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9. The Laughing Moon Inn

From the outside it looks clean, welcoming and intimate. Plastered walls and intricate wooden carvings make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the darkened windows, but the laughter from within can be felt outside   As you enter the tavern through the heavy, wooden door, you're welcomed by laughing voices and a pleasant atmosphere. The bartender is swamped in work, but still manages to welcome you with a wave.   The tavern itself is packed with a hearth-fire roaring. Passing traders seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the owner. Several long tables are occupied by, what looks like couples, lone travelers and anybody else who enjoys great company. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are probably starting to reach the point of having drunk too much, though nobody seems to mind.   You did hear rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's famous for something, but you can't remember what for. Though judging by the amount of cups, tankards and glasses and food on the table, it's probably the fine alcoholic drinks
The Laughing Moon Inn is a beloved and bustling establishment located in the heart of Ostverk. Known for its warm atmosphere, excellent food, and renowned hospitality, the inn serves as a gathering place for locals, travelers, and adventurers alike. With its rich history and central role in the village, the Laughing Moon Inn is more than just a place to eat and sleep—it is a cornerstone of Ostverk's community and a symbol of its resilience.

Inn's History

The Laughing Moon Inn was established over a century ago by a wandering bard who fell in love with the village of Ostverk and decided to settle down. The inn has since passed through several hands, each owner adding their own touches to the building and its legacy. Today, it stands as one of the oldest and most respected establishments in Ostverk, known far and wide for its hospitality.
Key Historical Moments
  • Founding by Lyrel the Bard: The original owner, Lyrel, was a traveling bard who named the inn after the "Laughing Moon" that once appeared in the sky during one of his performances. The inn quickly became a popular stop for travelers and entertainers.
  • The Rebuilding After the Great Fire: A devastating fire nearly destroyed the inn fifty years ago, but the villagers, led by Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu’s ancestors, rallied together to rebuild it. This event solidified the inn’s place in the heart of the community.
  • Current Ownership: The Laughing Moon Inn is currently owned and operated by Glarian, a half-elven woman who inherited the inn from her father. She has managed the inn with grace and skill, maintaining its reputation as one of the finest in the region.

The Inn's Description

The Laughing Moon Inn is a three-story structure made of plastered walls and intricate wooden carvings. It has a welcoming and intimate appearance, with its outer walls adorned with vines and flowers that bloom in the spring. The windows are darkened, offering a cozy interior where the warmth of the hearth and the sounds of laughter and music spill out into the streets.
The Common Room
  • Ambiance: The common room is the heart of the Laughing Moon Inn, with a roaring hearth-fire and long wooden tables that encourage communal dining. The air is filled with the scent of hearty stews, freshly baked bread, and the sound of merry conversation.
  • Clientele: The inn is frequented by a mix of locals, passing traders, and adventurers. The lively atmosphere makes it a popular spot for those looking to relax after a long day, share stories, or plan their next adventure.
  • Famous for: The Laughing Moon is renowned for its fine selection of alcoholic beverages, including Glarian’s famous spiced ale and the rare Elven mead, which attracts patrons from as far as Verbobonc.
The Rooms
  • Guest Accommodations: The inn offers twelve rooms for rent, each furnished with a comfortable feather bed, a small bedside table, and a wooden washing basin. The rooms are simple but cozy, providing travelers with a quiet and restful place to stay.
  • Private Bath Chamber: The inn also features a private bath chamber, available to guests for a small additional fee. The chamber is kept immaculately clean and includes fresh towels, soap, and a selection of scented oils.

The Town Guards and the Laughing Moon Inn

The Laughing Moon Inn is a popular spot for the town guards, who often stop by for a drink after their shifts. The guards appreciate the welcoming atmosphere and the quality of the food and drink, and their presence helps maintain order in the inn.
Regulars Among the Guards
  • Baran Feath: The captain of the guard is a regular at the Laughing Moon. He appreciates the inn’s quiet, comfortable environment and often meets with his lieutenant, Lauriel Gliev, to discuss village matters.
  • Lauriel Gliev: Lauriel is also a frequent visitor. She respects Glarian and values the inn as a place where she can unwind and gather her thoughts.

