Nebet Bahir (Neh-bet Bah-heer)

Adonibaal Sethos's Home

Perched on the rugged slopes of a towering mountain, Nebet Bahir offers a panoramic vista that spans the glistening sea, the expansive land below, and the vast starlit sky above. The dwelling is a masterful fusion of Phoenician craftsmanship and Egyptian aesthetics, reflecting Adonibaal Sethos's rich heritage. The structure features robust, stone-laden foundations typical of ancient Phoenician architecture, combined with elegant Egyptian ornamental elements such as columns adorned with hieroglyphics and a large central courtyard that serves both as a private observatory and a tranquil garden.   Within Nebet Bahir, the interiors are designed to facilitate Adonibaal's scholarly pursuits. Rooms are aligned precisely to capture the optimal views for his studies of cartography and astronomy. The walls are lined with intricate maps and celestial charts, blending art and science in a homage to his dual cultural lineage. The house not only serves as a home but also as a sanctuary where the mysteries of the stars, the sea, and the earth are continuously unraveled, echoing Adonibaal's quest for knowledge and exploration.

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