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12. Ironclad Forge

As you around the corner of a stone building, thirty feet high, with a crenelated roof for defense; its sturdy double doors wide open. The smell of the forge and the sound of hammer ringing greet you as a wave of heat envelope as you enter this tidy shop. The main work area is dirty but reasonably well organized—everything from nails to farm tools and eating utensils to wagon axles and barrel rings can be found here, hanging from hooks or sitting on the numerous shelves that line the walls. Along with the different mundane items he is working on at any given moment.   The blacksmith welcomes you warmly, and drags his feet over to you, and introduces himself "Greetings friends, I am Gerran Ironleaf, what I can do for ya."   "Sure, what are you after? Plows? We've got some new traps, very good, guaranteed to kill immediately! Or we have some buckles."
The Ironclad Forge stands at the heart of Ostverk, a vital establishment for the town’s hardworking populace. The smithy is known for its quality craftsmanship and is frequented by locals, town guards, and traders. The blacksmith, though troubled by personal loss, provides essential tools and repairs to help Ostverk’s residents maintain their livelihoods. The growing political tension in the region and the looming threat of banditry have only increased the demand for his skills.

History of Ironclad Forge

The Ironclad Forge has been in operation for generations, originally established by a family of master smiths from Verbobonc. Over time, the forge became the go-to place for the town's tools, weapons, and armor needs. Its current owner, Gerran Ironleaf, a stout human blacksmith, took over the business from his father. Gerran is known for his skill with iron and steel, although recent personal struggles have slowed his productivity.

Smithy Exterior Description

The Ironclad Forge is an impressive, thirty-foot-high stone building, designed to be both functional and defensible. The crenelated roof, typical of Ostverk’s practical architecture, allows the building to double as a refuge in times of need. The double doors are almost always open, allowing the clanging sound of the hammer on anvil to echo through the town. Smoke billows from the chimney, and the air around the forge is thick with the smell of molten metal and woodsmoke. A sense of industry and tradition radiates from the sturdy structure.

Inside the Forge

Upon entering the forge, visitors are greeted by the heat and glow of the forge fires. The interior is cluttered but organized, with racks of tools and weapons, shelves filled with horseshoes, nails, and plow blades. The centerpiece of the room is a massive anvil, scarred from years of use. Hanging from the walls are wagon axles, barrel rings, and a variety of farm tools. Weapons, though simple, are also available, including swords, axes, and spears. There is a sense of utility in every corner of the workshop, where everything has a place and purpose.

Town Guard and Patrols

The Ostverk Town Guards, including Captain Baran Feath, frequently stop by the forge for repairs to their weapons and armor. As tensions rise with the increasing threat of bandit raids, the guards rely heavily on Gerran's skills to keep their equipment in fighting condition. However, the growing bandit activity has also resulted in a higher demand for tools and weapons, further straining Gerran’s resources.

Politics and the Elves of the Gnarley Forest

Relations between the humans of Ostverk and the Elves of the Gnarley Forest have always been cordial but distant. The closing of Celene’s borders under Queen Yolande, Her Fey Majesty’s decree has strained this relationship. Gerran, like many others in Ostverk, harbors frustration over the lengthy process of petitioning the elves for access to the Faerie Kingdom. Talarien Carewlein and his garrison at Caer Ostverk enforce these policies strictly, and Gerran's tools and weapons are often requested by human merchants and adventurers waiting in Ostverk for access to Celene.

Concerns of the Closed Borders and Tensions

As Celene’s borders remain closed, Ostverk’s human and gnome populations feel the pressure. Farmers and merchants, many of whom rely on trade with the elven kingdom, have voiced their frustrations in town meetings. Gerran, like many other merchants, has been affected by the slowdown in trade and the rise in banditry. The withdrawal of Viscount Wilfick’s Mounted Borderers has left a vacuum in law enforcement, and farmers around Ostverk are reporting more frequent raids by bandits.
  • Mounted Borderer Barracks: Once a symbol of Ostverk's strength, the barracks now stand mostly empty. Only a few guards remain, leaving the town increasingly vulnerable to bandit raids.
  • Gerran’s Worries: With trade suffering and security in decline, Gerran fears for the future of Ostverk. His daughter’s disappearance has only heightened his concerns, as he struggles to maintain the forge while searching for answers.

