2024 Summer Camp Reading Challenge

2024 Summer Camp

It's been a long month for various personal reasons which I won't go into, but it's been somewhat of a relief to have this challenge happening as well. It's given my brain a creative space to sneak off into when the world around it got too much. I'm proud of myself for completing all 42, but I'm not proud of all of the articles and will probably go back and edit quite a few.

Summer Camp Reading Challenge

For the Reading Challenge, I'm going to pick 5 of the 42 prompts and then select two of the articles for each. Prompts were chosen by asking my brother to randomly choose numbers between 1 and 42.  

Prompt 41: Food often eaten by travellers

by Demongrey

Item | Sep 12, 2024

A food common among sailors and travelers

I love the detail of the history and culture of this item, right down to where the name came from. It makes it feel more real, like something with a past and hundreds of different recipes.
Think more about the history of items.

Mhahar'ane - Traveler’s Date Cake
by Tyrdal

Mhahar'ane - Traveler’s Date Cake
Item | Aug 3, 2024
This sounds so delicious! That description at the beginning pulls me right into the setting. The fact there is a recipe makes me feel as though I could create it myself and I love the bit about it being a shared gift.
Describe with all the senses

Bonfire Broth
by Jontaro

Bonfire Broth
Item | Jul 28, 2024

A Memento in Liquid Form

"A memento in liquid form." I felt this in my soul. I also like the story behind it, the origin. It feels heartening, and the fact that it provides in-game benefits makes it more than just flavour, so to speak.
Consider the cultural significance of items and the impact of them.

Prompt 5: A document that changed the course of history

Proclamation of the Crown
by Hanhula

Proclamation of the Crown
Document | Sep 11, 2024

An announcement of a miracle: the discovery of a key to the salvation of the world... allegedly.

The writing style and the layout of this article are great and make it very easy to read. I also loved the use of quotes and the mystery around it. I finished reading with even more questions and I love that!
I don't need to explain everything. Reconsider how I use quotes.

Berlin Conference
by TynenTM

Berlin Conference
Document | Aug 3, 2024
I really liked the use of context in TynenTM's articles, particularly here because the background helps to explain the impact of the document is based on what it prevented from happening, rather than what it started. TynenTM's articles are always really clear and filled with information without being overwhelming.
Nothing happens in a vacuum. Change comes from stopping things as well as starting them.

Zoological Collections Openings License
by Mochimanoban

Zoological Collections Openings License
Document | Jun 30, 2024

A license that keeps us open all year round, never letting us close down, even for a single day.

I love Mochi's sense of humour and the opening to this article is no exception. I like that while the document is referenced the focus is on the impact it has and how it's a "pain in the rear".
"Why this license exists... I couldn't tell you" The person writing the article doesn't have to know the reasons behind it.

Prompt 36: An animal or plant that feeds on decay

Ebonysand Flower
by Oaster2000

Ebonysand Flower
Creature | Jul 24, 2024

A flower that grows in the Slycol Desert that feeds upon the region's decay

I love that the flower firstly sounds beautiful and secondly has protective properties. I also like the consequences of these protective properties, people wanting to grow the flowers etc. Excellent world-building.
Simplify my extracts, to make them more concise.

Wolf Fur
by Serukis

Wolf Fur
Species | Jul 23, 2024

The wolf fur fungus is endemic to the forests of Sarsand, where it grows on fallen, rotting trees and dead wood.

What an evocative name for a fungus! I love the descriptions of it, which cover not only what it looks like, but also how it tastes down to the mouthfeel. A lot of information that was really excellently and concisely communicated.
Consider all of the senses when writing descriptions, particularly when describing something edible!

by Spooktacular

Species | Sep 7, 2024
The design is simple and beautiful. Pictures like this make me wish I had any artistic talent! And I love the idioms in the quotes, even if my eyes struggled a little with the contrast.
I need to consider how species families link together, bonemoths being a species of deathmoth

Prompt 26: Slang or a language associated with a religion or belief

by Drunkenpanda951

Language | Aug 2, 2024
I love the conversational tone of this article. The meanings of the words are really smart and I like that it's specifically related to goblin artificers. I also love that the belief system is not a religious one.
Make a note of the word gobbledygook, I want to use it more in conversation.

by Dazzlinkat

Language | Aug 1, 2024
This is such a good reminder that language articles don't need to be about the lettering and vocabulary of a language. I love these proverbs and will be finding ways to drop them into conversation.
Every culture has proverbs and sayings specific to them.

