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Skìth Channel (ˈskiːtʲʰ ˈt͡ʃænəl)

The Skìth Channel is the northern outlet of the Gwlff Ffynid between Ynys and Oileán Fiáin. Eilean Skìth is roughly in the center of this channel, splitting it into the east and west passages. Both passages are patrolled heavily by the navy of Dalriada. Additionally, the west passage is claimed by the Deep Court of the Fae, who will punish any unlicensed transgressions harshly. Because of this, ships passing through the channel will typically choose the east passage if they are not intending to make port in Dunárd or elsewhere on Oileán Fiáin.

The Dalriadan navy patrols make every attempt to deny passage to raiders from Suðya or the Norður Islands, but there are many tricks that these ships use to enter and leave the Gwlff Ffynid. They will sail by at night with lights out, or masquerade as legitimate merchants or fishing vessels. Any ship passing through the Skìth Channel may be boarded and inspected, in an attempt to uncover hidden raiders. In some instances, particularly bold raiders have pretended to be ships of the Dalriadan navy and used this tactic to practice piracy on legitimate merchants passing through the channel.

Notable Spirits

The Deep Court is highly active in the channel, with several Fae lords claiming rights over various portions of it. The most common type of Fae to find in the area is the Merrow, an aquatic Fae who appears as a human from the waist up, but a fish below. They usually have green hair, and have the glamour to entice humans to dive into the water if they wish. Sailors passing through the west passage of the channel will scatter bread (or the closest available substitute) upon the waters to honor the Merrow, and will take pains to make sure that no iron clanks or clinks, as the sound of iron on iron enrages the Fae. However, they will also carry an iron bell in case of emergencies, for the sound of it will dispel the glamour of the Merrow and drive them off - for a time. Ships that resort to the bell are wise to avoid the seas claimed by the Deep Court for a good long while.


The Channel connects the Gwlff Ffynid with the Chuan an Iar, as the waters north of Oileán Fiáin and west of Ynys are named. It is bisected by Eilean Skìth into the east and west passages, with the east passage being slightly larger than the west. The northern outlet of the west passage skirts the dangerous region known as Carraig Toirneach, where many ships have wrecked over the years.


The channel is filled with sea life, including dolphins, seals, and many species of sea grass and shellfish. The region is heavily fished by both local residents and passing merchants. The coasts and small islands along the channel provide nesting sites to hundreds of species of seabirds, including albatross, puffins, auks, and gulls. The singing octopus is sometimes spotted on the rocks, particularly on the small islands near the center of the western passage.

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