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14. Alessa's Bakery

The warm, tantalizing scents of yeast and baking dough beckon you inside, where displays of rolls, cakes, and crusty bread further entice your senses. The baker, apron dusted with flour, shapes loaves with the precision of a machine, simultaneously taking orders and occasionally stoking the embers in the iron oven at their back. She turns as you enter and greets you with a wave. "One moment while I take off my apron".
At the crossroads of Ostverk, just across the Long Road, stands Alessa’s Bakery, a humble yet indispensable part of village life. Here, the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread fills the air daily, welcoming both villagers and travelers. Known for its hearty loaves, sweet pastries, and nourishing pies, the bakery is the lifeblood of Ostverk’s food supply, providing sustenance to local families, guards, and even the elven inhabitants of Caer Ostverk. 

History of Alessa’s Bakery

Alessa Hearthglen, the current owner and sole baker, took over her family's bakery many years ago. Passed down through generations of bakers, Alessa’s Bakery has always been central to the village’s day-to-day life. The bakery has remained steadfast despite the various challenges Ostverk has faced, including rising banditry and tensions with the neighboring Faerie Kingdom of Celene. Alessa’s connection to Beory, the Oerth Mother, is reflected in her work, which she views as an offering of thanks to the goddess for the fertile lands that sustain her business and the community.

Owner: Alessa Hearthglen

Alessa is a beloved figure in Ostverk. In her mid-40s, she is known for her warm, practical nature and her tireless work ethic. Flour-dusted and always busy, Alessa moves gracefully between kneading dough and serving her customers. A dedicated worshiper of Beory, she infuses her baking with a sense of reverence for the earth’s natural bounty. Her close friendship with Shandril, the village’s priestess of Beory, further cements her status as one of Ostverk’s most respected citizens.

Description of Alessa’s Bakery

The bakery itself is a small, quaint building made of stone and wood, with a thatched roof and a warm hearth that never goes cold. The smell of fresh bread draws villagers in every morning, and the sight of Alessa at work, her apron dusted with flour, is a comforting, familiar one. Shelves line the walls, filled with loaves, rolls, and sweet treats. A large stone oven occupies the back of the shop, radiating warmth, and giving the bakery a cozy, inviting feel.
  • Front Room: The bakery’s main area, where Alessa displays her freshly baked goods on wooden shelves. A long wooden counter stretches across the room, where customers are served.
  • Back Room: A small kitchen and storage area, where the dough is prepared and baked. Bags of flour, barrels of grains, and baskets of fresh ingredients line the walls.
  • Seating Area: A modest space with a few wooden benches where villagers can sit to enjoy a quick snack and conversation.

Patrons and the Town Guards

Alessa’s Bakery is a regular stop for the town guards. The guards, including Baran Feath and his lieutenant Lauriel Gliev, often swing by for a quick snack during their patrols. Baran, in particular, is known to have a weakness for Alessa’s Honey-Glazed Apple Tarts, while Lauriel enjoys the more practical Elven Rye Bread. 
  • Baran Feath – The no-nonsense captain of the guard makes daily visits to Alessa’s Bakery, often grabbing a loaf of bread to take back to his men.
  • Lauriel Gliev – The lieutenant of the town guard appreciates the strength and endurance provided by the Elven Rye Bread, which she takes with her on long patrols through the Gnarley Forest.

Politics of Celene’s Closed Borders

With the borders of the Faerie Kingdom of Celene firmly closed under the watchful eye of Hestomalkor Talarien Carewlein, the villagers of Ostverk often find themselves frustrated by the slow process of obtaining permission to cross into elven lands. Travelers and merchants frequently stop by Alessa’s Bakery while waiting for their petitions to be approved by the elves of 1. Caer Ostverk.   Alessa sympathizes with their plight, though she understands the delicate politics at play between the humans of Ostverk and the elves of Celene. She often hears news of travelers who have grown weary of the wait and shares these concerns with Shandril, discussing how best to ensure that Ostverk remains a welcoming and prosperous village despite these tensions.
Rising Tensions and Banditry
With the Mounted Borderers withdrawn from the Kron Hills, bandit raids on local farms have become a significant concern for the village. Alessa hears about these raids firsthand from her customers, many of whom are farmers struggling to protect their livelihoods. She listens with a sympathetic ear, offering not only bread but advice and comfort.   Alessa believes that Beory’s protection is key to Ostverk’s survival, and she frequently prays for the goddess’s blessing on the village. However, she is also practical, and has spoken to Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu about fortifying the village and increasing patrols to ensure that the breadbasket of Ostverk—its farms—remain safe from harm.

