Dragons of Gylidd Species in Myzelis | World Anvil

Dragons of Gylidd

Gylidd is an island only 300 miles across at its widest point, but every draconic bloodline has a home there. The Heartwood Forest has had its usual influence, encouraging the normally extremely territorial creatures to exist in close proximity to each other, and Gylidd's central location at the heart of the leylines has also provided ample incentives for dragons to concede some of their need for space in exchange for a strategically important location to make their lair.   Dragons - as some of the very first mortal races to be formed by the shapeshifting aethri - have existed on Gylidd island since the very first years of the Inaethrite Era, over 50,000 years before present day. Theories abound that the presence of these highly magical creatures on the island have encouraged the presence of wildly disparate biomes that would not normally exist so close to one another, and that without them the entire island might shift back towards a far more neutral temperate climate as befitting its latitude.   Even though sightings of these dragons are frequent enough within a given area that most Gylidders could make a logical guess, seeking the specific location of dragon lairs is highly discouraged. People of the island are happy to see these dragons about as all of them live at least somewhat harmoniously with the rest of the island, while some outliers are just hermits rather than misaethropes. Between that, the general Gylidder sentiment of live and let live, and the way the magical creatures mere presence supports the biomes that these aethrin have lived in for millenia, the average islander is far more likely to defend their draconic neighbors than ever attack them.   A handful of dragons are actively involved in the present day politics and activities of the island, such as the Dauddraig Izzithsicoria and Vykdramir.   Below are a list of the Greatwyrms of each bloodline - which include the Dauddraig (who are not just dragons, but are also infused with elemental nobility) - with some information that is commonly known by any who live in Gylidd. These are the oldest dragons that currently exist on the island for each 'type.'

Chromatic Dragons



  • Eir Karannas (EAR kar-RAN-nass) - also known as "Eir" - is a greatwyrm who claims the Karannic Mire, a lake at the center of Yuke's Bog, which rests on the border between the Southern Grand Canal near Kor, and the Fading Peaks. Their demeanor is often peaceful and serene, if a bit farsighted, and it takes an effort for them to remember that other aethrin don't have as many years to contemplate their choices. Among the Wrenjers of Gylidd that watch for threats from the mist, the scaled scouts of Yukejder, and the shield wardens of Dobkwar, Eir and their brood are considered reliable allies and cunning strategists. Iconography of the greatwyrm features heavily on shields and wards made by all three groups. Black dragonborn of the Karannic brood are commonly seen in and around this area as well, with their largest families residing in the half-subterranean mountain town of Yukejder.


  • The three thousand year old greatwyrm Shangg Svarth (SHANG SVARTH) and their family claim territory in the Sea of Bones south of W'harra Temal Demar. Their demeanor is intensely focused, filled with a great deal of energy and a deep desire to meddle in the affairs of those who interest them. Surprisingly, Shangg loves to tell jokes, having honed their inherent charisma on generations of W'harrans seeking the greatwyrm out for help with this or that. The old Blue dragon has picked up an interest in - bordering on obsession with - stargazing, after spending a century falling in love with a minotaur stargazer named Nyanis Moonshadow around the 24th century. Due to the presence of Shangg's family, blue dragonborn are more common in the desert oasis of W'harra than anywhere else in Gylidd.


  • The eight thousand year old Houladrazvexia (HOO-lah-draz-VEX-ee-ah) - also known as "Vexia" - has held court in Hynfaol since well before the resettlement of Gylidd. The Verdant Mesa has had its own governance since the Inaethrite era, and the bloodline that led to Vexia has been involved in Hynfaelic politics for most of that time. The green greatwyrm is a bit idealistic for her fellow aethrins' taste, but her imaginative and motherly perspective is always afforded at least an opportunity to be heard at court. That being said, Vexia's vanity is easily her greatest weakness. Green dragonborn are plentiful in the sylvan paradise of the Verdant Mesa, although sadly Vexia tends only to dote on the most beautiful or artistic of them.


