Azimuth 2 - Session 13 - Growing Ties

General Summary


Glistening Hog Tavern
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. Demitri asked the group if they’d like to participate in a drinking game to spur conversations and ask questions of each other. They would take turns asking questions to one another, and you could either answer the question or take a drink. The group agreed, and they began asking questions.   Over the course of the conversations, the following information was shared:  
  • Arwin grew up in Branca, the Kingdom of the South.
  • When asked where he learned to shoot a bow, he took a drink.
  • The faded symbol on the back of Arwin’s cloak is from the Brancana Rangers, an elite unit of rangers and archers of the Brancan military. They are charged with the protection of the eastern border and have become known as enforcers of the anti-beastfolk laws in Branca. This organization was originally founded by Aoth Stormwind.
  • The residuum arrows he carries were given to him as a gift.
  • When asked why he seemed uncomfortable around Godsguard Ankhan, he took a drink.
  • Arwin said the cloaked person in the crowd outside the Darksteel Foundry was from the western rebellion and they claimed to have seen Chedae in the west.
Gertrude Oathenhammer
  • Gertrude was involved with the founding of Fort Johanna in her youth, before she was a priestess.
  • She became a priestess after a religious event in her youth. When she was five, on the Dragonrise holiday, her father used a favor to show her Chedae's Tear. When viewing this, she heard Chedae’s voice speak to her.
  • Gertrude waited for so long to leave Endor, the First Mountain, because she was waiting for a calling from Chedae. She didn’t know if Chedae waited this long for a reason.
  • Her shield was a gift from her family. The shield’s name is Valja.
  • Demitri started filing his tusks as a result of Santeem Republic perceptions of orcs, and as an attempt to fit in more. He also said it “wasn’t entirely my choice” to do so. Demitri said he was now too old for them to properly grow back.
  • Demitri wasn’t sure what he was seeking in Tarteria. In Santeem, he spent time in the Santeem Morounin Archive seeking information on orcish culture. He had to keep his interest in this a secret.
  • When asked about what his prophecy might mean, he took a drink.
  • Demitri got his facial scar after winning a duel against a Santeem noble, Baron von Faust. After Demitri won and offered him his hand, the Baron struck him. Demitri then killed him.
Mortimr Gwathagoldrin
  • The fake name Mortimr first used, "Zildri", was that name of someone who lived down the street from his childhood home in Tempe.
  • When asked where he learned to cast magic, he took a drink.
  • When asked about his prophecy and who the “adversary unknown to you” was, he truly stated he did not know, but he intended to find out.
  • Chaka’s skill in painting is mostly self-taught.
  • Chaka wears a helmet because he fears that those in northern Tarteria would not take him seriously as an artist. He feels they would not judge his work on its merit, but on his race.
  • He said his type of artistry is not well understood in his home, either. Chaka also said he did not leave word of his departure, and was unsure if there was anyone seeking him.
  • After expressing an ask for the group’s discretion, he revealed he is a hobgoblin.
  • When Mortimr asked why Chaka vouched for him, he took a drink.
  • Chaka said he did not know anything about the Calen Estel art thief.
  • Ilmendwyth said he’s been shooting a bow his whole life, and he was taught by the “best instructors of Haradren for quite some time.”
  • Ilmendwyth’s bow does not have a name, and he stated it was a tool.
  • He said he did not know anything about the Calen Estel art thief.
  • He is a member of the Sacred Guardians who are sworn to protect the World Tree.
  • Ilmendwyth is old enough to have seen the Manslayer War firsthand.
  • When asked about the elves’ interest in the caravan, he said their interest was in the spreading corruption and that the caravan was of “little importance” to him.
Romsca, Smelter of Ingots
  • Romsca was originally from the Gorl Forest in northern Endor, from the settlement of Gohled Teente.
  • When Mortimr asked why she vouched for him, she said she recognized the vengeance in his eyes aimed at the Tarterian Traders.
  • Romsca’s tribe left Parthenia hundreds of years ago to preserve “the old ways” that were rapidly shifting after the Manslayer War.
