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10. The Broken Buckle Inn

This once-fine coaching inn has seen better days. The roof of the stables is as sway-backed as the old gray mare tied to a post beside it—notably not inside the building itself, which looks like it might collapse in a strong wind. Were it not for the horse, and the sight and smell of the white woodsmoke curling up from its tilted chimney, you’d guess it was abandoned. But besides some missing shingles, cracked walls, and dangling shutters, the inn looks welcoming enough. Well… better than sleeping in a ditch. Probably.
[Inside] Beyond the low lintel of the heavy door, the floor of the inn’s taproom is covered in straw that looks like it was freshly laid… sometime last spring. Mismatched benches, tables, and overturned buckets and barrels serve as seating to the few locals who bother to walk here. The greasy-haired innkeeper gives you a gap-toothed smile as he snatches a chalkboard labelled Prices off the bar and rubs it furiously, cleaning away whatever was written there.
The Broken Buckle Inn is a weathered coaching inn located in the heart of Ostverk, offering basic accommodations and food for travelers, traders, and those waiting for entry into the Kingdom of Celene. Despite its dilapidated state, the inn has become a hub for travelers who seek cheaper lodging, lively conversation, and perhaps a few games of chance. The Rusty Spur, though a far cry from the cozy 9. The Laughing Moon Inn, is an essential part of Ostverk’s gritty charm.

The Broken Buckle Inn History

Once a fine establishment for travelers and merchants passing through Ostverk, The Broken Buckle Inn has fallen into disrepair. The inn is run by Sarn, a grizzled, elderly innkeeper who was once a minor adventurer in his younger days. Sarn has little interest in maintaining the inn beyond basic functionality. The inn’s location, near the town’s center, keeps it busy despite its poor condition, especially with the rising tension caused by Celene's closed borders and the withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers.
Welcome from a Grungy Innkeeper
“What can I do you for? Rest? A meal? We got the cheapest grub in town. That being said, don’t order the soup unless you fancy yourself a gambler."

Description of the Inn

  • Outside Appearance: From the walls are cracked, and shingles are missing. The crooked chimney puffs out smoke that smells like burning wood and mystery stew. However, despite its rough exterior, the inn remains welcoming to those seeking a cheap place to rest.
  • Inside the Inn: The interior is not much better. The common room is dark and cluttered, with mismatched benches and tables arranged haphazardly. The floor is covered in old straw, and the air smells of stale ale and burnt meat. Sarn stands behind the bar, cleaning a worn chalkboard with his sleeve to adjust prices as needed. His four dogs laze about the room, begging for scraps from the few patrons who dare to eat here.
  • Common Room: The inn’s taproom is often filled with a rough crowd—travelers, a few guards, and those waiting to petition the elves at Caer Ostverk. The laughter here is louder and rougher than the more refined Laughing Moon Inn, but it holds a certain charm for those seeking company. A smoky hearth burns in the corner, barely heating the room, but enough to keep the damp at bay.
  • Upstairs Rooms: The Broken Buckle Inn offers eight small rooms, accessed by creaky wooden stairs. These rooms are basic, with straw-filled mattresses, a clay piss bowl under the bed, and a small, drafty window. For one gold piece a night, patrons receive a locked room, and the only key is given to the guest—Sarn doesn’t keep spares.

Patrons and the Town Guard

While the Laughing Moon Inn tends to attract more reputable patrons, the Broken Buckle serves as a more affordable stop for Ostverk’s working-class residents, travelers, and guards on duty. Captain Baran Feath keeping an eye on the rowdy crowd. Though tensions with the elves from 1. Caer Ostverk often dominate the political landscape, few of the elves from the nearby garrison frequent the Rusty Spur.

