Magh Luirg (MAW LURG)

Located on the northwest part of Hy-Brasil, Magh Luirg, the Plain of Pursuits, is a vast, open landscape where the sky stretches endlessly above a sea of verdant grasses and wildflowers. This region is known for its lively chases and hunts, with mythical creatures darting through the tall grasses, always just a whisper out of sight. The air here is filled with the sounds of laughter and the thrill of the chase, a testament to the land's name. Across the water, the silhouettes of Ynys Afallach and Inis Naomh cast a mystical glow, especially at dawn and dusk, bridging the realms of the ordinary and the magical.

The Island of Tír na nóg
Welcome to the island. Tourism is not allowed. Invitation Only.

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