Azimuth 2 - Session 17 - Setting Out

General Summary

Northern Orcish Plains

The Orc Highway
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers, joined by Captain Ruslan, the orphan Leena, and the other caravan guards, set out from Porgorag southwards along the Orc Highway. The spring weather was warm and clear, and the plains buzzed with the sounds of insects and the skittering of small creatures in the tall grasses.   On the road the first day, the group tended to the carts and horses, and they filled their time with personal activities.   Leena distracted Romsca and Arwin with her knife throwing practice. This prompted Romsca to ask if anyone knew leatherworking, and Romulus offered his aid, and they both offered to teach Leena about knives. Later on, Arwin got Leena’s attention with his own knife throwing, and the pair threw their weapons at the side of the carts.   Ilmendwyth stood at the front of the caravan, keeping an eye on the road along with Ruslan. Ruslan looked over his map from the Ritivan Cartographers Guild and said it seemed fine as a full continent map, but didn’t seem to be very accurate on a local level. He asked Ilmendwyth if he was familiar with northern Tarteria, and they idly made conversation as they walked.   Demitri spent his travel near to the central wagon where the box with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring was stored, thinking about the ring and what they still didn’t know about its purpose. Nearby, Mortimr read through his The History of the Third Age book, looking for clues about residuum and hints of the ring.   As the day progressed, Gertrude did her best to keep her spirits up with song. However, her shorter stride meant she slowly fell farther and farther back in the caravan.   As the first day of travel came towards evening, Ruslan sang a rendition of the Santeemite song, Tears of Lake Ozero. Then, he ordered the caravan off the roadway to prepare a camp for the night. Ilmendwyth, Romulus, and Arwin went out hunting. After they brought back a large boar and several foraged plants, Gertrude and Ruslan prepared a hearty meal for the group.   Around the campfire, they prepared for their evening. While Demitri set up his tent, Mortimr continued to read, finding no hints about residuum or the green ring. Romsca set herself to metalworking, and Gertrude shared her ale with Ruslan.   Ruslan thanked Gertrude and said the group seemed to have some noticeable chemistry together, which no one commented on. Continuing, he said at least they seemed to work well together as a team. He joked some with Romsca before he headed to bed.  
Overnight Watches
Mortimr, Chaka, and Demitri stayed awake for the first watch. Chaka raised his helmet and softly played his yarting in the firelight. Mortimr asked him if he knew the song Lament of the Mountain, which Demitri recognized but Chaka did not. He offered to match the tune if Mortimr hummed or sang it, but he declined and dropped it.   Demitri asked them about Kelwin. Chaka described him as a kind man, but admitted they didn’t know that much about him. Mortimr said something was weird with the whole thing, thinking of the green creature he had seen at the end, but he didn’t elaborate. Arwin perked up, criticizing the group’s conversation, and Demitri and Arwin traded teasing for a while.   During the watch, Demitri felt a spell connection and heard the voice of a panicked Asmik Makara in his head. Shakily, the assemblyman said, "Ah, Demitri, it’s your good friend, Assemblyman Makara. I... spoke to Mr. Sokolov, he and his... lovely associate wanted to relay… (um, just read that? Of course…) 'noisy loose threads are dealt with'? I don't-". Demitri heard violent gurgling and the spell was suddenly cut off. Demitri sat for a moment before assuring himself that everything was fine, as he was far from the Santeem Republic. Still, the interaction shook him.   They woke up Romulus and Ilmendwyth for the middle watch. Romulus Wild Shaped into a panther and stalked the campsite. He followed a pair of wild armadillos to practice his stealth and pouncing, easily getting the jump on them in his feline form. After his hunting, he settled into a watch from the awning cover of a wagon.   Meanwhile, another of the awake caravan guards approached Ilmendwyth. The half-orc asked him if he could bag a boar for the rest of the group next time. Ilmendwyth regarded him and said he would see what he could do.   