Inis Naomh (IN-ish NEEV)

To the east of Ynys Afallach lies Inis Naomh, a cluster of smaller islands each bearing its own unique secret and power. These Sacred Islands are revered as the stepping stones between the mortal world and the divine, where the veil is thinnest, and spirits wander freely. Ancient standing stones dot the landscapes, engraved with runes that hum with old magic when moonlight touches them. The islands serve as a pilgrimage site for those seeking enlightenment, healing, or the touch of the divine. Each island has its own guardian spirit, manifesting as natural phenomena or elusive creatures seen from the corners of one’s eye. The waters between them are treacherous, rumored to change course at will, allowing only those with a true purpose to find their way.

The Island of Tír na nóg
Welcome to the island. Tourism is not allowed. Invitation Only.
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