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6. Shrines of Divine Order

The Shrines of the Lawful Gods, known collectively as the Sanctuary of Divine Order, serve as the spiritual heart of Ostverk for those who follow the teachings of law and order. Located prominently by the market square and south of the serene Hingnora Pond, this sacred site is a testament to the town's dedication to balance, justice, and community. The shrine honors several deities who embody the principles of law, discipline, and protection, providing a place of worship, reflection, and guidance for the villagers and travelers alike.

Shrine History

The Sanctuary of Divine Order was established shortly after the founding of Ostverk, at a time when the village was little more than a collection of scattered dwellings and traders’ tents. Recognizing the need for a spiritual center that would unify the community and promote stability, early settlers constructed a modest wooden shrine dedicated to the gods of law. Over the centuries, this shrine evolved into the larger, more elaborate structure that stands today, reflecting the growing importance of these deities in the daily lives of Ostverk’s inhabitants.
Key Historical Events
  • Founding of Ostverk: The original shrine was one of the first buildings erected, serving as a symbol of the community’s commitment to lawful principles.
  • Expansion and Renovation: As Ostverk grew, so too did the shrine. It was expanded and renovated several times, incorporating architectural elements that honored the deities enshrined within.
  • The Influx of Worshipers: The shrine’s prominence increased with the arrival of more settlers and merchants, many of whom brought with them devotion to gods such as St. Cuthbert, Fharlanghn, and Fortubo.

Architecture and Layout

The Sanctuary of Divine Order is a beautiful, open-air structure made of dark, richly-grained wood. It is shingled with tiles that have weathered to a deep, mossy green, blending harmoniously with the surrounding landscape. Inside, thick Ipp beams curve up to meet the roof, creating a sense of shelter and reverence. The floor is covered with a green and brown lattice carpet that leads worshipers into this sacred space, where the altars of various lawful gods stand against the inner walls.
Key Features
  • Altars of the Lawful Gods: The sanctuary houses six altars, each dedicated to a different lawful deity. These altars are simple but dignified, with a prayer bar fixed in front of each and a wooden donation box mounted below. The altars are adorned with statuettes and symbols that represent each god's domain.
  • Brass Bowl of Water: A brass bowl of water rests on a pedestal near the entrance, allowing worshipers to purify their hands before entering the sacred space.
  • Serene Atmosphere: The open design and natural materials used in the shrine’s construction create a peaceful, contemplative atmosphere, perfect for meditation and prayer.

The Lawful Deities Enshrined

Each of the altars within the Sanctuary of Divine Order is dedicated to one of the lawful gods venerated by the people of Ostverk. These deities are respected not only for their divine power but also for the virtues they promote in the lives of their followers.   St. Cuthbert: God of Common Sense, Wisdom, and Discipline
  • Symbol: A crumpled hat
  • Role: St. Cuthbert is revered as a god who promotes common sense, honesty, and the rejection of chaos. His followers in Ostverk include those who value order, justice, and moral integrity. His altar is often visited by town guards and those involved in governance.
  • Priest: A traveling cleric of St. Cuthbert occasionally visits the shrine, offering guidance and performing rites for the faithful.
Fharlanghn: God of Horizons, Distance, Travel, and Roads
  • Symbol: A wooden disc carved with the curved line of the horizon
  • Role: Fharlanghn is the protector of travelers and wanderers. His altar is frequented by merchants, adventurers, and those who seek safe passage along the roads. His followers value freedom, exploration, and the endless journey.
  • Resident Priest: Kath, a cleric of Fharlanghn, is the only permanent resident priest in Ostverk. He maintains the shrine and provides spiritual support to the villagers and travelers.
Fortubo: God of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and Guardianship
  • Symbol: A glowing-headed hammer
  • Role: Fortubo is worshipped by those who work with stone and metal, including miners and blacksmiths. His teachings emphasize resilience, protection, and the responsible stewardship of the earth's resources.
  • Pilgrims: Fortubo’s altar draws pilgrims from the Kron Hills and the Gnarley Forest, particularly dwarves and gnomes who revere his guardianship.
Jascar: God of Hills and Mountains
  • Symbol: A pottery statuette depicting a snow-capped mountain peak
  • Role: Jascar embodies the strength and stability of hills and mountains. His followers include those who live in or near mountainous regions and who respect the natural fortresses of the earth.
  • Worshipers: The shrine sees occasional visits from rangers and druids who come from the Lortmil Mountains to pay homage to Jascar and seek his guidance in protecting the natural landscape.
Merikka: Demi-Goddess of Agriculture, Farming, and Home
  • Symbol: A basket of grain and a sickle
  • Role: Merikka is the guardian of agriculture and the home. Her teachings stress the importance of orderly farming practices, familial harmony, and respect for the natural cycles of the earth.
  • Priestly Duties: Clerics of Merikka often stop by the shrine to bless the fields of Ostverk’s farmers and to mediate in family matters. But very few come here as Shandril is very attendant to the welfare of the village folk.
Bralm: Goddess of Insects and Industriousness
  • Symbol: A painted statuette of a giant wasp
  • Role: Bralm is worshipped by those who value hard work and industriousness. Her followers include artisans, laborers, and others who take pride in their work and in contributing to the community.
  • Worship Practices: The altar dedicated to Bralm is often adorned with offerings of honey, silk, and other products of industry.