Politics and the Elven Relations

The Laughing Moon Inn plays a subtle but important role in the politics of Ostverk, particularly in the village’s relationship with the elves of Caer Ostverk and the broader political tensions caused by the closure of Celene’s borders.
Concerns Over Celene’s Closed Borders
  • Waiting for Access: Many travelers who wish to enter Celene must stay at the Laughing Moon while they await permission from the elven authorities at 1. Caer Ostverk. The wait can be long—sometimes months or even years—and the inn provides these travelers with a comfortable place to stay during this uncertain time.
  • Tensions and Diplomacy: The closure of Celene’s borders has caused tensions in Ostverk, as traders and travelers become frustrated with the lengthy process of gaining entry. Glarian often finds herself playing the role of diplomat, soothing tempers and facilitating conversations between the elves and the humans.
Concerns of the Villagers
The villagers of Ostverk have their own concerns, particularly with the rise in banditry and the depletion of the Mounted Borderers. The Laughing Moon Inn serves as a gathering place where these concerns are voiced and where the community seeks solace and solutions.
Banditry and Security
  • Fear of Attacks: The villagers are increasingly worried about bandit raids on local farms and traveling merchants. The withdrawal of the Mounted Borderers has left the area vulnerable, and the inn has become a place where these fears are discussed and plans are made to protect the village.
  • Glarian’s Role: Glarian is not only an innkeeper but also a confidant and advisor to many in the village. She listens to the concerns of the villagers and works with Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu to address the security issues facing Ostverk.


The Laughing Moon Inn is more than just a place to rest—it is the heart of Ostverk, where the community comes together to share food, drink, and stories. Under the careful management of Glarian, the inn has become a sanctuary for both locals and travelers, offering warmth and hospitality in a time of uncertainty. As Ostverk navigates the challenges of political tensions, banditry, and the ever-present elven influence, the Laughing Moon Inn will continue to be a place of refuge and camaraderie, where all are welcome to share in the village’s enduring spirit.