Relationships in Ostverk

Shandril (Priestess of Beory)
Alessa and Shandril share a deep friendship rooted in their shared devotion to Beory. The bakery often supplies fresh bread and pastries for ceremonies at the 4. Temple of Beory - Osterk, and Shandril frequently stops by to chat with Alessa about the spiritual needs of the village.   Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu
Deleveu regularly orders bread from Alessa’s Bakery for use at Deleveu Manor. Although he is primarily concerned with the political and trade affairs of the village, he has a great respect for Alessa’s work and her influence on the community.   The Grey Elves of Caer Ostverk
Alessa’s Elven Rye Bread is a popular request from the elves who guard the border at Caer Ostverk. Alessa respects the elves' customs and their role as protectors, but she shares the villagers' frustrations with the closed borders of Celene.

Concerns and the Future of Ostverk

As tensions rise and banditry becomes more frequent, Alessa’s Bakery remains a beacon of stability in Ostverk. However, the future is uncertain. With the Mounted Borderers depleted and the village’s farms under threat, Alessa knows that the community must come together to protect its land and people. She believes that, with Beory’s guidance and the strength of Ostverk’s residents, the village can weather the storm.   Alessa’s Bakery will continue to serve as the heart of Ostverk, offering not just bread but hope and unity in the face of adversity.
Stranger’s Request Plot Hook
Show spoiler
Less than a fortnight ago, a mysterious cloaked stranger entered Alessa’s Bakery (formerly "The Breadkeeper’s Hearth") and placed an unusually large order for 2,000 slabs of hard biscuit, demanding that the order be met within 10 nights. Initially, Alessa Hearthglen thought the request was a jest or the work of a madman and simply ignored it. However, the stranger returned last evening, this time with a heavy purse of foreign coin, demanding his order. When he discovered the biscuits had not been made, he flew into a rage, threatening Alessa and her family, and warned that if the order wasn’t met within four days, their lives would be forfeit.   Beyond the threat to the baker’s family, rumors have begun to swirl among the townsfolk that the stranger is preparing to supply an army with rations. Baran Feath, captain of the Ostverk Guard, suspects this could be a prelude to an invasion or some other nefarious plot. He fears that the biscuits could be meant for a band of mercenaries, marauders, or even orc raiders from the Gnarley Forest or the Blackthorn Clan.

Quest Objective

The adventurers are asked to investigate the stranger's request and uncover what exactly is going on. Is there truly a hidden army preparing to strike? Or does the stranger have a more personal, sinister plan?
Key Objectives
  • Find the Mysterious Stranger: The party will need to track down the cloaked stranger and determine his identity. The only clues they have are his foreign coin, a faint scent of spices (which Alessa detected), and his unique accent. Some believe the stranger may have ties to distant lands like the Pomarj, while others suspect a more local threat, possibly connected to the Kron Hills or bandits in the area.
  • Protect the Bakery: Alessa and her bakery are now in serious danger. The adventurers must ensure her safety and thwart any potential assassination attempt. The guards will be on alert, but the bakery could become a target for the stranger’s wrath in the days to come.
  • Investigate the Purpose of the Biscuits: Why does the stranger want 2,000 slabs of hard biscuit? Are they truly meant for an invading army, or is there a deeper mystery? Perhaps the adventurers can learn more by following the stranger's trail or consulting with contacts among the Mounted Borderers  or The Gnarley Rangers.
Challenges and Encounters
  • Finding the Stranger: The party can gather information from the locals, including the guards who patrol the market square and Togo Goodbody, a well-traveled halfling who has seen the stranger coming and going. The Laughing Moon Inn may also be a useful source of rumors, as strangers like this one are often noticed by the inn’s owner, Glarian.
  • The Stranger's Allies: The adventurers may discover that the stranger is not acting alone. They could encounter spies, hired thugs, or perhaps a shadowy network of smugglers supplying resources to a hidden force in the region. Bandits, orcs, or mercenaries may be lurking in the nearby woods.
  • Timing: The party has only four days to act before the stranger returns to carry out his deadly threat. They must balance their investigation with protecting the bakery and preparing for a potential confrontation.
NPCs Involved
  • Alessa Hearthglen: The owner of the bakery and a pillar of the community, Alessa is desperate for help and terrified for her family’s safety. She is willing to offer the adventurers food and lodgings at her bakery in exchange for their aid.
  • Baran Feath: The captain of the guard is deeply concerned about the potential threat this stranger poses to Ostverk. Baran is determined to protect the village but is stretched thin, with the Mounted Borderer barracks being mostly empty due to Viscount Wilfrick Revepaix pulling back patrols from the Kron Hills.
  • Togo Goodbody: A halfling trader who spends most of his time at the Laughing Moon Inn. Togo has sharp eyes and ears and may have valuable information about the stranger’s movements.
  • The Mysterious Stranger: Cloaked in shadow and veiled in mystery, the stranger’s motivations remain unclear. Is he truly supplying an army, or is his threat part of a more personal vendetta? The adventurers will need to confront him to find out.