Notable Residents and Visitors of the Forge

Baran Feath, Captain of the Guard
  • Baran often brings his men to the forge for weapon repairs and new gear. Gerran has a deep respect for Baran, and despite his personal troubles, he always prioritizes repairs for the guards.
Shandril, Priestess of Beory
  • Shandril occasionally visits the forge to bless Gerran’s tools and offer prayers for his daughter’s safe return. Gerran, though not a devout follower, appreciates her support.
Elves of the Gnarley Forest
  • Elven patrols from the Gnarley Forest occasionally pass through Ostverk and order arrowheads or minor repairs. However, Gerran remains wary of their distant attitude toward human concerns.


The Ironclad Forge remains a vital part of Ostverk, though its future seems uncertain. As tensions rise between the human and elven populations, and bandit raids grow more frequent, Gerran Ironleaf must balance his personal grief with the needs of the town. Despite the challenges, he continues to work, offering his services to those who protect Ostverk and hoping for the day when his daughter returns.

Arialle’s Disappearance

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Arialle’s fate took a dark turn nearly a year ago when she left Ostverk for the nearby Village of Hommlet on an errand to sell crops and trade goods. Traveling with a small caravan of merchants, she was expected to return within the week. However, neither Arialle nor the caravan was ever seen again.   Rumors abound about what happened. Some say the caravan was ambushed by bandits, while others whisper of dark forces at work. It is suspected that Blackthorn Orcs, or worse, slavers from the Pomarj, might have been involved in the attack. Arialle’s father, Garrik, sent search parties to find her, but they turned up no trace. The road between Ostverk and Hommlet became more dangerous in the months following her disappearance, with increasing raids and banditry further complicating rescue efforts.
Arialle’s Personality
Before her disappearance, Arialle was known throughout Ostverk for her bright, optimistic outlook and adventurous spirit. Unlike her father, who was content with the simple life of a farmer, Arialle had grand aspirations. She dreamed of traveling to distant lands, perhaps joining an adventuring party or even becoming a ranger. Arialle had an affinity for the wilds, often spending her free time exploring the Gnarley Forest, learning its hidden paths and befriending animals she encountered.
Before Disappearance
  • Strong-willed and determined to seek adventure
  • Compassionate, with a love for nature and animals
  • Skilled in herbology and first aid, thanks to her mother’s teachings
  • Always eager to help her father with the farm but dreamed of more
After Disappearance
  • Rumors suggest that Arialle may have been captured by orcs or slavers
  • Some say she could have been taken to a war camp, while others believe she may have escaped and is hiding somewhere in the wilds
  • If alive, Arialle may have joined a group of survivors or escaped prisoners

Garrik’s Fading Hope

The loss of his daughter has been one of the greatest sources of Garrik’s despair. After Eilyr’s death, Arialle was his only remaining family, and her disappearance broke his spirit. While Garrik still clings to a sliver of hope that Arialle may be alive, each passing day without news deepens his grief. He is haunted by the thought that she may be suffering or worse, and it has caused him to withdraw from village life almost entirely.
  • Initial Reaction: Garrik was relentless in his search for Arialle in the early weeks following her disappearance. He organized search parties, contacted traders, and even spoke with rangers from the Gnarley Forest. But when every effort turned up nothing, his hope slowly diminished.
  • Now: Garrik’s hope has nearly extinguished. He rarely speaks of Arialle anymore, fearing that the worst has befallen her. However, the mere mention of her name can ignite a flicker of determination in his eyes, suggesting that deep down, he is not yet ready to let go.

