filled with the fragrance of blossoming apple flowers, and the gentle hum of bees fills the day. Legend holds that those who eat an apple from Emain Ablach gain wisdom and healing, their souls intertwined with the land's everlasting magic. The island is dotted with ancient stone circles and wells believed to be gateways to the otherworld, guarded by spirits who watch over the land and its visitors.

The Island of Tír na nóg
Welcome to the island. Tourism is not allowed. Invitation Only.
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