Terra-Lux (TEHR-ah LUKS)

Chad Allen, Firass Dirani, and Xochitl Coh's Home

Terra-Lux is a grand abode designed to reflect the multifaceted personalities of its residents, incorporating elements from their diverse backgrounds. The exterior is a harmonious blend of Mediterranean terracotta tiles, robust Germanic timber, and vibrant Lebanese mosaics, encapsulating the spirit of Chad, Firass, and Xochitl. Windows incorporate stained glass with purple motifs. This fusion creates a visually stunning facade that is both welcoming and imposing.   Inside, the sanctuary offers vast, open spaces interspersed with intimate nooks, catering to the various activities of its occupants. The kitchen and dining area, large and well-equipped, serve as the heart of the home, reflecting Chad’s love for community gatherings and his culinary skills. A home theatre and a versatile performance space cater to Firass's theatrical pursuits, while a lush, expansive garden houses Xochitl's botanical collection and serves as a sanctuary for local wildlife, including a secluded area for his were-jaguar form.   The grounds of Terra-Lux are meticulously designed to blend agriculture with artistry. There are fields for Chad’s farming, dramatic outdoor stages set against natural backdrops for Firass's performances, and mystical gardens that seem to whisper ancient secrets, perfect for Xochitl's botanical experiments and spiritual practices.

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