Ynys Afallach (UN-is AV-a-lakh)

Ynys Afallach, often shrouded in mist and legend, sits off the northwest coast of Tir na nOg, accessible only to those deemed worthy or in dire need. Known as the Island of Avalon in ancient texts, it is said to be the final resting place of heroes and a sanctuary for the gods. The island is abundant with lush, verdant landscapes that seem to thrive unnaturally, nourished by the island's connection to the otherworld. At its heart lies a grove of apple trees that bear fruit year-round, embodying the island's eternal youth and healing powers. Legends whisper of a hidden castle enveloped in fog, home to a mysterious lady who presides over the land with wisdom from ages past. The surrounding waters are calm, reflecting the sky in a perfect mirror on windless days, making the boundary between realms seem all but nonexistent.

The Island of Tír na nóg
Welcome to the island. Tourism is not allowed. Invitation Only.
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