  • The ubiquitous, affable Izzithsicoria Dauddraig is a red greatwyrm infused with the nobility of the elemental plane of air. As their existence predates much of written record, their lifespan is quite possibly anteinaethric - as in older than the aethri and inaethri themselves. The Purveyor's descendants include red dragonborn who are especially chaotic, artistic, creative and/or in tune with their elemental heritage. Central Gylidd sees more of these red-scaled inheritors than any other place in the Realm.
  • Athalgaethir (ath-ALG-eth-theer) - also known as "the Flame of Revival" - was a nine thousand-year-old red greatwyrm who was one of the few creatures to survive on the eastern side of Gylidd island from before the retreat of the Brume in 0 AE. They were a steward of the Brumewood, entirely focused on managing its ecosystem and purging the overgrowth with carefully cultivated burns to prevent a forest fire from destroying it entirely. Outside of their self-prescribed purpose they were difficult to reach, spending all of their time in exile on the islands of Red Dragon Reach off the eastern coast. Athalgaethir was highly critical of civilization, tending to side with Vrokíva's opinion, but not her methods... at least not yet. Red dragonborn cults dedicated to Athalgaethir's purpose have been seen at the eastern borders of Gylidd, haunting the edge of the Brumewood where the Sea of Bones begins. Athalgaethir has been missing since early Ylioka, 0 AE, and both he and his treasure hoard in Red Dragon Reach have not been seen since. Divinations cast about the dragon's whereabouts have all turned up dire tidings - rumors abound that he was caught by surprise by a cult of dragon slayers. Worries abound amongst the Wrenjers and the naturalists of Gylidd what this will mean for the Brumewood.


  • The elusive, enigmatic Bruidwyddir Dauddraig is a white greatwyrm infused with the nobility of the elemental plane of earth. As their existence predates much of written record, their lifespan is quite possibly anteinaethric - as in older than the aethri and inaethri themselves. The Wraith's descendants include white dragonborn who are particularly stoic, thoughtful, and wily, especially from the city of Dantawyr, which venerates Bruidwyddir and Ciysemmris in equal measure.

Gem Dragons



  • Ebranothos (ee-BRANN-oh-those) - also known as "Ebran" - an amethyst greatwyrm born over fifteen hundred years before Gylidd's Second Founding, is one of the five Gamwirthfir (precious gemstone dragons) of the Effluvian Jungle. They are gregarious with their knowledge; believing that the more people know, the stronger they become as a culture. As a capable and powerful psychic Ebran is particularly focused on mental potential, and has been known to elevate others through mental exercise and telepathic rituals (thereby turning them into Kalashtar). These erudites are called Facets of Ebran, and together with the dragonflight's amethyst dragonborn descendants, are more commonplace in Zhen Ishraihadasha than any other place in Gylidd. As for the greatwyrm themselves, their lair is likely somewhere north of the city, lost deep under the thick canopy.
  • Nakrisothimr and Yvanthsuraga (nak-ree-SOTH-imer) and (yee-vanth-sur-AH-ga) - also known as "Nakris" and "Yvanth" - are a mated pair of amethyst adults born deep beneath the Effluvian Jungle between six and seven hundred years before present day. They spent the first three hundred years of their existence working alongside the Dragonriders of the Dragothen Tsan. During this time, they became fast friends, and nearly lovers. After repelling an incursion of deeper darkness from the Shadowfell, the two dragons became corrupted and infused with Shadow, losing much of their original selves as they gained power. Escaping the judgment of their peers (and likely their own destruction), they fled to the underdark of eastern Gylidd where they were given the opportunity to defend the ex-Xhogumal city of Greznek in exchange for a lair of their own. In early Erynna of 0 AE, Jarvis Stone of the Doom Chime of the The Wrenjers of Gylidd used a Wish to extract the corruption from their bodies, and in gratitude they pledged to name their firstborn child (as the shadowfell corruption had left them unable to rear children) after him.


  • Jairkittrovim (ja-EER-kit-tro-vimm) - also known as "Jair" - a crystal greatwyrm over six thousand years old, is one of the five Gamwirthfir (precious gemstone dragons) of the Effluvian Jungle. Wholly devoted to the service and ethos of Kethisarqueya, Jair is known to the people of the Effluvian Jungle as "Peacekeeper's Light." Though they can be gentle and always attempt to turn the other cheek, Jair is not beyond using their draconic strengths to intimidate other creatures into 'willingly' choosing the peaceful route, showing that for all their advanced age the crystal greatwyrm still has more to learn to curtail their instincts. The dragonflight of the eastern Effluvian Jungle has produced a large population of crystal dragonborn, many of whom live in villages in the Rachis Range on the edge of the verge, surrounding themselves with magically resonant stones and potent flora.


  • Clathandruin (clah-THAN-dru-in) - also known as "Clath" - an emerald greatwyrm well over six thousand years old, is one of the five Gamwirthfir (precious gemstone dragons) of the Effluvian Jungle. Their Emerald bloodline lairs on the cusp of the Northern Grand Canal, and it is not at all uncommon to see their emerald dragonborn kin walking the streets of cities and towns from Ormtona to Orlewynd. As for Clath themselves, the emerald greatwyrm is respectful, insightful, and even a bit quiet for so ancient and powerful a creature. They seem content to observe the world around them, involving themselves only rarely and for reasons entirely their own. Even Clath's physical appearances are subdued; showing up to galas, festivals, and gatherings in random guises which match the local aesthetic scene without standing out.


