2023 WorldEmber To Do List

Overall Goal

The overall goal of this WorldEmber is to reach 10,000 words (at minimum). The tracker for that is here;

Meeting the word count

1,000 words   2,000 words   3,000 words   4,000 words   5,000 words   6,000 words   7,000 words   8,000 words   9,000 words   10,000 words
13,000 words   16,000 words   19,000 words   22,000 words   25,000 words
27,500 words   30,000 words   32,500 words   35,000 words   37,500 words   40,000 words   42,500 words   45,000 words   47,500 words   50,000 words
52,500 words   55,000 words   57,500 words   60,000 words   62,500 words   65,000 words   67,500 words   70,000 words   72,500 words   75,000 words   77,500 words   80,000 words   82,500 words
    Note: I completed 10,000 words within the first three days. I'm going to expand my goal to 25,000 words and see if I can reach it.   Secondary Note: I completed 25,000 words within ten days. I'm going to expand my goal to 50,000 words and see if I can reach it.   Tertiary Note: I completed 50,000 words on 24th Decemeber. Based on current rate, I think I can reach 65,000 words, so I'm going to make that my new goal.   Quaternary Note: I completed 65,000 words today (28th December) so I'm going to see if I can get to 75,000 words.   Quinary Note: Last day and I've reached 83,000 words! I can't quite believe it!  



World Atlas

Tag: WE23WordAtlas


  • Lanips Mountains - Location
  • Laykan Bay - Location
  • Hedan Basin - Location
  • Akire Mountains - Location
  • Stron - Location
  • Rivers - Location
  • Surplus Home - Landmark
  • Ruler's Tower - Landmark
  • Light House - Landmark
  • Bearer's House - Landmark
  • Gatherer's Holdings - Landmark


Write at least one article (min 500 words) about each of the following:   a river,   a mountain range,   a settlement,   a building,   a coastal region

Myths of Vellikka

Tag: WE23Myths


  • Flood Myth - Myth
  • The Last of the Dreamspeakers - Myth
  • Founding of Abna - Myth
  • The First Day of Song - Myth
  • Why Colours Flash - Myth
  • Story About Choosing A Path - Myth
  • Afterlife Story - Myth
  • End of The World Myth - Myth


At least three stories including:   afterlife explanation,   fable about choosing a path,   a story of the stars/aurora



The Peacekeepers

Tag: WE23Peacekeepers


  • Peacekeeper - Ethnicity
  • Pachian - Species
  • Peacekeeper Territories - Location
  • Peacekeeper Alliance - Organisation
  • Peacekeeper Command - Organisation
  • PA Standard - Language
  • The First Micro Rebellion - Conflict
  • The Second Micro Rebellion - Conflict
  • Peace Agreement Template - Document
  • Societal Hierarchy - Article
  • P'Ache Solar System - Location
  • The Primary Territories - Location
  • The Victalis System - Location


  a complete map of the Peacekeeper hierarchy, including   key decision making positions   key departments   at least two historical events   a summary of cultural norms for people living in P’Ache Prime  

People from Other Planets

Tag: WE23OtherPlanets


  • Asora - Ethnicity
  • Jakunguh - Ethnicity
  • Macran - Ethnicity
  • Vkan - Ethnicity
  • Gorgoron - Ethnicity
  • Majoran - Ethnicity
  • Minoran - Ethnicity
  • Primian - Ethnicity
  • Race on other P'Ache planets
  • Map of galaxies


  Write at least 500 words about 5 different species across the universe which I can use as seeds throughout the story:
  • Species 1
  • Species 2
  • Species 3
  • Species 4
  • Species 5

Other Loose Ends

Tag: WE23LooseEnds


  • The Shading - Law
  • Spirit Speaking - Spell
  • Vellich Profession Paths - Article
  • Passing The Mantle - Ritual
  • Path Choosing - Ritual
  • Storyteller's Bracelet - Item
  • The Leaving - Condition
  • Vellich World View - Article


  • Vellikka Calendar - Calendar
  • Peacekeeper Calendar - Calendar
  • Vellich World View - Map/Diagram

Writing Schedule


Week 1

  • Fri 1st - Evening: 1,000 words
  • Sat 2nd - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Sun 3rd - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Mon 4th - Evening: 500 words
  • Tues 5th - Day Off
  • Weds 6th - Day Off
  • Thurs 7th - Evening: 500 words
Week Target: 4,000 words