Rumors of Arialle’s Fate

Captured by Orcs
It is widely believed that Arialle may have been captured by Blackthorn Orcs during one of their raids. If this is true, she could be imprisoned in an orc war camp in the Gnarley Forest or sold into slavery in the Pomarj. Adventurers seeking to free her may find themselves on a dangerous rescue mission deep in hostile territory.
Surviving in the Wilds
Another rumor suggests that Arialle may have escaped her captors and is surviving alone in the wilds. Known for her knowledge of herbs and survival skills, it is possible she could be hiding in the Gnarley Forest, waiting for the right opportunity to return home.
Joining a Resistance or Secret Group
A less-known whisper suggests that Arialle may have joined a secret group of rebels or freedom fighters, dedicating herself to fighting back against the forces that threaten her homeland. If true, this could mean that Arialle has become a strong and capable leader, biding her time before revealing herself.

Adventure Hooks

The Search for Arialle
Adventurers in Ostverk may learn of Arialle’s disappearance and choose to take up the search. Whether they pursue leads in the Village of Hommlet, track down bandits or orcs, or consult local druids and rangers in the Gnarley Forest, the search for Arialle presents a thrilling and emotional quest. If Arialle is alive, rescuing her could bring Garrik the closure he desperately needs.
Finding Arialle’s Trail
Rangers in the Gnarley Forest, as well as other travelers, may have seen signs of a young woman matching Arialle’s description. Investigating her trail could lead to a deeper mystery, involving slavers or a powerful enemy force that has been quietly growing in the region.
Arialle’s Return
If adventurers succeed in finding and rescuing Arialle, her return to Ostverk could have major implications for the town and her father. Garrik may find renewed purpose in rebuilding his farm and life. Arialle’s experience in captivity, or whatever ordeal she survived, may make her a key ally in future conflicts or battles against the orc raiders and bandits threatening the region.
Gerran Ironleaf of Ironclad Forge by 3orcs
“The Gods made us all out of iron. Then they turn up the heat to forge some of us into steel.”
The Blacksmith: Gerran Ironleaf
Gerran Ironleaf is a broad-shouldered, middle-aged man with a face weathered by years of hard labor at the forge. His once-strong hands now tremble slightly, a physical manifestation of the emotional toll taken by his daughter Arialle's disappearance.
  • Personality: Gruff but kind-hearted, Gerran is a man of few words. His life revolves around the forge, and he is known for his loyalty to the town and his craftsmanship. Recently, however, the loss of his daughter has cast a shadow over him, slowing his once-quick hands.
  • Personal Struggles: Gerran's daughter, Arialle, left for the nearby Village of Hommlet several months ago and has not returned. Distraught by her absence, Gerran has found it difficult to focus on his work. He has not taken on any major commissions in weeks, and his depression is causing delays in the completion of his projects. He offers a reward of custom armor to anyone who can rescue his daughter.
  • Services: Despite his emotional turmoil, Gerran continues to offer basic blacksmithing services, including tool repairs, horseshoe fittings, and simple weapon crafting.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

Services and Items for Sale

Plow Blades and Farm Tools
High-quality iron plow blades, axes, and shovels designed to withstand the rigors of farm life.
Price: 2–10 sp (depending on size)
Horseshoes and Shoeing Services
Custom iron horseshoes fitted and attached while you wait.
Price: 1 sp per shoe
Barrel Rings and Wagon Axles
Essential for traders and farmers, these strong and reliable axles and rings keep wagons and carts on the move.
Price: 5–15 sp
Simple iron swords, spears, and axes, designed for utility over aesthetics.
  • Iron Sword: 10 gp
  • Iron Spear: 7 gp
  • Iron Axe: 12 gp
Armor Repairs
Repairs to chainmail and leather armor, restoring them to fighting condition.
  • Price: 5 sp for minor repairs, 15 sp for more complex repairs
Custom Armor Commissions
While Gerran typically does not create heavy armor, he offers a reward of a custom suit of plate armor (worth 600 gp) to anyone who rescues his daughter Arialle. The armor will take six months to complete.
  • Price: Custom commission (normally 600 gp, reward for rescuing Arialle)
Traps and Hunting Equipment
Iron traps designed to catch game, often used by local hunters and trappers.
  • Price: 1 gp per trap

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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