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13. Thornwillow Farm

Once a peaceful and thriving homestead on the outskirts of Ostverk, Thornwillow Farm now stands as a symbol of loss and tragedy. Once filled with life and the sounds of a bustling family, the farm has since fallen into disrepair after the tragic loss of its matriarch and young son. The farmer, Garrik Thornwillow, spends his days mourning at the Laughing Moon Inn, leaving his once-prosperous land abandoned and unkempt.

Exterior Description

Thornwillow Farm, nestled near the northern edge of Ostverk, has succumbed to time and neglect. Once a well-maintained farmstead, the fields now lie fallow, overrun by weeds. A rusted plow stands as a grim sentinel in the middle of the field, unused since the day tragedy struck. The small wooden farmhouse is beginning to show signs of wear, with parts of the roof sagging and the fence surrounding the property broken and falling apart in places.   The farmhouse door stands slightly ajar, a sign of abandonment. There is no lock to keep intruders away, though there is little of value left inside.

Interior Description

The interior of the farmhouse mirrors the desolation outside. Dust coats the furniture, and the hearth has long since grown cold. An unmade bed occupies one corner of the single room, its sheets tangled and forgotten. The air is heavy with the scent of mildew and neglect, a far cry from the lively home it once was. Near the bed, Garrik’s poor-quality short sword rests on the floor—unsheathed and abandoned, much like its owner’s sense of purpose.   Hidden away in a small chest by the bed, three pieces of jewelry belonging to Eilyr Thornwillow, Garrik’s now-deceased wife, lie forgotten: a necklace, a ring, and a brooch, each worth 25 gp. The chest, like the rest of the house, remains unlocked, as if Garrik has given up caring about anything of material value. The Tragic Thornwillow Family   The Thornwillow family was once a beloved part of the Ostverk community. Garrik Thornwillow, the hardworking farmer, had a reputation for his dedication to the land. His wife, Eilyr, was known for her warm heart and healing hands, and their son, Damon, was a lively boy full of dreams of becoming a hero. Together, they were the epitome of a happy, loving family.
But six months ago, everything changed.
The farm’s fall into disrepair began the day a band of Blackthorn Orc raiders descended upon the homestead. The orcs captured Eilyr and Damon, planning to take them back to their war camp. In a desperate attempt to save them, Garrik fired his shortbow at the fleeing orcs, but fate dealt him a cruel hand. His arrow struck Eilyr, killing her instantly. The orcs fled with Damon, leaving Garrik to grapple with the unbearable guilt of his actions.   Since that day, Thornwillow Farm has been abandoned, much like Garrik’s spirit. He spends his time at the Laughing Moon Inn, drowning his sorrows in ale and haunted by the memory of his family’s tragic end. Garrik Thornwillow: The Grieving Farmer   Once a respected and dedicated farmer, Garrik Thornwillow is now a shadow of his former self. Wracked with guilt over his wife’s death and the loss of his son, Garrik’s sorrow has consumed him. He avoids the farm, unable to face the reminders of the family he lost, and instead seeks solace in the bottom of a tankard at the Laughing Moon Inn.

The Tragic Fate of the Thornwillows

Six months ago, the Thornwillow family’s peaceful life was shattered. Eilyr and Damon were captured by Blackthorn Orc raiders, and in a desperate attempt to stop them, Garrik fired a single arrow that killed his wife. His son, Damon, was taken by the orcs, his fate unknown.
"A plow won’t turn a field soaked in tears."
Now, Garrik is haunted by the memory of that day and blames himself for not doing more to save them. His once-thriving farm has fallen into decay, a physical manifestation of his grief.
The Abandoned Fields
The farm’s fields remain unplowed, overtaken by weeds and wild grass. Once, these fields were a source of pride for Garrik, providing crops for the village of Ostverk. Now, they are a symbol of his sorrow, left to rot under the sun. The plow, once so vital to his livelihood, rusts in the rows, untouched since the day his wife and son were taken.
"What’s the use of harvest when the family’s gone?"
Adventure Hooks
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Garrik’s Vengeance
Garrik is consumed by the desire to exact vengeance on the Blackthorn Orcs. If adventurers express any interest in tracking down the orc band, Garrik will insist on accompanying them. However, his grief makes him reckless, and his thirst for revenge could endanger the entire party if not carefully managed.
Rescue Mission for Damon
Rumors have surfaced that Damon may still be alive, held captive by the Blackthorn Orcs. If adventurers hear of this, they may embark on a dangerous mission to rescue the boy. However, they must tread carefully, as Garrik’s emotional instability may complicate the mission.
Restoring the Farm
Should Damon be rescued or Garrik find some form of closure, there may be an opportunity for the adventurers to help him restore the farm. Clearing out the weeds, repairing the buildings, and returning the fields to their former state could symbolize Garrik’s journey toward healing.