  • Lanokimizirkuroz (lan-oh-kee-mee-ZEER-ku-rows) - also known as "Lanoki" - a five thousand year old sapphire greatwyrm, is one of the five Gamwirthfir (precious gemstone dragons) of the Effluvian Jungle. Specifically, Lanoki's domain is beneath it - adjacent to the Deep Gnome tunnels of the Dragothen Tsan. The dragonflight and their sapphire dragonborn are well ensconced within the subterranean defense network of the deep folk, providing protections against both the Brume, and horrors beyond nature. Lanoki - a consummate strategist and well-read being - supplements their inherent arcana with a religious study of more scholarly magic, and due to this the Inaethri Elisarion considers the Sapphire Wizard to be one of their most important priests.


  • Onvetelnan (own-vet-TELL-nen) - also known as "Vetel" - a topaz greatwyrm nearly ten thousand years old (and thereby one of the oldest living creatures on Gylidd), is one of the five Gamwirthfir (precious gemstone dragons) of the Effluvian Jungle. Vetel is ancient even by greatwyrm standards, and a foul-mouthed, unpredictable curmudgeon prone to mood swings and dark depressive episodes that keep them buried in the mud and out of sight for years at a time. Despite their lone-wolf demeanor, the topaz dragon's mere presence is hugely influential in the Effluvian Jungle, as they provide a strong aura of decay to balance the explosive life provided by the presence of so many sylvan druids, rangers, and other naturalists who could grow their verge until it choked out all life within it. Vetel's territory is a dark and terrible bog at the heart of the jungle, swallowed by shadows cast by the tallest and oldest trees, and its borders are ringed with communes of topaz dragonborn who test themselves on their progenitor's domain, and ward others away lest their souls be endangered by the fickle, moody greatwyrm.

Metallic Dragons



  • Living amongst the wastes between Gylidd and the Sea of Bones, Halasaremaresi (hales-sar-eh-mar-AY-see) - also known as "Maresi" - is a brass greatwyrm over six thousand years old. Maresi has always enjoyed mercantilism and commerce, and rumors abound that they are heavily invested in businesses and guilds - not only in Gylidd, but all across Myzelis - through a cornucopia of fake names and faces. The brass greatwyrm has moved their lair and brood dozens of times throughout the millennia, as their hoard is likely disproportionately large - even for a dragon - and thereby a juicy target for any thieves. They collect priceless treasures as well, including a few artifacts, and scholars disagree on whether or not they've ever 'collected' talented aethrin in the past. Maresi's brass dragonborn often serve as their emissaries and representatives in financial dealings, traveling all over the world to expand the Brass Bank.


  • Xilshou Omra (SHEER-show OMU-ra) - also known as "Omra" or "Rebelscale" - is a seven thousand year old bronze greatwyrm whose territory is the ancient watchtower "Gwelgidaethr" (Gylidder for "the Sentinel"), which looms over the Inland Sea to the southwest of Gylidd. Omra's personality is anarchic and opportunistic in equal measure; they and their brood frequently infiltrate the domains and meetings of powerful creatures and societies to question their ways, and to stand up for those who are trod underfoot. They make no secret of their reverence for the Inaethri Onhasqa, and in turn are granted powerful clerical magics by the Firebrand to facilitate their plans. Xilshou's bronze dragonflight also works with the golden brood of Symudlaw, as they share part of the dauddraig's domain, but only rarely. Xilshou's families of bronze dragonborn are commonplace along the coasts of the Inland Sea, joining and commanding sailing vessels of all kinds.


  • Jin Jeth Basim Nim (JIN JETH BAH-sem NIM) - also known as "Basim" - is a copper greatwyrm over seven thousand years old. They and their brood live among the Petrified Wood of southern Gylidd, filling the space between the stone forest's dead bark with haunting laughter and eerie songs. The greatwyrm's melodies carry over vast distances on the clear, cold nights; lamentations of loss and sorrow. Their illusion and enchantment magic turns the seemingly empty, dead landscape into a maze, ensuring that those who stumble or trespass upon their territory must hear the entire repertoire of songs before they're allowed to leave. It is unclear to most Gylidders why Basim sings, and for what or whom their sorrow is reserved, but bardic scholars theorize that the only way to learn the truth would be to indulge the greatwyrm, night after night, until the musical forest can be seen for more than its trees. Families of Old Fiddlfossl's - Gylidder for "Stone Violin" - copper dragonborn relatives are commonly seen in and around Varleef and Gradissa Fen, and some who learn parts of Basim's melodies carry the tune elsewhere with a hint or more of their progenitor's inscrutable air of mystery.