Week 2

  • Fri 8th - Evening: 500 words
  • Sat 9th - Evening: 500 words
  • Sun 10th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Mon 11th - Evening: 500 words
  • Tues 12th - Day off
  • Weds 13th - Day off
  • Thurs 14th - Day off, because it's my birthday!
Week Target: 2,500 words

Week 3

  • Fri 15th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Sat 16th - Evening: 500 words
  • Sun 17th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Mon 18th - Day off
  • Tues 19th - Day off
  • Weds 20th - Evening: 500 words
  • Thurs 21st - Evening: 500 words
Week Target: 3,500 words

Week 4

  • Fri 22nd - Evening: 500 words
  • Sat 23rd - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Sun 24th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Mon 25th - Day off
  • Tues 26th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Weds 27th - Day off
  • Thurs 28th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
Week Target: 4,500 words

Week 5

  • Fri 29th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Sat 30th - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
  • Sun 31st - Afternoon: 500 words | Evening: 500 words
Week Target: 3,000 words


Week 1: 4,000 words   Week 2: 2,500 words   Week 3: 3,500 words   Week 4: 4,500 words   Week 5: 3,000 words   Overall: 17,500 words

Progress Tracker

  • Fri 1st - 1,859 words
  • Sat 2nd - 5,790 words (+3,931)
  • Sun 3rd - 10,070 words (+4,280)
  • Mon 4th - 12,007 words (+1,937)
  • Tues 5th - Day Off - 13,054 words (+1,047)
  • Weds 6th - Day Off - 14, 814 words (+1,760)
  • Thurs 7th - 15,330 words (+516)
  • Week 1: 15,330
  • Fri 8th - 17,000 words (+1,670)
  • Sat 9th - 20,657 words (+3,657)
  • Sun 10th - 25,185 words (+4,528)
  • Mon 11th - 26,547 words (+1,362)
  • Tues 12th - Day Off
  • Weds 13th - Day Off - 28,923 words (+2,376)
  • Thurs 14th - Day Off - 29,607 words (+684)
  • Week 2: 14,277
  • Fri 15th - 31,643 words (+2,036)
  • Sat 16th - 33,176 words (+1,533)
  • Sun 17th - 36,875 words (+3,699)
  • Mon 18th - Day Off - 38,361 words (+1,486)
  • Tues 19th - Day Off - 40,010 words (+1,649)
  • Weds 20th - 42,081 words (+2,071)
  • Thurs 21st - 44,267 words (+2,186)
  • Week 3: 14,660
  • Fri 22nd - 45,567 words (+1,300)
  • Sat 23rd - 49,406 words (+3,839)
  • Sun 24th - 51,567 words (+2,161)
  • Mon 25th - Day Off - 54,025 words (+2,458)
  • Tues 26th - 57,714 words (+3,689)
  • Weds 27th - Day Off - 62,541 words (+4,827)
  • Thurs 28th - 65,117 words (+2,576)
  • Week 4: 20,850
  • Fri 29th - 69,658 words (+4,541)
  • Sat 30th - 74,166 words (+4,508)
  • Sun 31st - 83,175 words (+9,009)
Cozy Cottage Enclave
Cozy Cottage Enclave badge by Rin Garnett
Cozy Cottage Oath:
  • I will stop to stoke the fire when it dwindles. Rest when you are tired and for as long as you need.
  • I won't force the fire to fit a different stove. Let your plans inspire you, not control you.
  • I will follow sparks of joy, not chase dying embers. Write and read what you enjoy, not what's forced.
  • My flame is beautiful and undying. Believe in yourself and your ability to create, including when it's a struggle.
  • I will tend to all flames under my care. Working toward non-WorldEmber goals adds to your successes.
(Cozy Cottage oath is inspired by the Camp Chill guidelines from Annie Stein. Insert this badge into your own pledge with [img:5035416], or include the oath with [imgblock:5035416].)


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Nov 27, 2023 13:16 by Henry Rait

What a beautiful to-do list! :o

Nov 27, 2023 18:12 by Elspeth

Thank you! Nothing like crossing something off a list to make me feel like I'm achieving something! :)

So many worlds to choose from...