Patrons of the Laughing Moon Inn

The Laughing Moon Inn is not only known for its warmth and hospitality but also for the eclectic mix of patrons who frequent its cozy common room. These individuals each bring their own stories, adding to the rich tapestry of life within Ostverk. From seasoned warriors to sorrowful farmers, the inn serves as a gathering place for a diverse array of characters, each contributing to the inn’s vibrant atmosphere.
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Fendrin the Sad Farmer
Fendrin is a local farmer whose life has been marked by a series of unfortunate events, leaving him a broken man. He is often found slumped over a mug of ale, his eyes glazed with sorrow.
  • Personality: Fendrin is a tragic figure, known for his melancholy tales of loss and hardship. He readily shares his woes with anyone who will listen, making him a familiar, if somber, presence in the inn.
  • Tale of Woe: Fendrin’s farm was ravaged by a series of disasters, including crop failures and a devastating fire. His family has since left him, and he now spends his days drowning his sorrows in drink. Despite his grief, Fendrin is well-liked by the locals, who offer him sympathy and support.
Baran Feath and His Men
Baran Feath, the stern captain of the Ostverk Guard, is a frequent visitor to the Laughing Moon Inn, often accompanied by his men and the few remaining Mounted Borderers.
  • Personality: Baran is a man of few words, preferring to observe rather than engage in idle chatter. However, when he does speak, his words carry weight, and he commands the respect of both his men and the inn’s patrons.
  • Activities at the Inn: Baran and his men come to the Laughing Moon to relax after a day of patrolling the village. They can often be found at one of the long tables, sharing a meal and a drink, discussing the day’s events, and planning their next moves to keep Ostverk safe.
Togo Goodbody, the Halfling Adventurer
Togo Goodbody is a halfling adventurer with a cheery disposition and a love for good food and drink. He is a frequent visitor to Ostverk and has become a well-known figure at the Laughing Moon Inn.
  • Personality: Togo is always smiling and ready with a joke or a story. He is friendly and outgoing, making friends easily wherever he goes. His love of fine food and drink is evident, as he never misses an opportunity to sample Glarian’s famous cooking.
  • Appearance: Togo is slightly chubby, with a ruddy complexion, green eyes, and curly brown hair. He wears leather armor and a fine gray cloak of elven make, hinting at his adventurous past.
  • Role at the Inn: Togo often regales the patrons of the Laughing Moon with tales of his adventures, keeping the common room lively with his stories and laughter.
Hoskuld the Barbarian
Hoskuld is a massive, imposing figure, a barbarian from the far northern lands. His presence at the Laughing Moon Inn is hard to miss, as he towers over most of the other patrons.
  • Personality: Hoskuld is a man of action rather than words. He is direct and to the point, with little patience for nonsense. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is not unfriendly, and he has earned the respect of the locals for his straightforward nature.
  • Appearance: Hoskuld is dressed in furs and hides, with a wicked axe slung over his shoulder. His attire and demeanor reflect his harsh upbringing in the frigid wilderness of the north.
  • Role at the Inn: Hoskuld visits the Laughing Moon for food and drink, often sitting alone at a table, lost in thought. Despite his solitary nature, he is a formidable ally, and those who know him understand that beneath his rough exterior lies a fierce loyalty to those he considers friends.
Green-Eyed Del, the Bard Entertainer
Green-Eyed Del is a traveling bard known for her captivating performances and her striking green eyes. She brings a touch of artistry and music to the Laughing Moon Inn, enchanting the patrons with her songs and stories.
  • Personality: Del is charismatic and enigmatic, with a flair for the dramatic. She is well-traveled and has seen much of the world, and her performances reflect the breadth of her experiences. Del is always ready with a smile and a song, brightening the atmosphere of the inn.
  • Appearance: Del has an average build but stands out with her green eyes that seem to sparkle with mischief. She wears a mud-splattered cloak, evidence of her life on the road, and carries a lute slung across her back.
  • Role at the Inn: As an entertainer, Del is a favorite among the patrons of the Laughing Moon. Her performances draw a crowd, and she is often asked to stay longer than planned to continue her tales and music.
Haln Amenith, the Wild Ranger
Haln Amenith, known as "Lightning Haln," is a wild ranger with a reputation for being as quick with his words as he is with his swords. He is a regular at the Laughing Moon Inn, where his sharp wit and daring exploits make him a popular figure.
  • Personality: Haln is brash and confident, with a sly grin that hints at his mischievous nature. He enjoys pushing boundaries and testing limits, both in conversation and in combat. His presence at the inn is always a sign that something interesting is about to happen.
  • Appearance: Haln wears a blackened chain shirt and carries two well-used short swords at his sides. He moves with a quickness and agility that has earned him his nickname.
  • Role at the Inn: Haln often entertains the patrons with tales of his encounters in the wilderness, especially his skirmishes with bandits and other threats. Despite his rough demeanor, he is well-liked and respected by those who frequent the inn.
Lenny the Turbulent, the Paladin of Heironeous
Lenny the Turbulent is a mighty Paladin of Heironeous, known for his unwavering sense of justice and his impressive physical presence. He is a towering figure, both in stature and in reputation, and his visits to the Laughing Moon Inn are always an event.
  • Personality: Lenny is stern and serious, with a strong sense of duty. He is driven by his devotion to Heironeous and his commitment to upholding the law. Despite his rigid demeanor, he is fair and just, earning the respect of both allies and adversaries.
  • Appearance: Lenny is tall and lean, with flowing golden hair and gleaming plate armor. He carries a longsword with ease, moving gracefully despite the heavy armor he wears.
  • Role at the Inn: Lenny often visits the Laughing Moon to discuss matters of law and order with Baran Feath and other leaders of Ostverk. He is also known to offer counsel to those in need, providing guidance and support to the village’s residents.
Laughing Moon by 3orcs
The Innkeeper: Glarian
Glarian is a half-elven woman of striking beauty and quiet strength. She is known for her warm hospitality, sharp wit, and her ability to keep the peace in her establishment. Glarian has a deep love for Ostverk and its people, and she takes great pride in running the Laughing Moon Inn.
Glarian’s Role
  • Management: Glarian oversees every aspect of the inn, from the kitchen to the guest rooms. She is often found in the common room, greeting guests and ensuring that everyone is well cared for.
  • Relations with the Elves of Caer Ostverk: Glarian has a good relationship with the elves of Caer Ostverk, especially with Talarien Carewlein, the commander of the elven garrison. She often provides rooms for travelers waiting to petition the elves for entry into Celene.
  • Concern for the Community: Glarian is deeply involved in the local community. She works closely with Waldgraf Corbin Deleveu to support the village and often hosts community meetings and events at the inn.
Poor Meals
Poor Meals
Common meals
Common Meals
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Glarian by 3orcs
Laughing Moon Inn Menu by 3orcs

Cover image: Ostverk Banner by 3orcs


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