Looking over the rest of the guards, Ilmendwyth noted they had mostly settled into small groups or pairs. However, several were keeping to themselves, including a hooded tiefling. Ilmendwyth also noticed one of the guards had slipped away during the day's travel.   As the first hints of morning showed, Romulus woke Gertrude for the last watch. Startled at his panther form, she punched him before realizing it was Romulus.   As Romsca and Gertrude awoke and prepared, Romsca used the metal she had worked and bits of the hide from last night’s boar, and she prayed to Morounin to craft a small set of studded leather armor.   Gertrude prepared dwarvish coffee for the caravan. In the first rays of sunlight, she blessed the caravan in the name of Chedae, The Heaven's Light. Awoken by the coffee, Mortimr scoffed at her prayer. Gertrude went over to the cart he was under, saying, “Hello, darling. Now, I know that my faith might not be of interest to you, but it I choose to bless the whole caravan to make myself feel better, I’m going to do so. You don’t have to like it; however, you don’t have to mock me either. Good morning!”   Romsca and Gertrude talked about their roles as clerics. Gertrude had always been one, but Romsca had only been a cleric for four years. She didn’t seem confident in her actions yet, but Gertrude reassured her, saying, “Life is all about finding things that make you happy and are useful to others.”   Mortimr joined them and said he disagreed. He said, “That’s not what life is about. Life isn’t about shit.” Gertrude berated him for his pessimism, and he quieted down as Gertrude’s brash optimism reminded him of his younger brother, Borli.  
A Skittish Dwarf
In the morning of 5 Adroth, the rest of the caravan started to rouse. Demitri looked haggard and tired, immediately going for Gertrude’s dwarven coffee. Chaka approached and thanked him for the conversation during their watch, and he gave Demitri a small sketch as a gift.   Meanwhile, Romsca gave the newly crafted armor to Leena, which she seemed ecstatic about. Romulus offered to give Romsca some hide from an armadillo Cinis had hunted to help improve the armor as well. Leena’s armor was complete with a new belt for her daggers, and Romsca promised to show her how to properly throw them.   Chaka felt the day was going to be bright and clear, and Romulus confirmed this with his druidic magic. Ruslan got everyone else up and going, and soon they were off south again. As they got underway, Ilmendwyth noted an eagle still soared high above them in the updrafts, and he made a note to continue watching it.   After midday, they noticed a large carriage heading the opposite direction on the highway, pulled by a stout, horned ram. The carriage’s paint had been stripped from the wood, the windows and doors were covered, and they noted a faded spot where a sign may have once been above the driver’s seat.   The driver was a nervous looking dwarf in fine clothing. When Ruslan offered greetings, the dwarf did not reply and averted his eyes from the group. Demitri said the dwarf was suspicious, and Ruslan agreed the dwarf was rude.   Arwin shadowed the cart and stealthily approached. He opened one of the tied doors and entered unnoticed. He found many trade goods and supplies, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Meanwhile, Romulus approached the cart and offered the ram some food. He spoke with the ram, who seemed unperturbed and largely disinterested, but confirmed to Romulus the dwarf driver did own the cart.   Both Mortimr and Chaka used Detect Thoughts on the carriage driver. This dwarf was incredibly nervous, and he was ready to lie and declare he was not a merchant. They also heard the dwarf’s fears they might be rebels, as the dwarf seemed concerned of an attack on the highway.   Eventually, the dwarf’s cart fully passed beyond the caravan, and they watched him depart. It seemed the dwarf was certainly a merchant, but he was trying to not appear as such on the road. The group thought of the rumors they had heard of the western rebellion and the current dangers of the roads in Tarteria.   As evening came, Ilmendwyth noted a few more of the guards had left the group through the day, including the tiefling he had seen earlier. With the day coming toward a close, they started to look for a good place to camp, and some started to keep an eye out for good prey to hunt for the coming dinner.
Report Date
08 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
4 Adroth 5A 352 to 5 Adroth 5A 352