  • Symudlaw Dauddraig - also known as "the Leviathan of the Inland Sea" - is a gold greatwyrm infused with the nobility of the elemental plane of water. As their existence predates much of written record, their lifespan is quite possibly anteinaethric - as in older than the aethri and inaethri themselves. The Leviathan's descendants include gold dragonborn who are especially drawn to the sea, protective, and/or in tune with their elemental heritage. The port cities of Corsdych and Sudiboda see more of these gold-scaled inheritors than any other place in the Realm.


  • Bekrathiranika (BEK-ra-theer-an-ee-kah) - also known as "Bekra" - is a silver greatwyrm who makes their lair high in the mountains of the Southern Rachis Range near the Brawd (Brothers) three. They are talkative and friendly, sometimes taking the guise of a simple traveler to test the morals and intentions of those who walk the ancient trails of the mountain passes. Though they are cagey as to why, Bekra sometimes asks very pointed questions about the origin of items - especially magic items - carried by travelers in their domain, and refuse to allow passage to thieves unless they surrender the items they stole so that the silver greatwyrm can have them returned. Bekra is over six thousand years old, and has a longstanding alliance with the Xhogumal peoples that travel through their territory, born of mutual respect. Bekra is also a common sight for those who walk the somber path from Gylidd to Asheido, the City of the Dead, to deliver the bodies of their dead relatives and friends. The priests of Ianordath consider the silver dragon's flight overhead to be a good omen for the spirit of the deceased, and call them "Silver Sorrow." The greatwyrm's silver dragonborn relatives are found in families all throughout southern Gylidd, but nowhere more than Asheido, where they are deeply respected so long as they live up to Bekra's high standards for decorum and gravitas.

Other Dragons



  • Gofnomannorg (goth-NO-man-org) - also known as the "Gof" or "Cavern Whisperer" - is a deep greatwyrm nearly seven millenia old. They, and their kin, claim the depths of the earth beneath the Gyliddspire - the iconic, tooth-shaped mountain that served as a physical and magical beacon for the very first Aethrin to Gylidd on Gylidd island. Long before this, the Cavern Whisperer's ancestors selflessly offered to guide the very first underdark aethri through the treacherous paths beneath the seas from the long lost Realm of Vanchessil. Their goals were twofold; putting themselves at risk to develop a connection with the subterranean gathered, and establishing themselves as indispensible to the aethri and their nearly omnipotent deities. Recent centuries have seen the deep folk depend on each other more and more, leaving their draconic allies behind, and Gof wonders a day is coming in their lifetime when the deep dragons' loyalty will be completely forgotten, and the dragonflight will retreat into the depths of the earth, never to be seen again.


  • Michkeekith (mitch-CHEE-kith) - also known as "Glowroar" - is a moonstone greatwyrm of unknown age who migrated to Myzelis through the Feywild portal at Hynfaol in 3517 AI. Very little is known for certain about this beautiful, mysterious creature or its motives, as shortly after arriving - and completely stunning every onlooker with its incredible size and beauty - Michkee departed immediately to the skies, and did not return to the surface until they had arrived in the northern Brumewood. So far the dragon has yet to reply to any Sending sent its way, nor have any other methods of locating them borne fruit. The Fairy and Satyr aethrin of Gylidd know of the dragon's existence - some of them having seen it before in what would seem like a dream of the plane of the fey - but that is all they know. No other 'native' moonstone dragons have been seen in Gylidd as of yet, but perhaps that is changing by the day...


  • Vykdramir Dauddraig - also known as "Lord of the Blackheart" - is a shadow greatwyrm infused with the nobility of the elemental plane of fire. As their existence predates much of written record, their lifespan is quite possibly anteinaethric - as in older than the aethri and inaethri themselves. The caverns below Gylidd city are rife with Vykdramir's clan, and although there are no known communities of shadow dragonborn, if they do exist they are likely close to their progenitor; more than likely sharing the dauddraig's intense focus upon the safety of Myzelis leylines. The Lord of the Blackheart claims to be responsible for the protection of the heart of the leyline network, and as such is infused with terrible power on the scale undreamt of by other mortal dragons.