  • She left her home due to the shifting needs for her home tribe. As part of being able to adapt and fit in, she was the first tribe member selected as a type of cultural envoy, and she was sent out five years ago to learn crafts to bring back to her tribe.
  • Romulus comes from a large family and has sixteen siblings. He is directly in the middle.
  • Romulus left his home to find his own name, as he learned that "inheritance can only trickle down so far."
  • Romulus carves the notable deeds that have happened on his journey as he strives to make his own name, as a way to tell his story and inform his name "when I feel the time is right to choose it."
When the conversation shifted to Romsca's tribe and the world’s view of gnolls, Arwin expressed disbelief the gnolls were capable of culture. Romulus shared some information about the Manslayer War and gnollish participation during that time. Ilmendwyth mentioned that while he could understand Arwin’s predispositions, as he himself was old enough to have seen the war firsthand, it had changed rapidly over the course of the Fifth Age.   The party discussed if it was better to go west immediately or go south to New Keeleon first, to complete the aid caravan transport and speak with Argilla. Romsca said it seemed like everyone else had other motivations. Gertrude said that they may have other things they needed to do, but they agreed to complete the aid caravan and they would do so. Mortimr asked what Romsca would do if something more important presented itself, and she said she didn’t know.   Gertrude and Romsca noticed a green glowing from among Ilmendwyth’s possessions. He excused himself and went outside, saying he needed to use the restroom. Ilmendwyth received a message from Celanoth Thoromel, which asked after the "nest" Ilmendwyth was near. It also made mention that "that falcon was fluttering" and said he was working on it. Ilmendwyth replied, saying, "the nest has been broken". He then returned to the group.   For the meeting with the Coinguard later that night, Demitri shared the spare Earrings of Message with Arwin, Mortimr, and Ilmendwyth. As Gim Gorod had now seen all of the party with Mortimr, they felt they would need to be stealthy or they may scare off Gim Gorod. They discussed potential ways this might be done.   During this conversation, Watchguard Inzun entered the tavern and approached. She said the owner of Cloak and Trident didn’t provide any new information. Ilmendwyth asked if the coinguard would be suspicious if he saw Inzun at the tavern later on, and she said yes. Despite this, Demitri said it was important that Inzun overhear any conversation from Gim Gorod.  
Second Square
Shortly after noon, the party left the tavern, intending to finish some shopping and other tasks. While leaving, Romulus put a hand on Arwin’s shoulder, saying, “Brancana Rangers, huh?” Arwin asked if there was going to be a problem, and Romulus said, “Depends how many kills you got.”   Romsca wanted to replace her damaged armor and speak with Captain Ruslan, and she left towards the Darksteel Foundry with Romulus.   Outside in Second Square, Arwin and Mortimr scouted the alleys and buildings near to the Glistening Hog Tavern and looked for exits and potential vantage points. Meanwhile, Chaka looked in the shops and stalls for any art items for sale, but didn’t find anything.   At the Tin Tradepost, Demitri bought a cloak, Arwin bought some ball bearings, and Mortimr bought a forgery kit. At the stand for the Hero Hunters, Chaka took an informational pamphlet.  
Yewberry Apothecary
The party then went to the Yewberry Apothecary. They spoke with Minagak, who had completed a small batch of basic healing potions. Gertrude purchased two and Mortimr purchased a third, which was the last of Minagak’s stock. Minagak said she hadn’t yet had the time to finish more potent potions. She also said she was missing needed supplies, which she normally traded for with someone from outside of town named Loupaché. She told the party she would be happy to trade some of her goods if they could connect with Loupaché and check on him.   Chaka asked Minagak about ingredients or materials used as dyes. She had some from her supplies, showing her strong scented oils and acids. Chaka asked if she could have a small sample of them to try, and he paid for some small vials.   Giving their thanks, the party left and headed towards Eastfield. On the way, they turned a blind corner and set on the ground directly in their path was a larger vial of the scented oils Chaka had just asked about. The group quickly recognized it as the same vial they had seen at the apothecary.   Before they could really react, they then heard eerie music; a set of notes echoing around them which sounded very familiar to Chaka and Mortimr.
Related Time
3 Adroth 5A 352