Connections to Ostverk

9. The Laughing Moon Inn 
Garrik spends most of his time at the Laughing Moon Inn, drinking away his sorrow. Many in the town have heard his tragic story, though few know the full details of the event. His presence at the inn is both pitied and feared, as he is known to fall into bouts of rage when reminded of his family’s fate.
The Town Guard
Baran Feath, captain of the Ostverk Guard, keeps a watchful eye on Garrik. Though Baran sympathizes with the farmer’s loss, he is concerned that Garrik’s thirst for vengeance could lead him to reckless actions. Baran has tried to offer support, but Garrik’s grief has pushed him further into isolation.   Shandril, Priestess of Beory Shandril occasionally checks on Garrik, offering her quiet blessings and guidance. Though she cannot heal his broken heart, she tries to remind him that Beory’s will is not something to be understood by mortals.


Thornwillow Farm stands as a symbol of grief and loss in Ostverk. Once a place of prosperity and joy, it has now fallen into decay alongside its grieving owner, Garrik Thornwillow. His tale of tragedy offers adventurers a compelling narrative of vengeance, rescue, and potential redemption. Whether through helping Garrik reclaim his farm or seeking to rescue his son, the story of the Thornwillows is deeply intertwined with the history and future of Ostverk.
Garrik Thornwillow by 3orcs
"Hope died with them, just like the crops."
Garrik Thornwillow
  • Hit Dice (HD): 1d6
  • Hit Points (HP): 3
  • Armor Class (AC): 9[10]
  • Attacks: Short Sword (1d6) or Shortbow (1d6)
Personality Before the Tragedy
  • Quiet, hardworking, and deeply connected to his family and farm
  • Friendly with neighbors, often offering help with their land or livestock
  • Proud of his son, Damon, and hopeful for his future as a potential knight or hero
Personality After the Tragedy
  • Withdrawn, sullen, and prone to fits of rage when his family is mentioned
  • Drowns his guilt in ale, spending most of his days and nights at the inn
  • Desperately seeks vengeance against the Blackthorn Orcs and is consumed by thoughts of retribution
The Farmer’s Equipment
  • Short Sword: A poorly made weapon that Garrik keeps beside his bed. It is more a symbol of his grief than a tool for battle.
  • Shortbow and 20 Arrows: The same bow Garrik used on the day his wife died. His skill with the bow is poor, but in his desperation, he managed to strike his wife instead of the orcs.
Eilyr Thornwillow
Eilyr Thornwillow was the heart and soul of the Thornwillow family. Known for her gentle nature and warm hospitality, she was beloved by the villagers of Ostverk. A woman of practical beauty with dark hair and a kind smile, she balanced Garrik’s quiet demeanor with her own vibrant energy.
  • Warm, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand
  • Frequently volunteered at the Laughing Moon Inn, helping prepare meals
  • Known for her skill with herbs and remedies, often helping neighbors in need
  • Loved Damon dearly and was fiercely protective of her family
Damon Thornwillow
Damon Thornwillow, only 12 years old when he was taken by the Blackthorn Orcs, was a bright and energetic boy. Much like his father, Damon had a deep love for the land, spending his days helping Garrik tend the fields and care for the animals.  
  • Inquisitive, always asking questions about the farm and nature
  • Had a fascination with adventure stories, often dreaming of being a great knight or hero
  • A caring and dutiful son, always eager to help his mother and father
  • Adored by the villagers for his playful energy and friendly nature
Parent Location

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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