
Khelbadur, the independent dwarven fortress nestled deep within the Dunnith Mountains on the Isle of Baeddon, is a marvel of dwarven engineering and a bastion of resilience. Built into the sheer cliffs of the mountains, Khelbadur is an impregnable stronghold of stone and iron, renowned for its massive fortifications and intricate craftsmanship. The fortress stands as a symbol of dwarven independence, as its inhabitants refuse to align themselves with the Kingdom of Louth, fiercely guarding their sovereignty and the wealth of resources found within the Dunnith Mountains.   The entrance to Khelbadur is guarded by towering gates, reinforced with ancient runes and enchanted metal, making it nearly impenetrable to any force that might seek to breach its walls. Once inside, the fortress reveals a sprawling network of halls, forges, and living quarters, all hewn from the mountain's stone with precision and care. The main hall, known as the Hall of Kings, is the heart of Khelbadur, where the fortress's ruling council gathers to make decisions regarding trade, defense, and diplomacy. The walls of the hall are adorned with intricate carvings depicting the history of Khelbadur and its founding clans, while great braziers burn eternally, casting flickering light across the stone.   The fortress is known for its forges, where master blacksmiths and craftsmen produce some of the finest weapons, armor, and tools in the Moontide Isles. The forges of Khelbadur burn day and night, fueled by the rich veins of ore found in the surrounding mountains. Dwarven artisans are highly respected for their skill, and their goods are sought after across the isles. Trade caravans frequently travel to and from Khelbadur, though the dwarves are selective about whom they trade with, valuing their independence and keeping many of their finest works for their own defense.   While Khelbadur is a place of industry and wealth, it is also a fortress under constant vigilance. The dwarves share the Dunnith Mountains with dangerous neighbors, including the drow city of Sharr Mhaor hidden deep beneath the earth, as well as the looming threat of giants that prowl the higher peaks. Khelbadur’s defenses are always on high alert, with its soldiers and war machines ready to repel any threats. The dwarves maintain a delicate balance between managing external threats and upholding their self-sufficient, independent culture.   Khelbadur stands as a testament to dwarven strength and independence, its walls impenetrable and its people fiercely proud of their heritage. The fortress is more than just a stronghold; it is a sanctuary where the dwarves of Baeddon live, work, and thrive, cut off from the politics of the Kingdom of Louth, yet fully aware of the powers that surround them.
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