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House Yuon was founded in 2752 MA by one of Youk the Conqueror's commanders, Yuon, when the King granted him all the lands around the Dao Mountains, once the Daokai. When the commander complained there were no riches to be found in these lands, Youk declared that fish and grain would be his treasure; if he wanted aught else, he would have to trade for it. The largest town in the territory was across the bay from the Dao Mountains, at the mouth of a broad river. It was there that Yuon made his seat, naming the town Yuondao. From there his family would rule until modern times, growing rich from trade. Throughout the centuries, they lost more and more land when they would choose poorly in a civil war or join a rebellion doomed to fail, but they always retained the rich core of their territory. In time, they had the smallest, but most densly populated Duchy in the Kingdom.   In 2869 MA, the reigning Yuon aided in a rebellion in the west and lost a portion of their southern lands and two daughters after Prince Yout the Brute discovered their treachery. It is said that Yout had his pleasure of the girls before he took their heads. Their corpses were left to rot in a field while their heads adorned the wall of Yout's fortress in the west. When the Church of the Trinity spearheaded a rebellion against Yout, now King of Youk Kingdom, the Yuons joined in, holding the river against Yout for the duration of the war, forcing him to march through modern-day Mildale. When Yout emerged victorious, the Duke of Dao and all his sons were put to death and his lands were reduced and given to a younger brother. Yout took his last daughter as a concubine, treating her unkindly until she died in childbed with one of his bastards.   During the War of Hrakken Expansion (3126 MA - 3231 MA), House Yuon stood as a bastion against the Lich King Koh; protecting the lands to their south from the brunt of the undead hordes coming down from the south. They supplied what aide they could to Ragnor Sorrowsworn in his war against the Hrakken Empire and once the war was finally one, it was suggested by some that the Yuons should be raised to the status of Kings. In the end, Sorrow Gilren, thge grandson of Ragnor Sorrowsworn was chosen to rule over Youk Kingdom.     During the Gilren Civil War (3383 MA - 3393 MA), House Yuon was divided as to whom to follow. Half their number sided with Alnor Gilren, while the other half joined with Ragnor III Gilren. For ten long years, brother warred with brother, cousin against cousin, father against son; until at last the family of each claimant were destroyed. Nearly every living Yuon was dead or maimed by the end of the war. The sitting Duke had lost a hand to his brother and an eye to his own son. When he passed in 3398 MA, his seat passed through the dead brother who had maimed him to his nephew, a deranged boy all feared would not be capable of holding his uncles lands. These fears proved well founded. Although they lost no lands during the civil war, by the end the reign of the false Hidrecs, House Yuon had lost all lands southwest of the Dao Mountains, holding only the Riverland and northwards, as well as the town of Bidao.   In 3524 MA, the Duke of Dao marched with Lahran II Gilren to put down the Trinitarian Rebellion. In reward for their service, they recieved several of the tracts of lands they had lost after the Gilren Civil War. Only three years later, the Youkan Civil War would see more than half of their lands removed when High Prince Lamlou Gilren and Queen Lahrah Gilren divided Youk Kingdom between them. A second son of House Yuon administer the southern lands under the High Prince for less than a decade before is lands were divided between the neighboring Duchies.   The Yuons were instrumental in the Youkan successes in the First and Second Riverland Wars, the first of which ended with a joint occupation and the second with an outright Youkan victory. In return for their aid, Duke Dosral Yuon was granted a portion of the spoils and the land captured. These lands were ravaged during the Third Riverland War, so Dosral Yuon traded the lands and the hand of his younger child for a large sum of gold.   In 3670 MA, when the Withering struck the Jakarak Empire, the city of Yuondao became a safe haven for Raharins fleeing the destruction of their homeland. A section of the city still bears their architectural mark and is still largely populated by the Elves and their descendants. The Yuons did what they could to make the Raharins welcome in their city, hosting their leaders for supper from time to time, sending food to their people, and supressing the preaching against non-Humans being pushed by the Church of the Trinity had been pushing their Acolytes and priests towards.   All three of Ranae Yuon's children went with King Ragnor V Gilren on his Hrakken Crusades. One as a warrior, one as a squire to the King, and one as a wife to the Duke of Magrae. All three perished or disappeared there in 3772 MA, leaving Ranae heirless. For the remaining twenty years of her life, she blamed the Crown for their deaths and refused to deploy her troops for any purpose. So in late 3772 MA, she sent no men to fight in a border war with the Princeship of Lamlou. In punishment, Queen Bella confiscated certain tracts of land from the Yuons and granted them to the Duke of the Riverland Duchy. When Bella's younger brother Balth slew her in cold blood in 3776 MA, Ranae did not bestir herself, nor when Yuoko II called for swords in 3777 MA to fight the Second Youkan Civil War against her Uncle. When Youko prevailed in 3779 MA, she took still more lands from the Yuons. When Ranae passed in 3782 MA, she was succeeded by a third cousin of a cadet branch of the family, one more committed to the Crown, if he were to be believed.   During the reign of Larryn II Gilren as King of Youk Kingdom, the Yuons supplied the majority of the soldiers that Larryn used to wage his war. Regardless of the Yuon's commitment to the Crown, the war was lost, leaving the Riverland Duchy in the hands of the High Prince of Lamlou. When Larryn's son, Jordyn II sought to retake the Riverland, House Yuon threw their support behind him and his son, Rielyn.   During the Third Youkan Civil War, the Yuons sided with Rielyn Gilren against his sister, Queen Jordyn III Gilren. Many and more of their men died at sea, at the river, and before the city of Youk. After all was said and done, House Yuon lost no lands, only having its Duke and his children forever exiled from Youk Kingdom.   In 3912 MA, when Jordyn V Gilren crowned herself and captured the city of Youk, the Yuons sent a great host to aid the siege under the command of Queen Jaedyn Jaedyn Gilren. For their assistance, some of the lands taken during the reigns of Queen Bella and Queen Youko II were restored to them. In addition, Jaedyn's 3 child, Ragnor Gilren was betrothed to Daori Yuon, the heiress to the Duchy of Dao. From their marriage would come Jaedyn Yuon, named for the Queen, his grandmother. Jaedyn's eldest child was a son he named Jord Yuon. Jord had 2 children, a boy named Joraen and a girl named Jaedyn. Joraen had two daughters, the younger of whom is the Duchess Jordyn Yuon. Jaedyn married Laen Caenar, giving him two children, a daughter named Quori and a son named Larryn. Larryn has yet to wed, but Quori Caenar, the Baroness of Caenarby has two children, a daughter, Laener, she has betrothed to Hoswen Gaen and a sturdy, adventurous son named Jordyn.

Demography and Population

Jordyn Yuon is the current head of the house. She has taken no husband as yet and has no children. Her mother died giving birth to her in 4026 MA and her father and older sister died in the Mildale Disaster in 4042 MA. Her closest living relative is her cousin, Quori Caenar, who is her legal heir. There is a cadet branch of house Yuon living in Yuondao, but they diverged from the main line back during the reign of Queen Jaedyn Gilren, making them much more distant cousins.


House Yuon has had control of the Duchy of Dao since the founding of Youk Kingdom, though the lands that that encompassed changed depending on what side of conflicts the Yuons ended up on. In 4050 MA the duchy was bounded in the north and west by a broad river. Halfway between the two southern tributaries, the land changes over to the Duchy of Tain. When the land passes between the Dao Mountains and the Prost Shield, the land changes over to the Riverland Duchy  Their personal County contains ten villages and the city of Yuondao, which they oversee as barons, often letting cadet branches hold to hereditary Baronies within the city.
Founding Date
2752 MA
Political, Family
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