
Nellis is a large city formed out of the ruins of an old Air Force Base. Inhabited by a tribe known as the Boomers, these folk are former Vault Dwellers from Vault 34, who left due to disagreements. Nellis and its tribe now serve as not only a major population center within the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave, but also the headquarters of the FEZ's own Air Force. Using a restored bomber, a fleet of vertibirds, and a pair of restored jet fighters, Nellis provides the FEZ with complete air dominance in any conflict, as was shown at the Second Battle for Hoover Dam  The Boomers were once highly xenophobic, launching artillery at anyone who treaded too close to their home. Now they are slowly leaving their shells, merchants and caravans travel their regularly, and groups of trusted and proven settlers have been allowed to integrate into their society, especially engineers who can help with their air technology. By 2300 Nellis also hosted a detachment of Securitrons and Mojave Rangers, it also hosted the Mojave's Air Command in its Control Tower. Its most common missions are the launching of Vertibirds for rapid deployment or resupply of the Rangers.


Prior to the founding of the FEZ, the boomer population was roughly 7,000, now, with a new generation, and the new groups of settlers, it is nearing 20,000.


Nellis has an Elder, and a Master of Arms, who dictate day to day operations, Control of the Air Force and the surrounding area falls to the Courier.


Nellis's population is heavily armed, it also has a fence enclosing its area, and an inhuman amount of artillery throughout the city.


Nellis makes use of the Military base and its buildings, as well as the reconstructed town outside of it.
Founding Date
Boomers settled in 2230s
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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