Azimuth 2 - Session 14 - Voltha's Walk

General Summary


Darksteel Foundry
Outside the Darksteel Foundry, civilian onlookers were more agitated. As Romsca and Romulus entered, they saw why. In the center of the yard, three covered wagons were being loaded with the aid caravan goods. Captain Ruslan was directing those loading the wagons, which were being loaded tightly as there were only three instead of the needed four.   Romsca asked Ruslan if they could bring the orphans Godsguard Ankhan wanted to send south. Ruslan said he’d be happy to help if possible, but he was hesitant. With only three wagons, the orphans would need to be carried or walk on their own, and if something happened in transit, they would be hard to protect. Ruslan said he would be fine with it if they could get another carriage or wagon to transport them.   Romsca went and spoke with Parn Snowale at the trade goods shop. She traded for some lead and platinum, and she asked if Parn would be willing to do a quality check over the goods she had made.   Romsca went to her chambers and used her broken armor, Arwin’s mess kit, and the various partial pieces she had, and she began to forge a new set of armor and make a vial of holy water through her rituals. Then, she went to the Ash Forge and made arrows for Arwin.   Meanwhile, Romulus spent time assisting with the loading of the wagons, which were fully packed and ready to go within the hour. Ruslan said they would be ready to go whenever the party returned. While Romsca worked, Romulus left to catch up with the rest of the group.  
In Westfield, Chaka picked up the glass vial that had appeared in the street. Mortimr determined this vial was the exact one Minagak just used to provide a sample to Chaka at teh Yewberry Apothecary. They looked, but Ilmendwyth and Mortimr were not able to source of the eerie music.   The party continued across town towards Eastfield. They reached a section of several specialty shops called Voltha’s Walk.  
Cloak and Trident
As Romulus rejoined them, they went to Cloak and Trident and met Orkid Aspara, an enchanter originally from Branca. She was busy removing stock from a cellar behind the counter and sealing the entrance.   Orkid showed a number of magical items to the group. She casually mentioned she had a Hat of Disguise at one point, but it was purchased by Coinguard Gim Gorod. She spoke of some of her history in the town; the Coinguard had helped bring her in from Port Haville and was her first customer.   Arwin asked what Orkid was doing with the cellar, and she said some of her stock had gone missing. Mortimr offered his services as a private investigator. He took a look in the cellar and could tell a hole had been dug through the wall, which had been sealed with earthen magic.   Mortimr asked about this and listed the items he recovered from the Spring of the Natant Yew. Orkid relayed she had seen a bloated and diseased looking orc take the goods, and she chose to seal the entrance. The party recognized this orc as the one that exploded in the sewers.   Romulus bought a Rope of Mending, Chaka bought a Handy Spice Pouch, Arwin bought a Thunderstone, and Gertrude bought a Tankard of Sobriety. Arwin asked for items to increase stealth or eyesight, and she said she didn’t have anything at the ready but could work on commission.   While Mortimr looked around, Demitri called Orkid over to the component stands. He discussed his need for a diamond, and she directed him to First Mountain Jewels. Demitri tried to continue the conversation to distract Orkid while Mortimr searched for log books. As he grabbed them, though, a ringing alarm sounded and alerted Orkid. She used magic to move the tiles beneath Mortimr and shift him to the other side of the counter.   As the party left, Demitri derided Orkid and the shop, saying, “I give it a month, tops.”  
First Mountain Jewels
They then went to First Mountain Jewels. They heard motion in the upper level, and Demitri called out. Kororsh came down, and Mortimr recognized him as the same half-orc he had seen earlier seemingly leaving Gim Gorod's Residence. Demitri checked if this was an illusion, but it seemed to be the real Kororsh.   Kororsh said it was rare to see orcs in his shop due to biases against his dworcish upbringing. He was from Endor, the First Mountain, and was taught his trade by Clan Hamarhart dwarves. He said he came to Tarteria to “be with my people.” Kororsh talked about how cities along the Orc Highway were more multi-cultural, and farther out, cities were more orc-centric.   Mortimr asked if he’d been to the coinguard’s house. He said he hadn’t. Mortimr also asked about Cardinal Desires, and Kororsh said he used to go there, but he suddenly wasn’t with his girl anymore. Mortimr suggested he try again.   Demitri bought a diamond, Arwin bought two platinum rings, and Chaka bought a pearl ring, which Kororsh resized to fit his hand.   Gertrude asked if he had a Circlet of Blasting and showed him a pink gemstone she asked to be incorporated. Kororsh took a look at the stone, which was carved into an edelweiss blossom and emitted a soft light. Kororsh asked where she got the stone and Gertrude said it was intended to be a gift she had held onto for “about 250 years.”   Demitri asked more about Kororsh’s experience as an orc from outside Tarteria and what he knew about Stephan's Folly. Kororsh recognized it as a terrible moment in history, but one that led to his life being what it was. He didn’t want to harsh the vibe, though, and offered to have “bro time” with Demitri if he wanted to talk about it.  
Pages for Ages
Lastly, they went to Pages for Ages, while Chaka and Watchguard Inzun waited outside. While waiting, Chaka broke a string on his yarting.   Inside, they met the elven shopkeeper, Trawlana. Arwin and Demitri asked after language books; Arwin subtly purchased a basic Beastcommon book, and Demitri bought a more advanced Orcish book. Demitri also asked after a Draconic language book, and the shopkeeper became more invested, asking if he was “interested in Dragons”.   Trawlana was an author working on a book, The Time the Eight Dragons Had Tea, which she said was “a blasphemous telling of a fictional meeting of the Dragons that devolves into petty squabbling.” She was searching for a pen name to use as she felt her familial name, Snuggleshine, would draw a younger audience than she intended.   Gertrude was very interested and asked if she could read it. Trawlana said she would appreciate a religious set of eyes to read through it. She provided a copy of the book, and Gertrude sat by the window to read.   For a pseudonym, Demitri suggested “Teakitisu”, which was Draconic for “The Tea Maid”. Trawlana thanked him, saying she really like the suggestion.   Mortimr asked after Tarterian law books, but Trawlana had none. He also asked after history books, and Trawlana mentioned several in stock. Demitri bought a copy of The Fate of Johanna. Mortimr bought copies of The Cycle of Ages and The History of the Third Age.   By the time they finished the transactions, Gertrude finished reading.
Related Time
3 Adroth 5A 352