Flower Messages
by Frod0_baggins

Flower Messages
Language | Aug 3, 2024
I love a non-verbal language, but I hadn't thought about the fact that they could have dialects! This is genius and I love everything about it.
Think about how I can add a non-verbal language or two.

Prompt 19: A tradition that brings comfort

by Callyxtus

Tradition / Ritual | Jul 27, 2024

A technique that help you to relax and also to regenerate your mana if you're a magic user.

I like that this is a tradition which helps with relaxation and the restoration of magic. I think traditions often serve multiple purposes, so I like that detail. I also like how you can see the tradition being passed from one culture to another.
Consider how things pass between cultures and peoples.

Flowering Flame
by Catoblepon

Flowering flame
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 6, 2024

A burial tradition that came for Ashtara. [CW: talk of the death and burial process]

I like that this tradition gives comfort to the family and peace to the dead. This tradition is so beautiful and heartfelt. It feels as though every detail is there.
I need to consider the emotion behind a tradition.

Downhill Soup Night
by Tillerz

Downhill Soup Night
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 10, 2024

Sharing stories and soup, one bowl at a time.

This is just a lovely article about a lovely tradition. I want to go here! I also like the depth of it being something that started for nutrition and developed to be for the community spirit.
I need to consider how I use multiple quotes

World Building Goals

All of my world-building goals are listed in my New Years Resolutions article. I'm breaking my goals up by quarters because it allows me to be a bit more flexible about what I'm doing.   I have targets around the number of articles I'm aiming to write, and I also want to spend some time reviewing the articles I wrote for Summer Camp!  
I also have a goal around writing fiction, and am actually attending a writer's retreat in September, which I'm very excited about. But that's not all...   The big thing I'm doing next is Mystember. I've never run an unofficial challenge before, so I'm really looking forward to it!


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Aug 9, 2024 09:31 by Mochi

Thank you so much for featuring the ZCOL! <3 I had a lot of fun with that article despite its size, and I'm super happy you enjoyed it! :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 10, 2024 19:09 by Elspeth

<3 It's a great article and a lot of fun to read!

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 9, 2024 09:42

Thanks for including Pemmican in your list!

Aug 10, 2024 19:09 by Elspeth

It's a great article! <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 9, 2024 11:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Thank you so much for including wolf fur on your list! :) You picked some great articles for your challenge.   I'm so excited for you that you're going to a writers' retreat. I hope you have so much fun! :)

Aug 10, 2024 19:10 by Elspeth

Thank you! I can't wait for the retreat. It's going to be good. XD

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 9, 2024 12:08 by Han

Thank you so much! I really appreciate being included! Those are some very fun learnings you're getting from everyone's articles; personally, I think knowing when to leave out information is one of the most fun things. People like to fill in the gaps with their imagination and that can lead to some very entertaining theories!

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 10, 2024 19:12 by Elspeth

I think you're 100% right. Figuring out what to include and where to leave gaps is the most difficult thing and it can make all the difference.

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 9, 2024 17:38

thank you so much for the kind comments! I'm glad you liked my article :D

I can hear the stars, they are singing to me...
For more mystery and magic, check out the world of Starsong
Aug 10, 2024 19:13 by Elspeth

It's a great article! :D

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 10, 2024 07:56 by Jon

YOOOOOO THAT'S ME THERE I AM bvshjdfbv. Thanks so much for the kind words!!!

While I would love to go on an adventure, writing them is enough for me.
Aug 10, 2024 19:13 by Elspeth

XD Your welcome. It's a great article!

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 12, 2024 20:59

Thank you so much for featuring "Meditation" on your list!!. I'm so happy that you enjoyed it!! :3

Aug 12, 2024 21:40 by Elspeth

I really did! Such a good article. <3

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 29, 2024 15:05 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanx for including my article

Come vist my worlds
Aug 30, 2024 19:10 by Elspeth

You're very welcome! I really enjoyed it.

So many worlds to choose from...
Aug 30, 2024 20:46

Thank you for including me in such illustrious company! Really happy you enjoyed my date cakes.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 31, 2024 18:59 by Elspeth

Honestly, they made me hungry! XD Such a good article.

So many worlds to choose from...
Sep 2, 2024 10:36 by Grey

Thanks so much for the feature, I'm really glad you enjoyed my Bonemoths! And thanks for the feedback on the contrast- it's the default with the skin I use but I'm hoping to tweak it down the track! <3

Sep 2, 2024 16:25 by Elspeth

You're very welcome! I really enjoyed it! <3

So many worlds to choose from...