Political Tensions and Celene's Closed Borders

The Broken Buckle has become an unofficial gathering place for travelers waiting to cross the border into Celene. With Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majestye's borders tightly closed, only a select few gain permission to enter the Faerie Kingdom. Visitors must petition the elven authorities at Caer Ostverk, but even that process can take months or years. While they wait, many travelers take rooms at the Broken Buckle, their frustration often shared over cheap ale in the inn’s common room.
  • Strict Enforcement: The elves of Caer Ostverk, led by Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, strictly enforce Celene’s border policies. Those waiting for entry into Celene—whether traders, nobles, or adventurers—often find themselves cooling their heels in Ostverk for long stretches.
  • Rising Tensions: With Celene's closed borders, human merchants and gnomes have become increasingly frustrated. Many merchants stop at the Rusty Spur after fruitless attempts to secure an audience with the elves. Their grievances are aired in loud, heated conversations in the taproom. Meanwhile, the ongoing border skirmishes with bandits have only worsened the situation, as patrols are thin and lawlessness grows in the area.

Bandit Raids and the Depleted Mounted Borderers

The security situation around Ostverk has deteriorated, and the Broken Buckle is often filled with rumors of bandit activity and raids on local farms. The once-mighty Mounted Borderer barracks are nearly empty, with only a dozen cots occupied. Most of the men have been pulled back to defend the Kron Hills, leaving the town vulnerable to growing threats.
  • Viscount Wilfick’s Withdrawal: Many of the patrons at the Broken Buckle openly criticize Viscount Wilfick’s decision to pull the Mounted Borderers out of the area. As a result, the inns in Ostverk, especially the Rusty Spur, have become a haven for traveling merchants who now fear for their safety on the road.

Notable Patrons of the Broken Buckle

  • Haln Amenith, the Wild Ranger: Known as "Lightning Haln," this brash and quick-tongued ranger is a frequent visitor. He is often overheard bragging about his latest skirmishes with bandits, while nursing a pint of ale in the dim corner of the Broken Buckle.
  • Lenny the Turbulent, the Paladin of Heironeous: Despite his nobility, Lenny is often found here, seeking solace in the cheap drinks. He shares the frustrations of the local guards, who struggle to keep the roads safe with the dwindling resources at their disposal.


The Broken Buckle may not have the charm of the Laughing Moon Inn, but it is a crucial part of life in Ostverk. The coaching inn’s rough exterior and even rougher patrons reflect the growing tension in the region—between humans and elves, between locals and outsiders, and between those with the power to protect Ostverk and those left vulnerable. Under Sarn’s indifferent care, the Rusty Spur remains a vital but crumbling refuge for Ostverk’s weary travelers and frustrated merchants.
Broken Buckle  Secrets
Show spoiler
Lannet the thief currently boards here because it’s cheap, but he eats at the 9. The Drunken Cockatrice Inn . If Vortigern Kerach is in Ostverk, he is staying here under the assumed name of “Feriblan.” If questioned, Tarnen may recall Vortigern and Talon and tell the party that such a person is staying here in one of the upstairs rooms.
Broken Buckle Inn by 3orcs
Owner: Sarn
Sarn, The Broken Buckle Inn’s elderly proprietor, is a shadow of his former self. Once an adventurer who dabbled in minor quests and border skirmishes, he has long since settled into the role of innkeeper. His grungy appearance, greasy hair, and gap-toothed smile do little to inspire confidence in the quality of his establishment, but his friendly demeanor keeps patrons coming back.
  • Personality: Sarn is an approachable and easygoing host, though he tends to be careless about cleanliness and food quality. His four dogs are his constant companions, often seen begging at customers' feet.
  • History: After a leg injury ended his adventuring career, Sarn retired to Ostverk and purchased the inn with the last of his earnings. His sense of adventure may have waned, but his stories and occasional gruff wisdom offer amusement to those who frequent The Broken Buckle Inn.
  • Innkeeping Style: "Cheap and simple" is Sarn's philosophy. He offers beds that are barely comfortable, meals that are forgettable, and a roof that might leak on a rainy night, but his prices remain the lowest in Ostverk.
The Broken Buckle Inn Staff
  • Sirja Neuvo: Sirja is a young, enthusiastic server who works at night. Despite the inn's rundown state, she brings an air of optimism to her work. While the food may be subpar, she offers a friendly smile and good service.
  • Sarn’s Dogs: Four scruffy dogs, often seen lounging in the common room, are permanent fixtures of the inn. They beg for food and often follow Sarn around as he tends to the bar and kitchen.
Poor Meals Poor Meals     Sirja Neuvo
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Sarn of The Broken Buckle Inn by 3orcs
Broken Buckle Inn Menu by 3orcs

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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