H1 - H4 City Gates - Verbobonc Settlement in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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H1 - H4 City Gates - Verbobonc

The City Gates of Verbobonc serve as vital points of access and security for the city, each gate equipped and manned to maintain the safety and order of this bustling hub. With four primary gates, the city ensures controlled entry for travelers and merchants while upholding its defenses against potential threats.


Verbobonc City, a key trade and political center, is fortified with a series of gates, each serving a specific purpose and direction. These gates are crucial for the regulation of trade, collection of taxes, and the safeguarding of the city's residents.

The Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc

The city's guard and police force, known as the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, are responsible for maintaining peace and order at the gates. Each gate is typically manned by three guards and aided by a Paladin of St. Cuthbert, whose primary role is to detect any evil presence among the entrants.

City Gate Descriptions

H1 West (Trade) Gate

Outer Wall: This gate has a second wall skirting around it, 20ft high. This ‘outer’ wall houses the first drawbridge across the moat. Guarded by no less than 20 archers (Ftr1, longbows). The wall also has a 60-foot, 6 story ‘scout’ tower on the West side.
Inner bailey: Has second moat. Single building that towers to 60-feet and houses the drawbridge. Beyond the drawbridge is a portcullis and the first set of reinforced wooden doors. 20 feet past that, within the tower is a second set of iron doors
  • Location: Northwest side of the Velverdyva River guarding access to Ryemend district
  • Function: Heavily fortified to deter invasions from the Kingdom of Furyond
  • Security: Staffed by 20 archers and 2 sorcerers for added defense

H2 North (River) Gate

The north gate of Verbobonc City is an impressive stone structure. Despite this motto, the tallest spires rising over the city walls are from buildings of elven manufacture, from the days before either man or gnome had come to the area. At a hill in the center of the city rises V1-3 Castle Greyfist, Citadel of the Viscount, stronghold of the Viscount of Verbobonc.
  • Aesthetic Feature: A beautifully crafted marble arch with rose vines, symbolizing unity between man and gnome
  • Notable: The gate displays the motto "Earth and Stone, Man and Gnome" in Common and Gnomish

H3 East (High) Gate

  • Access: To the 'High Road' leading south and east to the Village of Hommlet, the Kron Hills, and the elven realm of Celene
  • Unique Structure: Features two parallel towers, doubling the standard guard presence

H4 South-way (Low) Gate

  • Route: Continues southwest towards the Iron Wood and the Kingdom of Veluna
  • Traffic: Used by travelers and trade from these regions

Gate/Tower Features

  • Construction: Each gatehouse is a 40ft tall tower, 4 stories high with arrow slits and a drawbridge over the moat
  • Defenses: Include a portcullis, reinforced wooden doors, and murder-holes for pouring hot oil/fire
  • Alarm System: Each gatehouse is equipped with an alarm system similar to those in wall towers, allowing quick mobilization of the city's defenses

Tax Collection and Security Measures

Tax Collection: A Haxx's Hardheads tax collector is present at each gate, imposing taxes on both incoming and outgoing individuals and goods Security Measures: In addition to the physical defenses, each entrant is peace-bonded, and their belongings are inspected for any evil intent or contraband. Guard dogs are deployed to detect invisible or magically hidden entrants.  


The City Gates of Verbobonc are not only entry points but also bastions of defense, cultural significance, and economic activity. Each gate, with its unique features and dedicated personnel, plays a crucial role in maintaining the city's prosperity and security. Through meticulous organization and vigilant guard, Verbobonc thrives as a safe, welcoming city for all who enter its gates.

Velverdyva River & Bridge

The great Velverdyva River is 608 ft wide at this point. It can go as deep as 45 feet, and does not completely freeze over to this point in winter. In the past, the North side of the river (and the town of Ryemend) was only reached by ferry, due to the great width of the river. In 156CY the Aerdy forces built the bridge. It was a massive project that took most of the legion and some Wizards to accomplish.   The bridge has an old Aerdy look (read: ancient Roman). It can accommodate 2 wagons, side by side at the top. Near the south end of the bridge, many shops have been built along its sides (which overhang the bridge). The Bridge has a clearance of only 40ft from waterline.   A small, 20 ft centre section of the bridge is made of wood (the remainder of the bridge is made of stone/brick construction). This small section is not permanently attached to the rest of the bridge. It can be ‘swiveled’ out of the way, to accommodate taller ships (usually ships rigging's will be taller than the bridge). The gnomes built large clockwork gears to allow a single person to ‘crank’ and move the section easily. The Bridge Engineer is signaled from below that a large ship needs to pass the bridge, and he halts road traffic. He then uses the crank to move the centre section. In case of emergencies (if any mechanisms fail), he as a ‘Wand of Levitation’ (supplied by the city) he uses to raise the wooden section and lower it again when the ship has passed.

Nigb’s Run (river

Nigb's Run is named after the legendary gnome adventurer Nigb Cyrbos. This river is roughly 140 feet wide at the mouth where it connects to the Velverdyva River. Nigb’s Run is navigable by small ships up to the town of Etterboek. From there the river narrows and becomes much more swift/shallow as it enters the Kron Hills. Beyond Etterboek, only small riverboats will be able to navigate its waters, as it narrows to only 20 feet in width as it approaches Hommlet.   The water at the mouth of this river is very slow moving and has become a favorite place for ships to port. There is a lot of river traffic at this junction. Much of the gems/metals mined from the Kron Hills are received in Verbobonc via ore barges along this river.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
by 3orcs
The Walls and Towers of Verbobonc
Large city
Location under

Cover image: by 3orcs


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