Leadership and Priestly Duties

The Sanctuary of Divine Order does not have a single, permanent high priest. Instead, it is maintained by Kath, the resident cleric of Fharlanghn, along with a rotating roster of visiting priests who travel through Ostverk on their way to other regions. These priests come from various backgrounds and orders, each taking responsibility for their respective altars and offering guidance to worshipers.
Political and Social Influence
The Sanctuary of Divine Order plays a significant role in the social and political life of Ostverk. It serves as a unifying force for the community, promoting values of law, order, and cooperation.
Relations with the Elves of Caer Ostverk and the Druids of the Gnarley Forest
  • Diplomatic Role: The shrine helps to maintain the delicate balance between the human inhabitants of Ostverk and the elves of Caer Ostverk. The priests often act as intermediaries in disputes, advocating for peaceful resolutions that respect both human and elven traditions.
  • Druidic Concerns: While the druids of the Gnarley Forest respect the lawful gods, they are wary of the influence of human settlers and their impact on the natural world. The shrine serves as a place where these concerns can be addressed and where cooperation can be fostered.
Concerns Over the Closed Borders of Celene
  • Growing Tensions: The closure of Celene’s borders by Queen Yolande has increased tensions between the human and elven populations in the region. The priests at the shrine work to soothe fears and promote understanding, but the situation remains fragile.
  • Impact on Trade and Travel: The closed borders have disrupted trade and travel routes, leading to increased anxiety among Ostverk’s merchants and travelers. Kath, in particular, has been active in seeking Fharlanghn’s guidance to ensure safe and open roads.


The Sanctuary of Divine Order is more than just a place of worship but a community center for the small village of Ostsverk.
The Sanctuary of Divine Order Ostverk by 3orcs
Kath, Cleric of Fharlanghn 
  • Role: Kath serves as the caretaker of the shrine, ensuring that it remains a place of peace and reflection. He also provides spiritual support to travelers and maintains the paths leading to and from Ostverk.
  • Responsibilities: Kath is responsible for the upkeep of the sanctuary, leading prayers and rituals, and offering blessings to those who seek Fharlanghn’s guidance.
Parent Location

  • Statuette of a Crumpled hat St. Cuthbert.
  • Wooden disc carved with the curved line of the horizon Fharlanghn.
  • Painted statuette of a Giant Wasp Bralm Goddess of Insects and Industriousness.
  • Basket of Grain Sickle Merikka Demi-Goddess of Farming, Agriculture, and Home.
  • Glowing-headed Hammer Fortubo God of Stone, Metals, Mountains, and Guardianship.
  • Pottery depicting a Snow-capped Mountain Peak Jascar God of Hills and Mountains.

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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