Religion of Terrania in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Religion of Terrania


Religion and daily worship are at the heart of day-to-day life in Terrania. The vast majority of its inhabitants pray many of the gods of the Terranian Pantheon, in the hopes of appeasing them or gaining their favor. Within the heart many cities and towns have large temples devoted to the various Gods of the Pantheon. Beyond that, shrines and statues dot the landscape of Terrania giving its folks a constant reminder of the deities guiding the the land.  

The Pantheon

  In Terrania, this is the named used to describe the collection of deities worshipped.   Auril, Goddess of Winter and Mountains
Azuth, God of Wizards and Arcane Study
Chauntea, Goddess of Agriculture, Summer and Spring
Deneir, God of Writing, Cartography and Scholarship
Gond, God of Creation, Craft and Terrain
Helm, God of Protection, Duty and Self-Sacrifice
Ilmater, God of Endurance
Kelemvor, God of Death
Lathander, The Sun God of Birth, Youth, Vitality and Renewal
Lliira, Goddess of Joy
Mielikki, Goddess of Forests
Milil, God of Poetry and Song
Mystra, Goddess of Magic and Cosmic Balance
Oghma, God of Knowledge and History
Savras, God of Divination and Fate
Shar, Goddess of Darkness and Loss
Selune, Goddess of the Moon
Silvanus, God of Wild Nature and the Hunt
Sune, Goddess of Peace, Love, and Beauty
Talos, God of Storms
Tempus, God of War
Torm, God of Adventure, Courage and Heroism
Tymora, Goddess of Good & Mis- fortune
Tyr, God of Law and Justice
Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea and Trade   The Pantheon is divided among two groups; The Inheritors; deities that descend from the Eternals. These include Gond, Chauntea, Lllira, Milil, Tymora Talos, Sune Tempus, Lathander, Kelemvor, Shar, Selune, Savras, Mielikki, Mystra, Tyr, Auril, Umberlee and Oghma. The other group are the Ascendants; deities that used to be mortals but were chosen to ascend to godhood. This includes, Torm, Illmater, Azuth, Helm, Deneir, and Silvanus.


The Eternal are a collection of Greater Deities that rule the planes beyond our own. It is believed the gods of our world descend from these greater beings. For humanity; their existence is beyond our capabilities of understanding, and therefore no definitive gospel exists of them.  

The Creation Story

The plane Terrania exists in was created by the Eternal as a domain to be ruled by their sons and daughters. The first god to arrive on Terrania was Savras. With his power of foresight, he saw the future, and the potential for what this realm could become. He advised the next god, Gond theGod of creation how how best to create this new world. Gond set out crafting the mountains, valleys and plains. Following Savras and Gond were Umberlee and Mielikk who filled the world with water and nature. The siblings Lathander and Selune arrived bringing with them their domains, the sun and moon. Selune was followed by her jealous twin sister; Shar, who sought to counter her sister's luster by plunging the world into darknesss. Auril and Talos followed next bringing with them weather and cold. Auril, possibly being the most powerful expanded her domain the farthest, covering Terrania in cold and ice. The other Gods, not happy with this arrangement, conspired to figure out a way to slow down Auril's growth. In response, at the behest of Savras, Lathander sent Chauntea, Auril's younger sister to Terrania. She brought with her the warmth and growth, receding the spread of Auril's power. Mystra was next, coming to our world to help the other gods create things to fascinate them and populate their domain. With her magic, Gond created the first tribe of humans lead by demi-god Kelemvor. Mielikki and Umberlee used Mystra magic to create the various species of animals and creatures to fill their domains. The humans proved to be too power for this world, and their existence threatened the integrity of the other gods domains. Their existence also sparked into divinity many new gods such as Tyr, Tymora, Tempus, and Oghma; as well as the condemned gods Baal, Cyric and Malar. Adhering to the advice set forth by Savras; Kelemvor was ascended to God of Death, and was responsible for curtailing the life of humans to prevent them from taking over the world. Also, the divine beings created by the humans were ascended as well with the purpose of controlling humanity and ushering them down the path of harmony.  

The Great Shattering

This event was a deity level war which caused almost the complete ruin of Terranian and The Pantheon. The now Condemned Gods of Terrania conspired against the Inheritors to ursurp their power. During the course of the war; many cataclysmic events happened. Lathander was murdered which lead to a period where the sun was blotted out. Umberlee and Talos were corrupted, and for a short time fought against their Inheritor brothers and sisters. Ultimately, the Inheritors emerged victorious thanks to the rebirth of Lathander, as well as the new ascendants gods; Torm, Helm, Illmater and Azuth. The Condemned gods were cast out of the Pantheon, and their worship among humanity outlawed.  

The Condemned Gods

Due to the events of the Great Shattering, along with the deeds of true evil committed by their devotees in Terrania, these gods have been cast out of the Pantheon, and their worship is banned throughout the land.
Baal, God of Murder
Cyric, God of Illusions, Deception and Lies
Talona, Goddess of Poison and Diseases
Mask, God of Thieves
Loviatar, Goddess of Pain, Lust, Torture |
Myrkul, The Bone God and Patron of Necromancy
Malar, God of Bloodlust and Savagery


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