Potential Outcomes

  • Confrontation with the Stranger: If the adventurers find the stranger before the four days are up, they may be able to negotiate, threaten, or fight to protect Alessa and uncover the truth. The stranger may reveal a much larger plot involving local bandits, a hidden mercenary camp, or a planned raid on the village.
  • Army Threat or Diversion: Depending on the party’s investigation, they may discover that the stranger is indeed preparing for an invasion—or that he’s simply trying to smuggle food to a group in hiding. It could be a mercenary force on the run, an Blackthorn orc raiding party, or even a group of exiles trying to survive in secret.
  • Failed Deadline: If the adventurers fail to act within the four days, the stranger may return to carry out his threats. This could lead to a deadly confrontation in the bakery or an all-out assault on Ostverk, forcing the party to defend the town against overwhelming odds.


  • Monetary Rewards: Alessa, in gratitude for saving her life and bakery, may offer the adventurers free baked goods for life. Additionally, Baran Feath could offer a reward from the village treasury, along with the promise of future work protecting Ostverk.
  • Allies in Ostverk: Protecting the bakery and thwarting the stranger’s plan will earn the adventurers the respect of the villagers. Alessa, Baran, and even the Mounted Borderers may become valuable allies, providing support in future endeavors.
  • Uncovering a Greater Threat: The stranger’s plan may be part of a much larger plot threatening the Viscounty of Verbobonc. Discovering and confronting this larger threat could lead to new quests, as the adventurers are drawn deeper into the political machinations of the region.


The Stranger’s Request offers adventurers a blend of intrigue, investigation, and potential combat, all centered around the humble bakery at the heart of Ostverk. As the threat of violence looms over Alessa and her family, the adventurers must unravel the mystery of the stranger’s motives and protect the village from whatever danger lurks in the shadows. Whether they confront the stranger head-on or discover a deeper conspiracy, their actions could change the fate of Ostverk—and possibly the entire Viscounty.
Alessa Bakery by 3orcs
"A warm loaf and a kind word can mend any heart."
Alessa Hearthglen
Baker and Community member
  • Warm, approachable, and always ready with a smile.
  • Deeply spiritual, believing her baking is a way to honor the natural world and Beory’s blessings.
  • Protective of her village and strongly connected to its traditions.
Alessa Hearthglen by 3orcs
Parent Location

Goods and Services

Alessa’s Bakery provides the village with daily staples and a few indulgent treats, all made with local ingredients. Her goods are highly sought after by the people of Ostverk and nearby residents, including the elves of Caer Ostverk and the noble Deleveu Manor.
  • Ostverk Hearth Loaf – A rustic, hearty loaf of sourdough, perfect for long travels or for sharing at a communal meal. (5 cp)
  • Elven Rye Bread – A fragrant, spiced loaf beloved by the elves of Caer Ostverk. (8 cp)
  • Wheat and Honey Bread – A soft, golden loaf made with honey from local beekeepers. (7 cp)
Pastries and Sweets
  • Honey-Glazed Apple Tarts – Sweet, tangy tarts filled with local apples and drizzled with honey. (3 cp)
  • Berry Crumble Pie – A seasonal favorite made from berries picked in the Gnarley Forest. (6 cp)
  • Gnome Cinnamon Rolls – Soft, sticky rolls with a cinnamon-sugar swirl, inspired by the gnome families of Ostverk. (4 cp)
Special Orders
Alessa regularly takes special orders for Deleveu Manor and village festivals. She is known for her Elven Waybread, a dense, energy-packed loaf that can sustain a traveler for days. (1 sp per loaf)

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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