Machaire Sí (MAH-khar-eh SHEE)

Surrounding the base of Druim na Beatha lies Machaire Sí, an expanse of lush plains and enchanted forests that stretch as far as the eye can see. This Faery Plain is a landscape of wonder, where every leaf and stone is imbued with ancient magic. The air is alive with the light of fireflies at night, and by day, the sun casts a soft glow over the land, creating a haven of peace and beauty. It is here that the sídhe make their homes, hidden from mortal eyes but ever-present. Sacred groves and wells dot the landscape, serving as portals to the otherworldly realms. Machaire Sí is a place of harmony, where the rhythm of life moves in accordance with the seasons and ancient laws.

The Island of Tír na nóg
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